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最新湖南成人教育学位英语模拟试题和答案解析(二) - 图文

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A.traditional universities do a good job serving the society B.universities must meet the needs of the society

C.research and teaching are of great importance in universities D.universities play an important role in our society

7.We can infer from the second paragraph that

A.the society is not satisfied with the present college education B.the governments interfere too much with college education C.teacher are forced to do what they don’t like to do D.teachers dislike teaching commercially useful courses

8.The Aristotle example is used to make the point that

A.universities in the UK have produced too much good for graduates B.such abstract subjects as philosophy is no longer useful C.education should serve the social needs

D.it is advisable for today’s philosophers to know computer science

9.According to the passage,literature,music and the arts A.do not contribute to economic growth at all

B.are less useful to the society because they do not make direct contribution to economic growth

C.are similar to medical and social services in their way of promoting economic growth

D.should develop only when they are good for economic growth

10.The author believes that

A.art is useful only when it is made into a money earner

B.the promotion of economic growth is the only goal of today’s society C.universities should not provide literature or art courses D.the society needs both technical skills and arts

Passage 3

Questions 11to 1 5 are based on the following passage:

All the useful energy at the surface of the earth comes from the activity of the sun'.

The sun heats and feeds creatures and mankind.Each year it provides men with two hundred million tons of grain and nearly ten million tons of wood,coal,oil,natural gas,and all other fuels are stored energy from the sun.

(80)Some was collected by this season's plants as carbon compounds.Some was stored by plants and trees ages ago.



Even waterpower derives from the sun.Water turned into vapor by the sun fails as rain.It courses down the mountains arid is converted to electric power.

Light transmits only the energy that comes from the sun’s outer layer,and much of this energy that is directed towards the earth never arrives.About nine tenths of it is absorbed by the atmosphere of the earth.In fact,the earth itself gets only one half millionth of the sun’s entire output of radiant energy.

11.The sun is the source of all of the following EXCEPT A.gasoline B.natural gas C.atomic power D.animal fat

12.Radiant energy is stored as carbon compounds by A.plants B.water C.rock


13.The sun’s energy provides US with all EXCEPT A.rain B.teal C.water D.light

14.The largest part of the light energy directed towards the earth is A.stored up by the plants

B.absorbed by the earth’s atmosphere

C.stored up by the animals in the form of body fat D.used for electric power

15.Of me sun’s total output of radiant energy,the earth receives A.one tenth B.one millionth

C.all that comes from the surface of the sun D.a very small portion

Part Ⅱ Vocabulary and Structure(30%)

Directions:In this part there are 30 incomplete sentences.For each sentence there are your choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center·



16.You can’t hear what I’m sayingyou stop talking A.only if B.unless C.lest

D. except that

17.He working fill he was seventy years old A.kept up. B.kept on C.kept to D. kept out

18.The novel ended happily,and the young couple was married A.in the final B.in the end C.to the last D.in conclusion

19.One warning wasto stop her doing it A.suffered B.sufficed C.suggested D.provided

20.It is estimated that the diseaseby polluted water will kill l out of every l00 children A.causing B.caused C.to cause D.will cause

21.He didn’t know l was in his office.He was too busy tome A.pay attention to B.notice C.know D.realize

22.Will you show me the girlname is Jane7 A.her

B.who’s C.whose D.which

23.The old gentleman never fails to helpis in need of his help.



A.who B.whoever C. one

D. whomever 24.Mr.Holmes called at many schoolshe lived to ask them to accept his son,but he was refused everywhere for being a black. A.that

B.around where C.near which D.which

25.My wallet is nowhere to be found.Iwhen l was on the bus A.must drop it

B.should have dropped it C.must have dropped it D.had dropped it

26.I could have done it better if Imore time. A.have had B.had

C.had had D.will have had

27. ,we should be glad A.They arrive tomorrow

B.Were they arriving tomorrow C.They were to arrive tomorrow D.Were they to arrive tomorrow

28.I knew I could not finish my homework A.by he had come B.until he came C.when he comes D.before he comes

29.It is notthat this situation will last very lon9. A.alike B.the like C.like D.likely

30.I on seeing the manager.The service in this hotel is terrible A.insist



B.persist C.affirm D.protest

31.Experienced teachers make mistakes than beginners. A.lesser B.fewer

C.not many D.very few

32.I prefer this book that one. A.more than B.to C.than

D.rather than

33.Do you know who fire to that Department Store? A.made B.set

C.started D.caught

34.All life on the earth on the sun. A. depends B. carries C. keeps D. goes

35. I can' t keep the teacher who speaks so fast. A. up B. up with C. with D. on with

36. What the teacher said had a great on his later career. A. effort B. influence C. result D. expression

37. Tom was such a football fan that he never a single game in the season. A. lost B. missed C. failed


最新湖南成人教育学位英语模拟试题和答案解析(二) - 图文


