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Unit1 Hotel Service 一、教学目标

1.了解宾馆服务中的基本礼仪 2.掌握宾馆服务中常用交际英语 3.重点掌握订房和退房时一些常用表达

4.掌握元音[i]、[i:]、[?]、[?:]、[ ?]和[ ?:]的正确发音方法 5.掌握规则动词的各种词形变化 二、教学用具 录音机、磁带、图片 三、教学向导

语言功能 掌握宾馆服务中常用交际英语 与客人谈论订房和退房 能用下列交际用语进行简短对话: 语言目标What can I do for you? Please fill out this form. Room Reservations. A double room or a single room? 语言结构 掌握规则动词在一般现在时、现在分词和过去式及过去分词中的词形变化情况 重点词汇 accommodation,resident,estimate,inventory, 只供学习与交流

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objective,independent,individual,available Warm-up 教学要求与建议

1.提前布置学生预习单词并在课上指导学生根据图片牢记单词。 2.分组讨论宾馆服务中应该注意的一些问题。 3.安排学生两人一组,按课文对话进行练习。 练习答案

1.Complete the dialogues.

Your name, please;fill out;do you;Thank you

Pronunciation Practice 带领学生练习元音[i]、[i:]、[?]、[?:]、[ ?]和[ ?:]的正确发音,同时可以多举一些常见的带有这几个音的例子,进行比较。

Listening and Speaking 一、教学重点

1.掌握宾馆服务中常用交际英语。 2.注意听有关宾馆的名词术语。 二、教学建议



(2)成对活动,轮流作Speaker A和Speaker B。



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(5)总结学生的表现,并及时纠正学生在对话过程中出现的错误。 三、练习参考答案 A

2、listen and fill in the blanks.

traveling;access;offer;swimming;beach B

2、Answer the questions. (1)Cancel a reservation.

(2)There is no mention in the dialogue.

(3)She will cancel the reservation for the customer. 3、Complete the following sentences. (1)available (2)What time (3)tonight (4)will you (5)a double room 4、略

5、C B C B 听力原文 A

2、listen and fill in the blanks.


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A hotel is a temporary home for people who are traveling. In a hotel the traveler can rest and has access to food and drink, either on the premises or nearby. The hotel may also offer facilities for recreation, such as a swimming pool, a golf course, or a beach. B

3、Complete the following sentences. (1)The bathroom is available. (2) What time do I have to check out? (3) I'd like a room for tonight. (4) How many days will you stay? (5) I'd like to book a double room. 5、Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions. R: Good morning, sir. What can I do for you?

W: My name is White. I'm in Room 1008.I would like to know if it is possible to change my room. I'm not all happy with the one I've got. I couldn't even sleep last night. I was woken up several times by the noise the baggage elevator made. It was too much for me.

R: Oh, dear. I'm so sorry to hear that, Mr White. I do apologize. Room 1008 is at the end of the corridor. It's possible that the noise is heard early in the morning when all is quiet. W: Anyhow, I'd like to change my room.


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R: Now let me see if I can find you a quiet room. Well, how about Room 1112? It's rather quiet. The room rate is the same as that of Room 1008. But it is one floor higher up. Do you mind moving one floor up, Mr White? W: No, not at all.

R: Very good. Would you please sign in this room changing form? ... Here's the key to Room 1112. The bellman will help you with your baggage. Please return him the key to Room 1008. W: Thank you very much. I hope I'll have a sound sleep this evening.

R: Be sure, Mr White. If there is anything more you need, please let us know.

Language Bank 带领学生练习记忆这些日常口语,也可布置学生自行学习,然后课后抽查。

Reading and Writing 一、教学建议

语言运用要求:理解并正确朗读课文“Hotels in the World”,完成教材和练习册中本单元所规定的练习。





