An Improved Space-Time Joint Anti-jamming Algorithm Based on Variable Step LMS
An Improved Space-Time Joint Anti-jamming
Algorithm Based on Variable Step LMS
Dengao Li;Jinqiang Liu;Jumin Zhao;Gang Wu;Xiaofang Zhao
【期刊名称】《清华大学学报(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2017(022)005
【摘要】In wireless communication,the space-time anti-jamming method is widely applied because it shows better performance than the pure airspace and pure temporal anti-jamming methods.However,its application is limited by its computational complexity,and it cannot suppress narrowband interference that is in the same direction as the navigation signal.To solve these problems,we propose improved frequency filter to filter the narrowband interference from the desired signal direction in advance,meanwhile,an improved variable step Least Mean Square (LMS) method is proposed to complete the space-time array weights with fast iteration,thereby reducing computational complexity.The
conventional methods,the anti-jamming capability of the proposed algorithm is significantly enhanced;and its complexity is significantly reduced.
【总页数】9页(520-528) 【关键词】
【作者】Dengao Li;Jinqiang Liu;Jumin Zhao;Gang Wu;Xiaofang Zhao
An Improved Space-Time Joint Anti-jamming Algorithm Based on Variable Step LMS