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剑桥国际少儿英语第五册 kb5文本资

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Dan:Hi,Shari. Did you have a good holiday?

Shari:Yeah. Lovely, thanks, Dan. Do you know Alvin? He lives near me and he’s new at school. Dan:Hi, Alvin. Nice to meet you. Alvin:Hi, Dan.

Alvin:What’s that on the board?

Shari:It’s a poster about a new school ezine. Dan:What’s an ezine? Shari:It’s an Internet magazine. Dan:Oh!

Dan:Look. It’s a competition for the best ezine in the

school.Shari:Oh,that’sinteresting.Andthere’saprize!Shallwetryand write one?

Alvin:Good idea, but what shall we write about? All:Hmm.

Alvin:Oh! Can we write about sport and computers? Dan:We can write about anything we like.

Shari:Let’swriteourfirstezineonourschoolsoAlvincanlearn about it. Dan:Ok. 1


Dan:See you outside school at four o’clock.

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Alvin and Shari:See you! 2

U1 Time for television


Alvin:Look at this, Dan.Fun Timeis on TV1 at ten past four.Shall we watch it? Dan:Wait a minute.Animalsis on Tv2 at twenty past four.Shari:Let’s watch that because we all like it.

Dan:Yeah, that a good idea, but what time is it now? Shari:It’s five to four. If we want to watch it, we have to leave now.

Alvin:Come on, then, let’s go!

Dan:Phew. Just in time. It’s quarter past four.

Shari:Hi, Dad. Can we put TV2 on, please? We want to watch Animals.

Mr. Nelson:Oh, I’m sorry, Shari. Not today. The golf’s on TV3and you know I love golf.

Alvin:What time does it finish, Mr. Nelson?

Mr.Nelson:Oh,don’tworry.Itfinishesattwenty-fivepastseven! Three children:Oh! 3

Shari:Well, boys, I think we can watch TV another day.Alvin:You’re right. Let’s go and write something about TV forour ezine.

Dan:Yeah. We can’t watch TV, but we can write about it.Mr. Nelson:Sssshhhh

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Three children:Ooh!

4U2 People at work工作中的人们

Dan:What are we going to write about for our ezine this week?Shari: I don’t know. Have you got any ideas, Alvin?

Alvin: Er, no, but let’s have a look at the exhibition on jobs andthink about it. Dan:Lookatthisnurse.That’saninterestingjob.IthinkI’mgoingtobeannursewhenI’molder.Shari:Hmm.AnurseisOK, but I think I’m going to be a dentist. What are you going todo, Alvin?

Alvin:I’m not sure, but I’m going to have an exciting

job.Teacher:Everybodyhastoleavetheschoolbuildingnow,please. Walk quickly, but don’t run.

Shari:Oh, no! I hope the schoolisn’t going to burn down.Teacher: It’s OK, everybody. It’s only a practice.

Alvin:That’s a really exciting job. I’m going to be a firefighter.Shari:Well, now we know what we’re going to write about inthis week’s ezine! jobs.

Dan:Let’s write about famous people’s jobs. 5

Shari and Alvin:Yeah!

Dan:Yee ha! We’re going to win that prize! 6

U3 City lifexx生活

Mr. Grey:OK, kids. We’re going to meet back here at half pastfive. Don’t get lost!

Dan:Noproblem,Dad!It’stenpasttwonow,sowe’vegotmore than three hours.

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Shari:Wewanttogetsomeinterestinginformationforourezine, so where shall we go first?

Alvin:Tower Bridge is the most famous bridge in London. Let’sgo there. Shari:How do we get there?

Alvin:Let’s look at the map…. Now, we’re outside the station.That’s here. Dan:We have to go straight along this road. We don’t go acrossthe river. We turn left here…

Dan:Ok, now we’re at a corner. Do we want to go left or right,Alvin? Alvin: Er, I don’t know. I think we take the third street on theright, then walk past this park.

Shari:Er, boys…turn the map round! We’re going in the wrongdirection. Shari:Excuse me. Can you tell us how to get to Tower Bridge, 7 please?

Woman:Look, dear. It’s just across the street. It’s behind you. 8

U4 Disaster!灾难! Shari:That was amazing! Alvin:It was really scary as well.

Alvin:Nowwe’ve gota great project for our ezine…Disasters!Shari and Dan:Yeah!

reporter:Well, hello, children. Are you getting warm? Shari, Dan, and Alvin:Yes!

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reporter:Can you tell me what happened?

Shari:It was hot and sunny this morning, so we decided to sailto the small island for a picnic with my dad.

Alvin:When we were sailing to the island, the sky went dark.Reporter: Were you listening to the weather on the radio?Dan:The radio was on, but we weren’t listening to the weather.We were listening to music.

Reporter:Why didn’t you go back to the beach?

Dan:Because we were very near the island.We decided to waitthere for the weather to get better…but it didn’t.A storm started.Shari:We were walking up the beach, looking for somewheresafe to stay,when lighting hit the boat and it caught fire.

Reporter:What a disaster! 9


Alvin:At first,the phone didn’t work. But when they tried againand it was OK. Phew!

Reporter:Were you afraid? Shari, Dan and Alvin:Yes!

Dan:But it was really exciting when the helicopter came to getus. Shari and Alvin:Yeah, that was great! 10

U5 Material things材料

Shari:This is a great new shopping centre. It was all made ofbrick. Look at the sweet shop!

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剑桥国际少儿英语第五册 kb5文本资


