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1.You can already buy small video telephones,with builtin-screen and cameras,that transmit still images over regular telephone lines to anyone else with avideo telephone.

2.The scientific worker attempts to formulate these problems in accurate terms and to solve them in the light of all the relevant facts that can be collected by observation and experiment.

3.The atom is analogous to a miniature solar system,with a nucleus as the“sun''’and electrons as the“planets''’revolving in orbits around the nucleus.

4.The unit of heat on the c.g.s.system is the calorie,which is established as the amount of heat required to raise one gramme of water by one degree centigrade.

5.Sometimes the individual crystals,with plane faces and sharp edges and corners,are visible to the naked eye,and sometimes they can be seen only under a microscope.

6.Modern Japan and other Oriental countries are emerging with the irresistible urge for better standards of living and anovel, powerful role in the world’s economy.

7.Liquids,however,are highly incompressible;that is,very large pressures,of the order of thousands of tons per square inch,are required to diminish their volumes appreciably.

8.One suggestion has been the use of mixtures of two different types of insecticide,with the idea that one of them should eliminate the individuals resistant to the other.

9.The side of Mercury which is turned away from the sun remains in eternal darkness,with a temperature only a few degrees above absolute zero.

10.No distinction can be drawn between pure and applied science in terms of differences in the training or competence of workers, or in organization, or in method,or even in the immediate outcome of the work.

11.An object with at least one easily measurable property which changes apprecially while the obiect is coming to thermal equilibrium may be used as a temperature-measuring device,or thermometer.

12.If we could go on an imaginary journey from the surface to the centre of a star such as the Sun,we would find a steady increase in temperature and pressure.

13.The fact that a compass needle assulnes a northsouth direction leads to the conclusion that the earth must be a magnet, with the space all around it constituting a huge magnetic field. 14.The second aspect is the application by all members of society,from the government officials

to the ordinary citizen,of the special methods of thought and action that scientists use in their work。

15.Chemistry has two main aspects:descriptive chemistry,the discovery and tabulation of chemical facts;and theoretical chemistry,the formulation of theories that,upon verification,unify these facts and combine them into a system。

16.Every body in the universe attracts every other body with a force directly proportional to the product of the masses of the two bodies and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

17.For an ltalian contemplating anything from paying his taxes to getting a peddler''s license or collecting an old age pension,the nation''s million-man bureaucracy is a nightmare。

18.Scientists in the U.S. , Western Europe and Japan are pushing hard toward astill much-in-the-future optical computer that uses photons rather than electrons for number-crunching efficiency.

19.With the invention of the electromagnetic generator in the latter part of the nineteenth century,it became possible to convent the energy of burning fuel to electricity which could then be transmitted to distant points for Use.

20.If a piece of rock,of anything else,one inch in diameter were magnified to the size of the earth,its constituent atoms would become about the size of tennis balls.

21.Inability to build high-voltage generators and motors gives to the transformer immediate recognition as a highly flexible link between the generation and distribution of electrical energy.

22.The mildness of its climate,with slight temperature variations and infrequent rainfall,combined with a high average level of sunshine and brilliant shies,a11 make it idea for tourism whether by winter or by summer.

23.We explain the differences between gases and liquids bysaying that the molecules in a liquid are not moving about so fredy as the molecules in a gas and are very much closer together.

24.For about the last 200 years,the structural theory has been devdoped by scientists,mathematicians and engineers,with the very practical object of providing a reliable basis for the design of structures by calculation.

25.By the quiet persistence of the truth-seekers, working upstream against the flow of ancient prejudice,mankind has entered into new realm of health,and the borderlines of death have been pressed farther back.

26.When a man picks up a weight from the floor and raises it above his head, he has in

effect inserted his body between the weight and the earth and pushed the weight one way with his hands,and thee arth the other way with his feet.

27.But this is not possible because of the size of the country,with the distance from Dehli to Madras,for example,being greater than that from London to Rome.

28.Even at this moment many Of the earth's natural treasures are being destroyed,manyvaluable animals and plants are been killed off,it is becoming increasingly difficult to grow enough foods to preserve much of the earth's population from stavation.

29.If the Earth,Moon and Sun move into a direct line,with the Moon in the middle,the dark body of the Moon blots out the briliant disk of the Sun,and we witness a solar eslipse.

30.As natural science treats of the mutual transformation,changes and development of various kinds of matter,it is of great tmportance for us to make a profound study of it so that we may control the phenomena of nature.

31.With irrigation came surplus food,which meant that large numbers of people were freed trom the land to pursue nonagrarian specialities—technological development,scholarship for its sake——and war。

32.First of all, Kepler found that each planet goes around the sun in a curve called an ellipse,with the sun at a focus of the ellipse· -

33.It should be noted that a rocket does not depend on the atmosphere for its propulsion,but would actually perform better in the absence of an atmosphere becauseOf lessened air resistance.

34.Electrical power is always carried over long distances as a high-tension current at low-currentstrength.It is also sent as an alternating current,for such current is comparatively easily transformed eitherup ordown in voltage.

35.When one considers the immense change in the size and reliability of computers and all other electronic devices that has taken place,it is clean that computers for doing this type of control of movement according to sense impression will certainly be available.

36. In l664 the great English diarist,John Evelyn,published,with the approval of the Royal Society of London,a book Sylva or a Discourse of Forest Trees in which one sees,perhaps for the first time,a realization that trees,then so important in the construction of ships,were indeed becoming sadly depleted and that something urgently needed to be done by way of deliberate planting to ensure enough for the future.

37.As a magnetic material becomes more and more magnetized,more and more of its magnetic domains line up,with their north poles a11 pointing inone direction and their south poles



