Unit 12 Art and literature
I. Teaching aims and demands学习目标和要求: 1.topic话题:
1>Talk about art and literature
2>Talk about artists, painters and writers 3>tell stories
4>Make decisions and give opinions 2.function功能:
Making decisions and giving opinions 做出决定和提出看法:
What shall we do? I’d prefer to … Would you like to …? Which do you prefer, …or …? I’d like to …
Can’t we …? Maybe we could … There are several things we could do. 3.vocabulary词汇:
literature, comedy, local, exhibition, power, magic, trick, series, forehead, treat, unhappy, habit, villager, shoulder, whisper, stupid, announcement, character a series of, in trouble, come across, believe in, turn around 4.grammar语法:
The Restrictive and Non-Restrictive Attributive Clause 复习限制性和非限制性定语从
Do you know the girl who spoke at yesterday’s meeting? 2>非限制性定语从句
I have two sisters, who are both students. I have lost the pen, which I like very much. 5.language usage语言运用
运用所学语言,围绕文学和艺术这一话题,完成教材和练习册中的听、说、写的任务;阅读课文 “Harry Porter” 并联系生活中的实际,书写一篇短文。 II. Difficult points 难点
III. Main teaching aids教具: A tape-recorder; Multimedia, projector, role cards Ⅳ. Main teaching methods 教法:
1. The interaction between the teacher and the students, and among the students
themselves; Attention to the students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing; and so on.
2. Listening-and–answering activity to help the students go through with the 限listening material.
3. Use both individual work and group or pair work to make every student work and think in class
Ⅴ. Periods: 7-8 periods.
Ⅵ. Teaching procedures 教学过程
Period 1
Talk about the teaching plan for this unit and at the same time tell the students the teaching aims and demands. During this period, do WARMING-UP, LISTENING, SPEAKING.
Introduction This activity is designed to get the students to think about art and artists and to talk about how they feel about art.
Instruction Let the students discuss the questions in pairs and then elicit a few answers far class discussion. Answers to the exercises: 1 1 B 2 D 3 C 4A
2 Various answers are possible.
Extension 1 Ask the students to bring a painting or picture they like and tell the class about it and why they like it.
Extension 2 Let the students draw a quick sketch of the painting described in question 3 of Exercise 2. They can draw the picture an a piece of paper or an the blackboard. Ask the students to talk about the picture and explain why they think this picture is a goad representation of who they are. 3. LISTENING
Introduction In this activity the students practice listening far specific information. The students are asked to listen to two dialogues and an announcement and then complete an information chart.
Instruction Ask the students to. look at the information chart before they listen to the tape Let them listen to the tape twice to make sure that they have the right information. Ask the students to exchange notes between the first and second listening so that they can revise each other’s notes. LISTENING TEXT: 1
A: Capital Museum, this is Jennifer speaking. Haw can I help you?
B: Hi. I'd like to. buy tickets far the Picasso exhibition. I would like to know when I can go. and haw much the tickets are.
A: Hmm, let me see. The exhibition is open weekdays 8 am to 6 pm, and weekends 4 pm to 8 p.m.
B: Weekdays 8 to 6, weekends 4 to 8, got it. Thank you. And what about the prices? A: It's $5 far adults, $3 far children, and $2 for groups. Children under fourteen do not have to buy tickets.
B: $5 far adults, $3 far children, $2 far groups. I see. How many people do we need to have to make up a group? A: At least five.
B: I see. Do. I have to order tickets now, or can I buy them when I get there?
A: You can buy them here. The exhibition is on the second floor of the museum, Hall 3. B: Second floor, Hall 3. Thank you. 2
A: Joanna, look here! It says in the newspaper that there'll be a Peking Opera next week. I lave Peking Opera. Do you want to go? B: Hmm, I don’t know. When and where is it?
A: Let me see, ah, it's an Thursday at 7 pm, at the Music Hall. B: The Music Hall? Where's that?
A: The Music Hall is on Green Street, next to the cinema.
B: Thursday at 7. Ok, I think I can go. How much are the tickets?
A: Adults pay $7, students $5, children under fourteen $3, groups $4. B: Hmm, we are students, so that means we should pay $5. A: Well, you and I are 13, so we can get tickets for $3. B: Ah, it's good to be young!
Listen up, theatre fans! The Grand Theatre Company is proud to present their performance of William Shakespeare's play The Tempest. The play will be performed at the Grand Theatre at 7 pm on March 3 don't forget it, 7 pm on March 3, the Grand Theater. Tickets go on sale next week. Adults $10, under eighteen $8, groups $6. Don't miss it - it's your chance to experience Shakespeare! That's the Grand Theatre Com-pany bringing you the Tempest at the Grand Theatre, March 3, 7 pm. Tickets only $10 for adults, $8 if you're under eighteen, and $6 for groups. Answers to the exercise: Art: Paintings / Picasso Art: Beijing Opera / Place: Capital Museum Peking Opera Art: A Theatre play--The Time: Monday-Friday Place: Music Hall, on Tempest 8am-6pm; Green Street, Place: Grand Theatre Saturday and Sunday next to the cinema Time: March 3, 7 pm 4pm-8 pm Time: Thursday at 7 pm Prices: Adults: $10 Prices: Prices: Adults: $7 Under eighteen: Adults: $5 Students: $5, $8 Children: $3 Under14: $3 Groups: $6 Groups: $2 (min. 5 people) Groups: $4 Extension Ask the students to use the information from the tape to practise asking for and giving information in pairs. 4. SPEAKING
Introduction The speaking activity is a continuation of the listening activity. Here, the students will use the role cards and information to ask each other questions. Instruction Ask the students to work in pairs and use the role cards to ask for and give information.
Sample dialogues: Situation 1:
A: Hi Sam, this is Jenny. Would you like to go to see a film on Sunday? B: Sure. Which film do you want to see?
A: Well, I have read about two films. One is called Last Chance. It is an action film about a hero who has to save his girlfriend.
B: Hmm, it sounds like there'll be lots of shootings and fights in the film. What is the other f1lm about?
A: It is called Under the Moon and is a romantic comedy about a girl and her boyfriend who have an adventurous vacation. It says here that the film is sweet and funny and has a happy ending.
B: That sounds much better. Let's go to see that one. When is the film shown? A: Sunday at 8 pm at the Green Field Cinema. B: Great! Oh, how much are the tickets? A: $4. Not too bad.
B: No problem. Let's go on Sunday then. A: Good. See you then. B: Bye.
Situation 2:
A: Liberty Park, good morning. How can I help you?
B: I would like to know more about arts festival next week. What can I do at the festival?
A: Oh, you can do lots of things! You can listen to music, look at paintings by local and international painters, join the picnic, enjoy a delicious lunch in the park or watch a
B: Wow! What paintings can I see at the festival?
A: Three of our best local painters are showing their paintings. Two of them are very traditional and like to paint landscapes. The third local painter is a modem artist and her paintings show the world in a different way, the way she sees it. You can also see new and old paintings from France, Japan, Brazil and Norway. B: When is the art exhibition?
A: Oh, there are two, actually. The local painters will show their paintings at 11 am on Saturday and the international exhibition starts at 3 pm on Sunday. Would you like to know where it is? B: Yes, please.
A: The local exhibition is in building 4 and the international exhibition is in building 8. B: You said that there was a picnic. When is the picnic? A: The picnic is at 5 pm on Saturday. B: And when is the pop concert?
A: The pop concert starts at 1 pm on Saturday.
B: 1 pm, I see. Thank you. And what about the folk music concert? A: It starts at 6 pm on Sunday.
B: Thanks. Could you please tell me how much the tickets are?
A: Yes. You can buy a one-day ticket or a two-day ticket. Which do you prefer? B: I'd prefer to buy a two-day ticket.
A: The two-day ticket is $35 for adults, $25 for people under 18 and $15 for groups. B: Hmm, I'm seventeen, so I suppose my ticket would be $25 then. A: Yes, that's right.
B: Thank you very much, you have been very helpful. I can't wait to go to the festival! A: You're welcome. I hope you will enjoy the festival.
Extension Tell the students to work in groups. Ask the students to prepare a role card for a group discussion. Each role card should include the following information: who the person is, where he or she wants to go, when and why. Example:
Student A: You are a student and you want to go to the new play at the theatre. You
love plays and the newspaper said that this new play is a wonderful story about two brothers who fall in love with the same girl. The play is on Thursday evening at seven.
Give the students time to prepare the role cards, remind them of the ground rules for role plays, and let them discuss where they are going to go. 5. SUMMARY & HOMEWORK 1. Preview the reading text
2. Learn the new words and expressions by heart.
3. Get ready to be examined in the speaking activities.
1. Ask some pairs to act out the speaking activities. 2. During this period, do some reading. 2. PRE-READING
Introduction The questions are designed to introduce the topic of the text and help activate background know -1edge.
Instruction Let the students answer the questions. If some students have read the Harry Potter books or seen the films, ask them to say something about Harry Potter and what they think about the books and films. If the students are not familiar with the books, then focus on questions 2 and 3. The discussions do not have to be long.
Extension Ask the students to think of three magical powers that they would like to have. Give the students time to think and then ask them what they have come up with. Write down the students' ideas on the blackboard and discuss how these magical powers could be used to make life better. 3. READING
Introduction JK Rowling is a writer who writes about magic and strange creatures. She has ,written a series of books about Harry Potter, a boy with a scar on his forehead and a secret past. The books are about magic and fantastic adventures, but they still teach us about real life.
Harry's parents are dead and he lives a miserable life with a family who treats him badly. His life changes when he finds out that he is a wizard and has been invited to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
The students at Hogwarts learn about magic, but Harry also learns about life and friendship and begins to understand who he really is.
Harry's adventures at Hogwarts teach him that it is difficult to be brave and know what to do. He discovers that it is often difficult to do the right thing and he realizes that we must have friends and stay true to who we are if we are to be successful and happy.
Instruction Tell the students to read through the text to work in pairs or groups to go over the underlined words. Tell them to ask each other questions like Do you know what... means? or Have you learnt...? If no one knows the meaning of a certain word, the students can use a dictionary or ask the teacher for help. Ask the students to find sentences with the attributive clause.
Ask the students to reread the summary of the Harry Potter book in the text. Ask them to choose one of the events (e.g. Harry at home, being treated badly by the family he is living with; Harry getting the news about Hogwarts; Harry arriving at Hogwarts; one of the adventures, etc.) and work in pairs and groups to write a story about it. They can act out the story first and then try to write it down. This should make for a fun class activity, and at the same time it will help the students read and once and underline all unknown words. Ask the students understand the summary. You can also ask the students to write a summary of a book or movie they like. 4. POST-READING
Answers to the exercises:
1 1 Harry's life before he goes to Hogwarts is miserable because his parents are dead and the family he is living with treats him badly.
2 At Hogwarts, Harry learns that he needs to be strong / that he needs friends / that it is difficult to do the right thing / that life is more complicated than he thought / the truth about his past / about the power of love and goodness.
3 Various answers are possible. Encourage the students to think about what the writer wants to tell us and why strange creatures may in some ways be more human than real people.
4 Various answers are possible. You can help the students get started by asking them to think about how Harry's experiences with magic teach him about the real world. You may also want to remind the students about Chuck and his volleyball friend in Unit 1.
2 True: 3, 5 False: 1, 2, 4, 6
nit Art教案1旧人教高一上