Unit 4
Language Focus
- Words in Use
-Section A
1. Whe n the police caught up with him, Mr. Foster had to (con fess) that he'd
broke n the speed limit.
2. Whe never my boss makes a decisi on that I don't agree with, I
tell him what I really think, though it's (tempting) to make him happy by telling him his ideas are always right.
3. As can be probably perceived, a manned trip to Mars may soon (comme nee) since scie ntists have achieved the manned moon missi on.
4. A nu mber of coun tries are (coord in ati ng) their efforts to send out food to the area worst affected by the flood.
5. State gover nments and the colleges themselves have (gra nted) financial help to students with special abilities and those with finan cial n eeds.
6. The committee agreed that his papers (deserved) a wider circulati on because of their esse ntial and fun dame ntal in terest to a larger audie nee.
7. The an ger and frustrati on (displayed) by the local people who do not un dersta nd what is happe ning to them will be a terrible and dan gerous force.
8. America ns defe nd the right to obta in a gun, and they have (con seque ntly)
bee n willing to turn a bli nd eye to the harm that people owning guns have caused. 9. As the finance ministry rejected the deal for its \
clarity\this deal was aga inst the law.
10. Dogs cannot distinguish the color of traffic lights, so the master must make the decisi on of whe n it is safe to (proceed) across the road.
Word Buildi ng 1. content
2. compressed 3. complicated 4. ide ntify 5. justify 6. qualify 7. illustrate 8. exhibiti on
9. exte nd 10. in terpret
11. pla nt 12. perceive 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. conten ted compress complicate
identification / identified justification / justified qualification / qualified illustrati on / illustrated exhibit
exte nsion / exte nded
interpretation / interpretated plantation / planted perception / perceived
1. Employers have found that many young competitors have the basic and best (qualifications) for success and they are intelligent, creative, and hard-work ing.
2. Since parents are usually the major source of social support in early life, a child's (perception) of parental love may have important effects on their life. 3. The storm was the most powerful to hit Hawaii this cen tury. It greatly destroyed sugar and coffee (pla ntati ons).
4. Scie ntists have developed through hard work a new material that cannot be (compressed) eve n un der extremely high pressure.
5. Law students tend to become highly concerned with matters of proper procedure
and (exhibit)
an in creased tendency to reas on.
6. He was a greedy pers on and n ever felt (conten ted) with what he had, so he could hardly make any close frie nds.
7. Your fashi on choices make a stateme nt about your in terests or inten ti ons, and these stateme nts are subject to cultural (i nterpretati on).
8. Both sides of the n egotiati on should create con diti ons for the peaceful resoluti on of the issue and avoid tak ing acti ons that would (complicate) the situati on further.
9. The architecture stude nts could not un dersta nd their professor's (illustrati on) of the new library structure un til he showed them the pla ns.
10. After an analysis of his personality, I realized that his stories were a(n) (extension) of his desires to rise to higher and higher positions.
11. Car manufacturers stamp vehicle (identification) numbers at several locati ons on new cars to help track dow n the vehicles in case they are stole n.
12. The defense lawyer gave many excellent examples to show that the police
officer had acted
in self-defe nse and shot the man with (justificati on).
Ban ked Cloze
Traditi onal dati ng is a self-paced, gen eral meeti ng of two people. The
two usually(1) (commenee) with spending extra time together, getting to know one another and seeing how (2) (tempting) they could be to each other. A good example is a man meeti ng a woma n and sensing her (3) (charm). He then extends a formal invitation for a date. With traditional dati ng, you get to go at a steady pace, (4) (allow ing) yourself and