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一个if为宾语从句的连词,表是否,第二个if译为如果,故选D 57.Look, the baby is smiling _____ you.

A. at B. with C. for D. of

57.答案:A 考查介词,smile at sb 译为对?微笑(smile to sb :给?一个微笑,smile on sb :上级对下级的微笑) 58. He refuses _____ anything.

A. explain B. Explaining C. to explain D. explains 58.答案:C 固定词组:refuse to do sth 译为拒绝做某事 59.I often hear my mother _____ .

A. song B. to sing C. sings D. Singing

59.答案:D 考查动词不定式,语法上排除ABC,故本题选D(hear sb do sth 听到某人做了某事 hear sb doing sth 听到某人正在做某事) 60._____ doesn’t matter _____ Mr Smith will come or not.

A. That; whether B. It; whether C. That; if D. It; if

60.答案:B 宾语从句,我不知道史密斯先生是否来,有whether就不选if 故排除CD,主语为形式主语,代指“Mr Smith will come or not”故选it 61.Do you know what _____ the little boy?

A. happened has to B. happened with C. has happened to D. have happened 61.答案:C 翻译为你知道那个小男孩么?宾语从句主语做疑问词,故排除AB,本题应用过去时,故选C

62.She _____ the work very dull(无聊的).

A. found out B. looked for C. found D. discovered

62.答案:C look for译为寻找 discover译为碰见 故都排除,found out;found都译为发觉,但前者更强调过程而后者更强调结果,故选C 63.Nobody knows _____ to visit our school.

A. when will he come B. when does he come C. when he would come C. when he comes

63.答案:D 选项为宾语从句,必须为陈述语序,故AB排除,本题翻译为没人知道他什么时候参观我们学校,还没有参观,故不能选过去时,C排除,选D 64.Please tell us _____ to the science museum. A. how can we reach B. how we can reach C. how can we get D. how we can get

64答案:D 宾语从句永远为陈述语序,排除AC,reach为及物动词,故排除选D

65.Bob didn’t go to bed _____ he finished his work. A. until B. since C. while D. when

65.答案:A 题目翻译为Bob没有睡觉直到他完成了工作,故选until 直到 66.--- What about _____ this mistake again. --- Good idea.

A. making B. to make C. going D. went 66.答案:C 介词之后只加doing 故选C

67.Our school football team will play _____ his school football team tomorrow. A. with B. in C. on D. against

67.答案:D against译为反对,对抗,本题译为我校足球队明天将对抗他校足球

68.Could you tell me _____ she is looking for?

A. that B. whose C. who D. which 68.答案:C 宾语从句,你能告诉我她是谁么?

69.I don’ know if my uncle _____ . If he _____ , I will be very happy. A. comes; will come B. will come; will come C. comes; comes D. will come; comes

69.答案:D 考查时态,第一空,我不知道我叔叔是否来,还没有来,故选择将来时,排除AC,第二空,如果他来了,这里说的是已经来了,故用一般现在时,选D

70.He asked me _____ we could go to Beijing to watch the game by plane. A. that B. if C. how D. what

70.答案:B 题目翻译为他问我外面是否乘飞机去北京看比赛,故选if 是否 71.We want to know _____ .

A. what is his name B. what his name C. what his name is D. that his name is

71.答案:D 宾语从句永远陈述语序,排除A,从句缺乏宾语,排除D,B项缺乏代词,排除,故选D



