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Cloze Ⅺ 9. A 11. D Translation

Ⅻ 对一个外国人来说,身在美国可能是一段奇特的经历。在7年的海外——4年在法国,3年在波兰——生活后,我和我妻子在一月份回到了美国。从一对杂乱无章的第一印象中,我们就为什么对那些从欧洲来的人们来说美国就是像这样的一个国家,我们汇编了一套从A到Z的解释。

我应该在一开始就说明,我是一个英国人,但在弗罗里达州出生的我的妻子丽莎却是个和苹果派般地到的美国人。然而,在我会变得解释中,A不代表苹果派,他代表:雄心(Amibition )。在旧大陆中人们被告知要知道隐藏的它。在这儿,宣称你在追求老板的职位或这想在30岁以钱赚上一百万,并没有多少不合适。

ⅫⅠ 1. To help foreign inventors get a better understanding of Shanghai .they they’ve compiled this litter guide from the various sources they couldn’t.

2. He’s the sort of person who prefers to keep his plans to himself until they’rerealized.

3. I came to New York from far a way to see him . only to find he had gone abroad two days before.

4. It is difficult to imagine now how we ‘ve survive for so long without electricity,television or telephone.

5. The new policy encourages people to become wealthy if the money has been acquired honestly.

6. If I were in change of the project, I’d make better use of the money that’s available.

7. He was refused an entry permit on the grounds that he was a dangeous personal.

8. It didn’t take the teacher long to catch on that Tom always had excuse for being late with assignments. Text B

Comprehension of the text ⅩⅦ Text C 5. NI

Unit 6 Text A Vocabulary Ⅲ 3. fade 4. revenge 5. soothe 9. nightmare 10. fragmented Word Building

Ⅵ A. 2. truth 3. breadth 4. death 5. depth 8 youth 9. strength

B. 1. in width 2. parents’deaths 3. youth 4. growth 6. some truth

Ⅶ 1. firsthand 2. long-distance 3. hard-line 4. left-hand 5. full 6. second-hand 8. freshwater Cloze Ⅹ Translation Ⅺ 每23分钟。

一颗心破碎了。 某个人的苦痛冲破她的躯体的束缚,伴着眼泪流出,随着哭声的迸发,反抗这一切抚慰绝望心情的努力。睡眠无法使他逃脱醒来的噩梦。清晨带来的只是无法挽回的损失。 每23分钟。

Ⅻ wish you could adopt a more reasonable attitude towards the event.

broke my leg in the car accident and so did my song. old woman,overwhelmed by grief,could hardly/barely walk on her owner.

was 50 years after his death that his accomplishments were acknowledged by society.

there were flame sof war, now there are peace and prosperity. is seriously ill and his disease defies the healing power of any medicine-chest.

has lost confidence in life-the future has blurred and gone blank and his early hopes ha ve faded into nothingness. Tom realized that nothing could change the harsh reality that his family had fallen apart with his parents' sudden deathsman. Text B Comprehension ⅩⅥ

Text C ⅩⅨ



