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PANTONE TPX色卡查询,TPX 颜色查询 页数 1TPX 1TPX 1TPX 1TPX 1TPX 1TPX 1TPX 2TPX 2TPX 2TPX 2TPX 2TPX 2TPX 2TPX 3TPX 3TPX 3TPX 3TPX 3TPX 3TPX 3TPX 4TPX 色号 11-0103TPX 11-0601TPX 11-0602TPX 11-0604TPX 11-4201TPX 11-4300TPX 11-4800TPX 11-0606TPX 11-0701TPX 12-0104TPX 12-0105TPX 12-5202TPX 13-0905TPX 13-4403TPX 11-0104TPX 11-0105TPX 11-0107TPX 11-0507TPX 12-0605TPX 12-0703TPX 12-0804TPX 12-0712TPX 颜色 Egret Bright White Snow White Gardenia Cloud Dancer Marshmallow Blanc de Blanc Pristine Whisper White White Asparagus Bone White Turtledove Birch Silver Birch Vanilla Ice Antique White Papyrus Winter White Angora Seedpearl Cloud Cream Vanilla 颜色名称 4TPX 4TPX 4TPX 4TPX 4TPX 4TPX 5TPX 5TPX 5TPX 5TPX 5TPX 5TPX 5TPX 6TPX 6TPX 6TPX 6TPX 6TPX 6TPX 6TPX 7TPX 7TPX 7TPX 7TPX 7TPX 12-0713TPX 12-0806TPX 12-0812TPX 12-0815TPX 13-0815TPX 13-0917TPX 12-0000TPX 12-0304TPX 12-1403TPX 13-0607TPX 13-0907TPX 13-0908TPX 13-1006TPX 11-0809TPX 11-0907TPX 11-1404TPX 12-0704TPX 12-0710TPX 12-1106TPX 12-1108TPX 11-0603TPX 11-1005TPX 11-1305TPX 11-1306TPX 11-2309TPX Almond Oil Rutabaga Alabaster Gleam Vanilla Custard Banana Crepe Italian Straw White Swan Whitecap Gray Tapioca Fog Sandshell Parchment Creme Brulee Ecru Pearled Ivory Powder Puff White Smoke Navajo Sheer Pink Dew Pastel Parchment Bridal Blush Angel Wing Cream Pink Petal Pink 7TPX 7TPX 8TPX 8TPX 8TPX 8TPX 8TPX 8TPX 8TPX 9TPX 9TPX 9TPX 9TPX 9TPX 9TPX 9TPX 10TPX 10TPX 10TPX 10TPX 10TPX 10TPX 10TPX 11TPX 11TPX 11-2409TPX 12-2103TPX 11-4202TPX 11-4301TPX 11-4802TPX 11-4803TPX 12-4302TPX 12-5201TPX 12-6207TPX 11-4303TPX 11-4601TPX 11-4804TPX 11-4805TPX 12-4304TPX 12-4305TPX 12-5203TPX 11-4604TPX 12-4306TPX 12-4705TPX 12-5303TPX 12-5403TPX 12-5508TPX 12-5603TPX 12-0714TPX 12-0817TPX Delicacy Almost Mauve Star White Lily White Summer Shower Ice Vaporous Gray Icicle Frost Mystic Blue Bit of Blue Lightest Sky Hint of Mint Bluewash Spa Blue Murmur Billowing Sail Barely Blue Blue Blush Sprout Green Blue Flower Hushed Green Zephyr Blue Cornhusk Apricot Gelato 11TPX 11TPX 11TPX 11TPX 11TPX 12TPX 12TPX 12TPX 12TPX 12TPX 12TPX 12TPX 13TPX 13TPX 13TPX 13TPX 13TPX 13TPX 13TPX 14TPX 14TPX 14TPX 14TPX 14TPX 14TPX 12-0910TPX 13-0814TPX 13-0916TPX 13-1009TPX 14-1119TPX 12-0311TPX 13-0611TPX 13-0711TPX 13-1007TPX 14-1014TPX 14-1108TPX 15-1216TPX 12-0404TPX 12-6204TPX 14-0105TPX 14-0210TPX 14-6305TPX 14-6308TPX 15-6307TPX 14-0108TPX 14-0708TPX 14-1107TPX 15-0309TPX 15-0513TPX 16-1108TPX Lamb's Wool Summer Melon Chamomile Biscotti Winter Wheat Asparagus Green Moth Putty Oyster White Gravel Wood Ash Pale Khaki Light Gray Silver Green Overcast Tidal Foam Pelican Alfalfa Agate Gray Castle Wall Cement Oyster Gray Spray Green Eucalyptus Twill 14TPX 15TPX 15TPX 15TPX 15TPX 15TPX 15TPX 15TPX 16TPX 16TPX 16TPX 16TPX 16TPX 16TPX 16TPX 17TPX 17TPX 17TPX 17TPX 17TPX 17TPX 17TPX 18TPX 18TPX 18TPX 16-1110TPX 17-0610TPX 17-1009TPX 17-1107TPX 17-1109TPX 17-1113TPX 17-1118TPX 18-0617TPX 15-1306TPX 16-1105TPX 16-1106TPX 17-0808TPX 17-1310TPX 17-1312TPX 17-1410TPX 14-0002TPX 16-0906TPX 16-1107TPX 16-1407TPX 18-0513TPX 18-1110TPX 18-1112TPX 13-0000TPX 13-0401TPX 13-0403TPX Olive Gray Laurel Oak Dune Seneca Rock Chinchilla Coriander Lead Gray Covert Green Oxford Tan Plaza Taupe Tuffet Taupe Gray Timber Wolf Silver Mink Pine Bark Pumice Stone Simply Taupe Aluminum Cobblestone Bungee Cord Brindle Walnut Moonbeam Oatmeal Gray Morn



