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综合小测试(Module 1) Module 1 Lost and found

Ⅰ. 单项选择

1. This is ______ key and that is ______ eraser.

A. a; a B. a; an C. an; a D. an; an 2. —_______ is this pen? —It’s mine.

A. What B. Whose C. Where D. How 3. Every year, ______ people go to visit the factory.

A. a thousand of B thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of 4. —Here is a schoolbag. Whose is it?—Oh, it’s _______. Thank you. A. my B. mine C. me D. I 5. — Is this ______ ruler? —No. _______ is over there.

A. her; Her B. her; Hers C. hers; Hers D. hers; Her 6. Please be ______ with your key. Don’t lose it again.

A. care B. careful C. careless D. caring 7. Can you see my wallet? I can’t ______ it now.

A. find B. found C. look for D. look at 8. —Is this yellow schoolbag Tom’s? —No, it isn’t. ______ is black. A. Mine B. His C. Hers D. Yours 9. Is this ______ watch? Call Jim ______ 458-6458.

A. your; at B. you; at C. your; in D. you; in 10. My brother often hurries ______ breakfast in the morning.

A. have B. has C. to have D. having Ⅰ. 完形填空

Liu Lei is a student in Wenchuan Junior High School. Now he can’t find his 1 , Liu Li. Please help him 2 her. Liu Li is five years old. She

3 speak Putonghua. 4 she can also speak some English. Liu Li is short (矮的). She is 1.1 metres 5 . She 6 short black hair, big 7 eyes, a small nose and wide mouth. She is 8 a blue dress and 9 orange cap. If you meet her, please call Liu Lei. 10 telephone number is 965-3187. 1. A. sister B. teacher C. mum D. brother 2. A. find B. found C. finding D. to found 3. A. doesn’t B. can’t C. can D. mustn’t 4. A. Or B. And C. But D. So 5. A. short B. long C. big D. tall 6. A. is B. have got C. are D. has 7. A. black B. white C. purple D. blue 8. A. with B. at C. in D. for 9. A. a B. an C. the D. / 10. A. His B. He C. Him D. Her Ⅰ. 阅读理解 Found Is this your watch? It’s a yellow watch. Please call Paul at 439-9175. Lost My backpack.

最新外研版七年级下册模块练习题(含答案) It is blue with a duck on it. Please call Linda. Phone 416-3592. Found Is this your English-Chinese dictionary? It’s red. It’s under my desk. Please call Alan at 485 -7700. Lost My school ID card. My name is Jim. Please call 465-0921. 1. If you ______, you can call Alan. A. lose your watch B. find a backpack C. lose your dictionary D. find a school ID card 2. What colour is the backpack?

A. It’s blue. B. It’s yellow. C. It’s red. D. It’s black. 3. If you find a school ID card, you can call______.

A. 439-9175 B. 416-3592 C. 485-7700 D. 465-0921 4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the ad?

A. Paul found a white watch. B. Linda found a backpack with a duck on it. C. Alan found an English-Chinese dictionary. D. Jim found a school ID card. 5. If the ad is in the newspaper, the name of the topic will probably be______.

A. Lost and Found B. Everyday Newspaper C. Love Story D. Travel Around Ⅰ. 任务型阅读 Lost My school ID card. The card number is 426658. My name is Mike. Please call 685-6043. Found Red hat. Is this your hat? Please call Rich Wood at 235-0285. 根据上面的失物招领广告,回答下列问题。

l. Is that Rich’s ID card? _________________________________ 2. What’s the card number? _________________________________ 3. What’s Rich’s family name? _________________________________ 4. What’s Rich’s phone number? _________________________________ 5. What colour is the hat? _________________________________ Ⅰ. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空

1. My pen is ________ (lose). I am looking for it. 2. My sweater is green. ________ (she) is yellow.

3. I have ________ (hundred) of storybooks in my study. 4. —Whose ________ (pig) are those?—They’re Lily’s. 5. This wallet isn’t mine. It’s ________ (Daming). Ⅰ. 根据句意及汉语提示写单词

1. —Whose ________ (手套) are these?—They’re Jane’s. 2. Mr Wang is going to the ________ (机场) .


3. Let’s buy a new ________ (照相机).

4. How many ________ (鸭) are there in the lake?

5. There are three ________ (千) students in our school. Ⅰ. 根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词

1. 从现在起你就是一名学生了。You are a student ________ ________ _______. 2. 请小心水,它很烫。Please ________ ________ _______ the water. It’s too hot. 3. 王老师正匆忙地去上班。Mr Wang is going to work ________ ________ _______. 4. 托尼正在找他的蜡笔。Tony is ________ ________ his crayons.

5. 首先,我有一个好消息要告诉你们。________ ________ _______, I have good news to tell all of you. Ⅰ. 书面表达

假如你叫张明,你丢了你的黑色背包,里面有两本书和一只钢笔。请你写一份寻物启示,你的电话是7793928。 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ _ 综合小测试

Ⅰ. 1—5 BBDBB 6—10 BABAC Ⅰ. 1—5 AACBD 6—10 DACBA Ⅰ. 1—5 CADCA Ⅰ. 1. No, it isn’t. 2. The card number is 426658. 3. Wood. 4. 235-0285. 5. It’s red. Ⅰ. 1. lost 2. Hers 3. hundreds 4. pigs 5. Daming’s Ⅰ. 1. gloves 2. airport 3. camera 4. ducks 5. thousand

Ⅰ. 1. from now on 2. be careful with 3. in a hurry 4. looking for 5. First of all Ⅰ. One possible version:


My backpack.

It’s black.

Two books and a pen in it.

Call Zhang Ming at 7793928.


综合小测试(Module 2)Module 2 What can you do

Ⅰ. 单项选择

1. Bill likes playing ______ basketball, but he doesn’t like playing ______ piano. A. the; the B. /; the C. the; / D. /; /

2. —Mary, _______ you speak Chinese?—Yes, only a little. A. must B. need C. may D. can 3. I’d like ______ the zoo with you this afternoon. A. go B. to go C. to go to D. go to 4. ______ your book on the desk, please.

A. Put B. Putting C. To put D. To putting 5. The boy is five years old, but he can ______ a bike. A. ride B. rides C. riding D. to ride

6. He is a strange man. He gets on ______ with his workmates. A. good B. bad C. well D. badly 7. I tell my mother not ______me.

A. worry about B. to worry C. to worry about D. worry 8. Our teacher promises ______ a class meeting this week. A. to have B. have C. has D. having

9. Miss Read is good ______ music. She is good ______ children in the music club. A. at; at B. with; with C. at; with D. with; at 10. —Do you like English or maths?—______.

A. Yes, I do B. No, I don’t C. I like English D. Yes, I like math Ⅰ. 完形填空

Jason, a 16-year-old boy, is the PE monitor in our class. He is from Africa. He often 1 basketball with other boys after school. When we can’t 2 him, he must be in the playground. He is the 3 basketball player and runner (跑步的人) 4 our school team. That’s 5 he becomes the PE monitor.

Jason is strong and his hands are 6 . He can hold a basketball with one hand. He is 7 and often helps other students. He 8 on with everybody and we 9 like him. There is a basketball 10 tomorrow. Let’s go and cheer (为……喝彩) Jason!

1. A. gives B. watches C. helps D. plays 2. A. leave B. live C. find D. check 3. A. best B. most C. bad D. large 4. A. at B. in C. with D. by 5. A. when B. how C. why D. where 6. A. careful B. nice C. fast D. big 7. A. beautiful B. kind C. strange D. special 8. A. makes B. does C. gets D. takes 9. A. really B. still C. never D. even 10. A. movie B. story C. programme D. match


Ⅰ. 阅读理解 Cooking Club Welcome to the Cooking Club. Only boys can join the club. You will find the club is very interesting and you will make some friends here. You can learn many kinds of dishes (菜肴) each week. Cooking at home for your family or your friends is interesting! Please call 54783. Dancing Club Can you dance? Do you want to dance? Join us! The Dancing Club is in our art building. There are fifty students in our club. Call 89542 to learn more. Music Club The club is for all students. Each weekend, we play different kinds of music for you. We also tell you the story behind the music. You can call 18190 to get more information. English Club Are you worried about your spoken English? You can have a free talk in our club. There are some English teachers here, too. Time: Saturday and Sunday evening. Call 45612. 1. You can learn to make dishes in the_______. A. Music Club B. Dancing Club C. Cooking Club D. English Club 2. Where is the Dancing Club?

A. Near the school. B. In the playground. C. In the science building. D. In the art building. 3. There are _______students in the Dancing Club. A. 30 B. 40 C. 50 D. 60

4. What’s the telephone number of the Music Club? A. 45612. B. 89542. C. 18190. D. 54783. 5. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Mary can join the Cooking Club with her sister. B. The telephone number of the Dancing Club is 45612. C. Students can go to the Music Club every day. D. You can’t go to the English Club on Thursday. Ⅰ. 任务型阅读

It’s September 1st, and we’re all back to school. It’s good to see all my teachers and friends again. They all look fine.

We’re in Grade Two this year. We have some new subjects. I’m not good at Chinese, but Li Lin says she’s going to help me. I think I can do better.

I like English very much. Zhang Li likes English, too. But she needs (需要) help. I think I can help her.

Mr Gao is our English teacher. He doesn’t know all of us. So he has our names on a piece of paper and calls our names before he begins his lessons.


1. Are the students all back to school on September 1st?_________________________________ Who is good at Chinese? _________________________________

Does Zhang Li do well in English? _________________________________ Who is Mr Gao?_________________________________

When does Mr Gao call our names? _________________________________ Ⅰ. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空

1. I often help my mother ________ (cook) at home.

2. My sister likes a clean and tidy house, so she often does ________ (clean) at home. 3. We clean our classroom and make it ________ (beauty). 4. Can you ________ (play) the piano?

5. What about ________ (join) the Table Tennis Club?



