· 区别、比较
There is a fundamental difference between offering a course and requiring it.开设课程与要求(学生)了解之间有本质上的区别
Some people are concerned the decision will open Britain's nuclear industry to more than investment money from China.一些民众猜测该决定让英国的核工业不止向中国的投资开放大门
The researchers compared this group with people who only took part in health counseling.
Forty-four percent said sharing the same religious beliefs is very important to a successful marriage. But that is not as high as the percentages of Americans who found other reasons important
These new voters are diverse in age, background and political opinions.新选民在年龄、背景和政治观点方面十分多样化。We hadn't expected that it would do the opposite.我们没想到结果恰恰相反
Used to be, xxx. But these days? xxx.以前,……。那现在呢?……。
The exception may be augmented reality, but Apple's rivals already appear to be ahead.
虽然增强现实技术可能是个例外,但是苹果的竞争对手似乎已在这方面取得领先。The share of wealth held by the richest tenth of Janpanese is lower than in famously egaliterian spots such as Norway and Sweden.
In fact, it is the second-lowest of the 46 economies surveyed by Credit Suisse Research Institute, above only Belgium.
Research Institute, above only Belgium.
The average annual salary for permanent employees is around ¥5m($41,500), compared with ¥2m for less secure workers.长期工作者的平均年薪是约500万日元(41500美元),而工作不稳定者仅为200万日元。
· 数据
Only 30 percent knew that the only part of the U.S. government that can declare war is Congress.知道美国政府中只有国会拥有宣战权的(学生)只有30%
Two-thirds of the first intake of students come from private schools and just 22% from state schools ( the rest are foreigners and mature students ).第一批学生中三分之二来自学校,只有22%来自公立学校(剩下的是国外学生和成年学生)
Figures released on February 27th showed that GDP had shrunk by 0.3% in the fourth quarter of 2012 and is still 3% smaller than it was in the first quarter of 2008.
The researchers found that the average life expectancy has risen greatly since the 19th century.
The database has a collection of records from more than 40 countries dating back to 1900.
The study found that survival rates have improved since 1900, with some older adults living to age 100 and above.
But the number of people living past 110 years is very small, and considered
But the number of people living past 110 years is very small, and considered not reachable by most of the population.
Researchers still do not expect the average human lifespan to ever break 100.研究人员仍然无法预期人类平均寿命能突破100岁。At the same time, women make up the bulk of the poor.与此同时,贫困人口中女性数量庞大。
Studies have found that countries with less gender inequality are more secure.研究发现:性别不平等现象越少的国家,安全指数越高
A bigger percetage, over 60 percent, found shared interests, a satisfying sexual relationship and sharing household duties as very important to a successful marriage.
Current figure of 23 percent is down by a tenth in just the last couple of decades.
In the fiscal year to the end of September 2014 the United States granted just under 10m visas up from around 6m in 1997, despite blips in the global financial crisis of 2007-08.
截至2014年9月底的财政年度里,美国颁发了接近1000万份签证。签证数量从1997年的约600万份起逐渐增加,仅在2007至2008年全球金融危机之后有所波动。Their revenues from selling policies have accelerated, climbing 42% year-on-year in the first quarter of 2016.
The share of national income taken by the top 1% in Japan, excluding capital gains, fell from a high of 9.5% in 2008 to 9% in 2012.
Since bottoming out in early 2012, prices in Silicon Valley have risen by 73%, compared with 31% in Americe as a whole.
compared with 31% in Americe as a whole.
Across America house prices, after falling by 25% from their peak between 2007 and 2012, are now at fair value compared with rents and incomes.
In San Francisco, too, they are at fair value when compared with rents, but 45% overvalued relative to incomes.
Between 2002 and 2012 the typical London home sold for seven times the city's average annual salary. That figure has since risen to 12 times.
About 46 percent of rural counties experienced natural decrease. That compares to 17 percent of counties in populated areas.
· 观点
I think we can all agree on that. We may disagree on some of the specifics of how get there, but I think that the consumer and the voice of the consumer has to be heard.
Some people see China's move as an attempt to show that the RMB, also known as the yuan, is competitive with the U.S. dollar as a major currency.有人认为中国此举意在展示人民币(也被称为元)作为一种主要货币,已经可以与美元一较高下。
The downgrade of British sovereign debt by Moody's did not spook the markets. But investors were already worried.
穆迪公司下调了英国主权债务评级,没有引起市场震荡,但却使投资者忧心忡忡。It's not just that our gilt outlook is week; it's not just that we've lost our triple-
It's not just that our gilt outlook is week; it's not just that we've lost our triple-A credit rating; it's that we're really addicted to imported goods.
Jan Vijg noted that continued medical developments to improve the quality of life - especially in the developed world - could push average life
expectancy beyond 80.
More than 100 years later, the stewardship of these public lands for forest and watershed health continues to be essential in ensuring an adequate water supply and providing high-quality water for needs across the United States.100多年后,这些森林和水资源等公共资源的管理将继续对确保充足的水资源供给以及为美国全境提供高质量的水资源具有重要作用
World leaders are beginning to recognize that everyone benefits from advancing gender equalit.世界上很多领导人开始认识到每个人都会从性别平等的提升中受益。
It's no secret that the best way to jump-start a sluggish economy is to invest in women. That's because when women enter the formal economy, they invest their earnings into their families and their communities, pulling both out of poverty.
It's also true that the more formal education a woman attains, the more money she earns, thus contrubuting even more to those around her无可否认,一位女性受到越多的正规教育,就会赚到越多的钱,也就会因此对周围的人奉献更多。
Unrest and terrorism is only a matter of background music of recession of global economy
Gender equality has powerful potential to improve the economy, security and the overall well-being of a population.