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program么me,单数名词,故助动词是was,故填 was designed。

(3)句意:多好的机会啊!根据 a good chance 可知此处是感叹名词chance,故用what,故填What。

(4)句意: 妈妈和爸爸绝对不会让我走。副词修饰动词let,simply是副词,绝对地,故填simply。

(5)句意: 他们说这对我这个独自旅行的女孩来说很危险。it's+形容词+for sb to do,固定搭配,对某人而言做某事很……,故此处是不定式,故填 to travel。

(6)句意: 我不停地告诉他们,我以前曾独自乘飞机去德克萨斯州看望过你们。tell是动词,其后是宾格做宾语,they的宾格是them,故填them。

(7)句意: 他们不用担心我,因为这次旅行几乎和那次一样。从句是对主句的解释,故表示原因,故填 because/as。

(8)句意: 但是他们就是不听!作者安慰了父母很久,和他们就是不听表示转折故选,故是但是 , 故填But。

(9)句意: 这对我的个人成长将是非常重要的经历。experience是名词,very以辅音音素开头,故此处用不定冠词a,表示泛指 , 故填a。

(10)句意: 如果你能让爸爸妈妈同意我的话,我会更爱你。副词even后是比较级,much的比较级是more , 故填more。



Long long ago, there was a small village in the Middle East. In the village there was________old man called Sthira. He lived by himself. His only son had gone far away to study. Sthira's friends________(wonder) whether his son would return,________Sthira always said,\Whatever happens, happens for good.\

One day the old man's son returned and the villagers were very happy for Sthira. He thanked the villagers and said________(polite),\Sthira's son broke his________(leg). Once again the villagers came to visit him and once again the old man thanked________(they) and said, \of the villagers were surprised________(hear) this. Why? What was good? His son's leg got badly hurt!

After a few days, the army came to the village and forced all the young men to________the army. When they found his son had a________(break) leg, they left him behind. Once again, all the villagers came to congratulate him on his________(good) luck. Like always, the old man was still thankful to them and said,\ 【答案】 an;wondered;but;politely;leg;them;to hear;join;broken;good 【解析】【分析】文章大意:从前,在一个小村里,有一个泰斯拉的老人,不管发生了什么他都认为是好事。


(2)句意:泰斯拉的朋友想知道他的朋友是否回来。根据句首的long long ago可知句子为一般过去时,故答案是wondered。

(3)句意:但是泰斯拉总是说“不管发生了什么,都是 好事,”朋友想知道他的儿子是否会回来,泰斯拉却说不管发生了什么都是好事,所以使用but表示转折,故答案是but。 (4)句意:他感谢了村民们,然然后礼貌地说:“不管发生了什么,发生的都是好事。”polite修饰动词said,因此使用副词politely,故答案是politely。



(7)句意:一些村名听到后感到很吃惊。听到是吃惊的原因,应使用动词不定式做状语,故答案是to hear。

(8)句意:几天之后,军队来到村里,强迫年轻人参军。根据the army可知是强迫参军,force sb. to do sth.固定搭配,to已经给出,因此使用动词原形,故答案是join。 (9)句意:当他们发现他的儿子有一条断腿的时候,他们就把他留下了。break修饰leg,因此使用过去分词,故答案是broken。





I went to school in China for four years and for another six years in Canada. There are two teachers from these countries that really impressed me even though they are very 1 . When I 2 to Canada, I couldn't even order food on the flight. After two months on an ESL (English as a Second Language) course, I got my first 3 card. My mark in English was 65. I was very 4 . I couldn't 5 what would be said at the parent-teacher interview.

\ago. I am amazed at how his English has 6 so fast,\shy and only used 7 words. Now he can answer and ask questions by us in whole sentences.\

8 many other Chinese parents, my mom asked if she could give me extra homework. \my hand. \

Back in Shanghai, my teacher Miss Li was very 10 . In a test, my average(平均分)was 97, top of the class. I was proud to take parents 11 the interview.

Miss Li told my parents, \points in math. Otherwise he would be the top of the school.\

I thought she was being 13 to me. But when I was about to leave, I realized Miss Li was ver nice. She hosted a party for me and gave me a big card. Her phone number and e-mials address were on the card. \wrote. \

Miss Li and Mrs. Franceschini are both great teachers, just in different ways. One built up my learning abilities. 15 gave me tons of confidence and made learning enjoyable. I'm proud to have had them as my teachers. 1. A. kind

B. strict

C. similar D. different C. report D. ID C. serious D. careful C. wonder D. doubt

2. A. moved B. arrived C. reached D. visited 3. A. birthday B. green 4. A. satisfied B. upset 5. A. imagine B. tell 7. A. long 8. A. With 9. A. proud 11. A. in

6. A. changed B. improved C. spoken D. increased

B. popular C. simple D. complete B. Except B. certain B. off

C. Against D. Like C. afraid D. free C. friendly D. hard-working C. to C. habit C. crazy

D. up D. carelessness D. polite D. wish

10. A. patient B. strict 12. A. method B. action 13. A. unfair B. nice 14. A. hope

B. prepare C. offer

15. A. Other B. The other C. Another D. The others

【答案】 (1)D;(2)A;(3)C;(4)B;(5)A;(6)B;(7)C;(8)D;(9)A;(10)B;(11)C;(12)D;(13)A;(14)D;(15)B;



(2)句意:当我搬往加拿大时,我甚至不会在航班上订餐。A.搬运,挪动;B.到达;C.到达;D.参观。根据 on the flight 可知是在去加拿大的途中。因此moved最符合语境,故答案是A。

(3)句意:两个月的英语ESL课程之后,我拿到了我的第一个成绩单。成绩单report card,固定用法,故答案是C。

(4)句意:我很难过,A.满意的;B.难过的;C.严肃的;D.认真的。经过两个月的学习 英语才得到了65分,我不会满意,可以想象我很生气。故答案是B。




(7)句意:在第一天,他很害羞,只会使用简单的单词。A.长的;B.流行的;C.简单的;D.完全的。结合语境考虑 simple搭配words最为合适。故答案是C。

(8)句意:像许多其他的中国的父母一样,我妈妈问她是否能给我点额外的作业呢。A.带着;B.除了;C.反对;D.像。中国的家长都需要孩子多做点作业,认为这样可以提高成绩,根据 if she could give me extra homework.这点可知我妈妈就像许多中国的家长一样。故答案是D。

(9)句意:我为你感到骄傲。A.骄傲的;B.一定的;C.害怕的;D.自由的。根据 hard-working 可知,理查德做得好,老师应该为自己的学生感到骄傲。故答案是A。

(10)句意:回到上海,我的老师李老师非常严格。A.耐心的,B.严厉的;C.友好的;D.辛勤的。根据 Miss Li told my parents, \3 points in math. Otherwise he would be the top of the school.\可知老师为他丢了三分都会感到遗憾,因此老师是比较严格的,故答案是B。

(11)句意:我很骄傲带着父母接受了采访。take sb. to…带某人去某地,固定搭配。故答案是C。

(12)句意:因为他的粗心,在数学考试中丢了3分。A.理论;B.行动;C.习惯;D.粗心。根据 he lost 3 points in math 可知,在老师的眼里,这三分是本应该拿到的,因为粗心却丢失了,故答案是D。


(14)句意:我祝愿你生活成功。A.希望;B.准备;C.提供;D.希望。wish sb.+名词,固定搭配,希望某人怎么样。故答案是D。

(15)句意:另一个给了我许多信心。one…the other,一个……,另一个……,固定短语,故答案是B。



Every time we go into a museum, we are often told, \touch that!\The Please Touch Museum in Philadelphia is 1 the opposite. Here we are encouraged to 2 everything. My first visit to the museum was one year ago. I was 3 to visit the museum as soon as Mum told me its name. 4 told me that I could climb and jump, and touch everything in the museum.

This place is more like a 5 than a museum. It gives kids the chance to learn 6 play. I loved this place a lot and had to be pulled away by the arm when we were ready to 7 .

Each exhibit is a hands-on(亲自实践的) experience. I 8 enjoyed the very large water table and grocery store(食品杂货店). I had so much fun that 1 didn't even 9 I was learning.

The only problem is that this place gets crowded very quickly on weekends, 10 you need to get 'there early if you don't want to be immersed in(浸没于) the sea of people. 1. A. never 2. A. touch 3. A. afraid 4. A. He

B. just B. show B. brave B. She

C. even C. notice C. excited C. You

D. also D. bring D. lucky D. They D. except D. leave D. probably D. realise D. because

5. A. bookstore B. hospital C. playground D. school 6. A. through B. behind C. without 7. A. start

B. learn

C. play C. guess

8. A. actually B. especially C. nearly 9. A. imagine B. forget 10. A. so

B. although C. as

【答案】 (1)B;(2)A;(3)C;(4)B;(5)C;(6)A;(7)D;(8)B;(9)D;(10)A;



(2)句意:这里鼓励我们触摸所有的东西。A.触摸,触动;B.展示;C.注意;D.带来。根据Please Touch,可知费城鼓励大家触摸一切,故选A。

(3)句意:妈妈一告诉我它的名字我就很兴奋。A.害怕的;B.勇敢的;C.感到兴奋的;D.幸运的。由于可以在博物馆里触摸一切,所以听到要去博物馆应该很兴奋,故选C。 (4)句意:他告诉我在博物馆里可以爬跳,而且还可以触摸所有的东西。A.他;B.她;C.你;D.他们。此处用she代替Mum,故选B。



(7)句意:我很喜欢这个地并且准备离开的时候我们不得不被拉着胳膊开车离开。A.开始;B.学习;C.玩;D.离开。根据pulled away,可知是准备开车离开,故选D。





