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专题03 代词易错点解题方法(一)


代词用来代替名词或名词词组,在句中用以避免名词的重复。因此,代词的使用必须和它所代替的名词在人称、数、性、格上取得一致。 2.代词的分类

(1) 人称代词 ;(2). 物主代词 ; (3). 反身代词 ;(4). 相互代词 ;(5) 指示代词 ;(6). 疑问代词 ; (7). 关系代词 ;(8). 不定代词

由于代词量大,我们分为两部分进行讲解。(1) 为总体讲解,(2)为详细讲解。我们来看例句: 1. _____ with any common sense can tell the difference between the two. A. Who B. Whoever C. Anyone D. Who ever 【陷阱】容易误选B。

【分析】最佳答案为C。有的同学误选B主要是因为受以下这类句子的影响: Whoever comes will be welcome. 任何人来都欢迎。

Whoever wants the book may have it. 任何人要这书都可拿去。

Whoever gets the job will have a lot of work. 谁要是得到这份工作就有很多事要做。

以上三句中 whoever 引导的均为主语从句,其中的 whoever均可换成 anyone who,但是不能换成 anyone。以上试题从表面上看,与以上各例很相似,其实它们有本质的不同,即 _____ with any common sense 中没有谓语动词,所以我们不能选 whoever。此题的正确答案为C,anyone 为句子主语,with any common sense 为修饰 anyone 的定语。现将此题稍作改动如下;

_______ has any common sense can tell the difference between the two. A. Who B. Whoever C. Anyone D. Who ever 答案选B:

2. The dictionary is really useful. Every boy and girl _____ it and they each _____ to buy one. A. like, want B. likes, wants C. likes, want D. like, wants

【陷阱】容易误选D。认为前面一空填复数动词,因为其主语是 boy and girl,为复数;第二空填单数动词,因为其前有 each,表示“每一个”。

【分析】事实上,此题应选C。因为按英语习惯,every 后接两个并列的单数名词作主语时,谓语动词要用单数,即第一空填 likes;而第二空要填复数动词 want,是因为其前的主语是 they 而不是 each(each 为主语的同位语)。

3. Everyone knows that Canada is larger than _____ country in Asia. A. any

B. any other C. other

D. another

【陷阱】容易误选B。选择的依据是以下大家熟悉的句型(其中的 other 不可省略): He is taller than any other student in our class. 他是我们班最高的。

English is more widely used in international intercourse than any other language today. 现今英语在国际交往中比其他任何语言用得都广。

【分析】但是上面一题与这类句子有所不同。这类句型到底该不该加 other,主要应看所谈论的对象是否在比较的范围之内:若在范围之内,则用 other (以排除自己与自己比较);若不在范围之内,则不用 other。


China is larger than _____ country in Asia.

A. any B. any other C. other D. another

此题应选B,因为 China 在 Asia 的范围之内。假若选A,则表示“中国比亚洲的任何国家都大”,而中国本身也是亚洲国家,由此则得出“中国比中国大”的荒谬结论。而选B,则表示“中国比亚洲任何其他国家要大”,这才合乎事实。

4. “What do you think of them?” “I don’t know _____ is better, so I’ve taken _____ of them.” A. what, both B. what, none C. which, both C. which, none 【陷阱】几个干扰均有可能误选。

【分析】最佳答案为C。做好此题的关键是要注意句中的 better 一词,由于better 用的是比较级,说明比较的对象应是两者,由此可推知第二空应填both;

另一方面,由于所谈论的是两者,说明选择范围比较窄、比较明确,所以第一空应填 which。 4. “Would you like a cup of coffee or a glass of beer?”

“____ will do, but milk is _____ popular with me.”

A. Neither, not B. Both, more C. Either, the most D. All, the most

【陷阱】很容易误选B,因为前文提到 coffee 和 beer 为两者,所以有的同学就认为应选 both 和 more 与之对应(more 为比较级,指两者比较)。

【分析】做对此题的关键是要注意到下文提到的 milk既不是 coffee 也不是 beer,而是除这两者外的第三者,故第二空应填 the most,即此题最佳答案为C。

6. I read about it in some book or other, does it matter _____ it was? A. where B. what C. how D. which

此题答案选D,主要与上文的some book or other (某一本书)这一语境有关,全句句意为:“我在某一本


(1) “Who told you?” “Oh, somebody or other, I’ve forgotten _____.” A. what B. when C. which D. who

此题最佳答案为D。句意为:“谁告诉你的?”“噢,有个人,我忘记是哪一个了。” (2) Some of the students were late for the meeting, but I can’t remember _____. A. what B. when C. which

D. whom

此题最佳答案为C。句意为“有些学生开会迟到了,但我不记得是哪些学生了”。 7. These trousers are dirty and wet — I’ll change into my _____. A. another

B. trousers C. others D. other

【陷阱】容易误选A、B。 【分析】最佳答案为C。

是从语法上看,another 后通常接单数名词,而不接trousers 这样的复数名词(若用 another pair 则可以);也不能选 trousers 是因为填它句子意思不通。最佳答案应选C,others 相当于 other trousers,其中的 other 与前面的 these 相对照。

8. Her lecture was hard to follow because she kept jumping from one subject to _____. A. other B. the other C. the others

D. another

【陷阱】容易误选B。选择依据可能是one … the other …这一常用结构。 【分析】最佳答案为D。

使用one … the other … 时,我们通常是针对两者而言的,即指“两者中的一个……,另一个……”; 如果所谈论的情况不是针对两者而言的,而是针对多者而言的,那么我们就不宜在 one 后使用 the other,而考虑用 another。又如

(1) Those cakes look delicious. Could I have _____ one? A. other B. the other C. the others D. another (2) I have many such novels. I’ll bring _____ tomorrow. A. other B. the other C. the others D. another (3) Saying is one thing and doing is _____. A. other B. the other C. the others D. another (答案均选D,即选 another): 比较以下各例: (1) Shut ____ eye, Jim.

A. another B. some other C. other D. the other

答案选D,因为人的眼睛只有两只,故用 one … the other … 结构。 (2) It’s sometimes hard to tell one twin from _____. A. another

B. some other C. other D. the other

答案选D,twin 意为“孪生子之一”、“双胞胎之一”,即指两者之一,故用 one … the other … 这一结构。 9. There are four bedrooms, ______ with its own bathroom. A. all

B. each C. every D. either

此题容易误选A,认为既然前面出现了 four bedrooms,故填 all 与之对应。

其实,此题的最佳答案应为B,原因是空格后的隐藏信息 its,它表示空格处应填一个单数代词,但是不能选C,因为 every 不能这样单独使用。

10. “It’s said that he is a wise leader.” “Oh, no, he is _____ but a wise leader.” A. anything B. anyone C. anybody D. anywhere


【分析】其实,正确答案应选A。因为 anything but 是习语,意为“根本不是”或“一点也不”,不仅可用于事物,也可用于人。如:

I’ll do anything but that. 我绝不会干那种事。

The party was anything but a success. 晚会根本不成功。 Her father was anything but a poet. 她父亲根本不是诗人。 Such a man was anything but a hero. 那样的人绝不算英雄。


1. Tom’s mother always told him not to smoke again, but _____ didn’t help. A. he

B. it C. which D. as

【分析】最佳答案为B,it 指前面提到的情况。由于句中用了并列连词 but,所以不能选C。当然,若去掉空格前的but,则可选C。

2. Both teams were in hard training; _____ was willing to lose the game.

A. Either B. neither C. another D. the other

【分析】最佳答案为B,因是 both teams,即谈论的是两者,因此可锁定A和B;从语境上看,应选B,即双方都不愿输。

3. There he pointed to _____ looked like a stone and said that’s ______ you had to carry home.

A. that, that B. what, what C. which, what D. as, which

【分析】最佳答案为B。即两空均填 what,第一个what 相当于 something that;第二个what 相当于the thing that。

4. I know nothing about the accident except _____ I read in the paper. A. that

B. for C. what D. 不填

【分析】最佳答案为C,what 在句中用作动词 read 的宾语。 5. Energy is ____ makes one work.

A. what B. something C. anything D. that

【分析】最佳答案为A,what 相当于 something that。 6. Don’t go to _____ places where there is no fresh air. A. such B. so C. those

D. which

【分析】最佳答案为C,但容易误选A。按英语习惯,受 such 修饰的名词后跟定语从句时,引导定语从句的关系词一般只能是 as,而不能是 that, which, who, where等。如:Such women as knew him thought he was charming. 认识他的女人都认为他很有魅力。此句中的 as 就不能换成that 或 who,若要使用 that 或who,则需将 such 换掉,如说成Those women who knew Tom thought he was charming.

7. The classroom is almost empty, where is _____? A. someone B. anyone C. everyone D. no one

【分析】最佳答案为C,句意为“教室几乎是空的,大家都到哪里去了?” 8. I’m afraid we can’t have coffee; there’s _____ left. A. nothing

B. none C. no one D. no any

【分析】最佳答案为B,nothing 指“什么也没有”;none 指数量上的“一点(个)也没有”。注:回答 how much 和 how many 时要用 none,而不用 nothing,道理同此。

9. _____ worries me is _____ we’re going to pay for all this. A. It, that B. That, how C. What, how

D. As, that

【分析】最佳答案为C,what worries me 为主语从句,且 what 在主语从句中用作主语。

10. He just does ______ he pleases and never thinks about anyone else. A. that

B. what C. which D. how

【分析】最佳答案为B。从句意推知。 11. _____ of you comes first will get the ticket.

A. Which B. Whichever C. Who D. Whatever

【分析】最佳答案为B 最佳,因 who后通常不接表示范围的 of 短语,故不宜选C;若选A,则句型不对;若选D,则语义不通。

12. His income is double _____ it was five years ago. A. that

B. which

C. as D. what

【分析】最佳答案为D,what 相当于 the amount that。 13. If you want a friend, you’ll find _____ in me. A. one C. that

B. it D. him

【分析】最佳答案为 A,one 在此相当于a friend。



