stressed that promoting the comprehensive revitalization should focus on economic construction as the central focus with, pay special attention to grasp the implementation of five development concepts, deepening reform and promoting the all-round opening up, ensuring and improving people's livelihood, strengthen the construction of ecological civilization, \opment mix. To with new development concept measure work, and command action, and training cadres, in implement implementation new development concept in the looking for opportunities, and build highlights, and expand advantage; to full deepening reform, break bound the aspects created vitality of system mechanism obstacles; to active advance full aspects opening, participation \cast Russian Economic Corridor%uarantees and improved livelihood, strongly won poverty battle; to strengthening ecological civilization construction, for sustainable development reserved space, for future generations left sky blue, and to green, and water clear of better homes. We must in-depth implement implementation new development concept, insisted to economic construction for Center, firmly caught development this first priority, absorbed make construction, heart no distractions caught development, speed up development \ndustry\h implementation \big engineering\big environment\quality more high, and benefits better, and structure more excellent of transformation development of road. To strengthen ecological construction. On March 22, the deep restructuring examined and adopted the opinion on perfecting compensation mechanism of ecological protection, proposed to explore the establishment of diversified ecological compensation mechanism, progressive realization of forests, grasslands, wetlands and other areas of focus and key ecological function and other important regional ecological compensation coverage, the ecological advantages of the region will be further highlighted. We need to go green eco-building, as the essential policy, in strict accordance with the State of main function region construction requirements, careful implementation and Xiaoxing ' an mountains forest ecological protection and economic restructuring plan for the construction of sky blue, ... Acts prohibited by picking up the remaining wells in standing timber. To focus on forest resource conservation, increase the acquisition and supervision of cold storage, no buy fruit, encourage support to leading enterprises, workers ' cooperatives as a unit, the contract management of forest resources, the rational protection and utilization of resources. To work actively towards policy aimed from the level of the State Forestry Administration formulated regulations to protect forest resources as soon as possible to achieve law and regulation to protect forest resources. Should focus on forest fire prevention. Fire safety is the first priority流生态调查结果:河鳟鱼物种为45条/公里。
图3 图4
我们知道,利用If函数,可以实现按照条件显示。一个常用的例子,就是教师在统计学生成绩时,希望输入60以下的分数时,能显示为“不及格”;输入60以上的分数时,显示为“及格\。这样的效果,利用IF函数可以很方便地实现。 假设成绩在A2单元格中,判断结果在A3单元格中。那么在A3单元格中输入公式: =if(A2<60,“不及格”,“及格”) 同时,在IF函数中还可以嵌套IF函数或其它函数。
例如,如果输入: =if(A2<60,“不及格”,if(A2<=90,“及格”,“优秀\)) 就把成绩分成了三个等级。
如果输入 =if(A2<60,“差\,if(A2<=70,“中”,if(A2<90,“良”,“优”))) 就把成绩分为了四个等级。
再比如,公式: =if(SUM(A1:A5>0,SUM(A1:A5),0) 此式就利用了嵌套函数,意思是,当A1至A5的和大于0时,返回这个值,如果小于0,那么就返回0。 还有一点要提醒你注意:以上的符号均为半角,而且IF与括号之间也不能有空格。
Excel中预设了很多有用的数据格式,基本能够满足使用的要求,但对一些特殊的要求,如强调显示某些重要数据或信息、设置显示条件等,就要使用自定义格式功能来完成。 Excel的自定义格式使用下面的通用模型:正数格式,负数格式,零格式,文本格式,在这个通用模型中,包含三个数字段和一个文本段:大于零的数据使用正数格式;小于零的数据使用负数格式;等于零的数据使用零格式;输入单元格的正文使用文本格式。 我们还可以通过使用条件测试,添加描述文本和使用颜色来扩展自定义格式通用模型的应用。
(1)使用颜色 要在自定义格式的某个段中设置颜色,只需在该段中增加用方括号括住的颜色名或颜色编号。Excel识别的颜色名为:[黑色]、[红色]、[白色]、[蓝色]、[绿色]、[青色]和[洋红]。Excel也识别按[颜色X]指定的颜色,其中X是1至56之间的数字,代表56种颜色(如图5)。 图5
(2)添加描述文本 要在输入数字数据之后自动添加文本,使用自定义格式
he first responsibility of the forest, 26th spring area has fully deployed to the fire, has now entered the fire, we have to be on duty, and defend. Determined to overcome paralysis, must not \past, the reduced requirements during the period. To apply strictly the party with the responsibility, must shoulder the responsibility of the Party Secretary in particular, really practice pipes, it can never shuaishouzhanggui, be sure to layer the implementation falls fire responsibility, to ensure that no major forest fires. To adhere to balanced, correctly handle the relationship between fire and project construction, industrial development, to \cond, to speed up the development of six major industries. Promote development in our region, the key is to give full play to resource advantage to build eco-oriented \new engine of economic growth. Firm confidence. Practice has proved that the \big six\central and provincial 11
industrial layoutrequirements, and meet the actual da hinggan mountains, through active efforts have been showing a strong momentum of development. So, in the \opment, we must be firm in faith, go all out, perseverance, one caught in the end, convinced that Castle is not relaxed, does not reach the target will never give up. Should focus on industrial projects. Project is to accelerate the industrial development of important support and backing. Industrial project construction, my area there are few in number, small size, low level problems. This year, the project as his party has \ct\hard to project construction. Especially effective during short, catching project shall not, slowdragging not allowed. All localities should conscientiously implement the project leadership system, timetable, roadmap, and coordinate services, tracking the whole process forward, inverted durations, speeding up progress and seek practical results. Poised to break the project build Set challenges, to accelerate the pace of preliminary formalities, the enterprises have difficulties to pull one way and also help in a timely manner to help businesses market, enhance confidence, urging work as soon as possible. To strengthen the project analysis, proper risk analysis and improve project success rates. (Specific to the XX, we still want to make good use of agricultural advantages, relying on the upper reaches of the forest in the fresh air and XXX pure water and other resources, create high-quality, high-grade green food brands, truly reflect the original character. Meanwhile, adhere to the project as the breakthrough to promote economic development around the \cial attention to forming projects, dig potential projects, focus on key projects, actively cultivating the new leading industries and new sources of economic growth). To promote investment. More accurate professional business, and based my industrial base and resources, aimed at national stressed that promoting the comprehensive revitalization should focus on economic construction as the central focus with, pay special attention to grasp the implementation of five development concepts, deepening reform and promoting the all-round opening up, ensuring and improving people's livelihood, strengthen the construction of ecological civilization, \s\opment mix. To with new development concept measure work, and command action, and training cadres, in implement implementation new development concept in the looking for opportunities, and build highlights, and expand advantage; to full deepening reform, break bound the aspects created vitality of system mechanism obstacles; to active advance full aspects opening, participation \he cast Russian Economic Corridor\ntees and improved livelihood, strongly won poverty battle; to strengthening ecological civilization construction, for sustainable development reserved space, for future generations left sky blue, and to green, and water clear of better homes. We must in-depth implement implementation new development concept, insisted to economic construction for Center, firmly caught development this first priority, absorbed make construction, heart no distractions caught development, speed up development \big industry\pth implementation \e big engineering\create \environment\out of a article quality more high, and benefits better, and structure more excellent of transformation development of road. o strengthen ecological construction. On March 22, the deep restructuring examined and adopted the opinion on perfecting compensation mechanism of ecological protection, proposed to explore the establishment of diversified ecological compensation mechanism, progressive realization of forests, grasslands, wetlands and other areas of focus and key ecological function and other important regional ecologicalcompensation coverage, the ecological advantages of the region will be further highlighted. We need to go green eco-building, as the essential policy, in strict accordance with the State of main function region construction requirements, careful implementation and Xiaoxing ' an mountains forest ecological protection and economic restructuring plan for the construction of sky blue, ... Acts prohibited by picking up the remaining wells in standing timber. o focus on forest resource conservation, increase the acquisition and supervision of cold storage, no buy fruit, encourage support to leading enterprises, workers ' cooperatives as a unit, the contract management of forest resources, the rational protection and utilization of resources. o work actively towards policy aimed from the level of the State Forestry Administration formulated regulations to protect forest resources as soon as possible to achieve law and regulation to protect forest resources. Should focus on forest fire prevention. Fire safety is the first priority为:"文本内容"@;要在输入数字数据之前自动添加文本,使用自定义格式为:@"文本内容"。@符号的位置决定了Excel输入的数字数据相对于添加文本的位置。
(3)创建条件格式 可以使用六种逻辑符号来设计一个条件格式:>(大于)、>=(大于等于)、<(小于)、<=(小于等于)、=(等于)、<>(不等于),如果你觉得这些符号不好记,就干脆使用“>”或“>=”号来表示。
下面给出一个例子:选中一列,然后单击“格式”菜单中的“单元格”命令,在弹出的对话框中选择“数字”选项卡,在“分类”列表中选择“自定义”,然后在“类型”文本框中输入“\正数:\负数:\零\文本:\”,单击“确定”按钮,完成格式设置。这时如果我们输入“12”,就会在单元格中显示“正数:($12.00)”,如果输入“-0.3”,就会在单元格中显示“负数:($0.30)”,如果输入“0”,就会在单元格中显示“零”,如果输入文本“this is a book”,就会在单元格中显示“文本:this is a book”。 如果改变自定义格式的内容,“[红色]\正数:\蓝色]\负数:\黄色]\零\文本:\”,那么正数、负数、零将显示为不同的颜色。如果输入“[Blue];[Red];[Yellow];[Green]”,那么正数、负数、零和文本将分别显示上面的颜色(如图6)。 图6
再举一个例子,假设正在进行帐目的结算,想要用蓝色显示结余超过$50,000的帐目,负数值用红色显示在括号中,其余的值用缺省颜色显示,可以创建如下的格式: “[蓝色][>50000] $#,##0.00_);[红色][<0]( $#,##0.00); $#,##0.00_)” 使用条件运算符也可以作为缩放数值的强有力的辅助方式,例如,如果所在单位生产几种产品,每个产品中只要几克某化合物,而一天生产几千个此产品,那么在编制使用预算时,需要从克转为千克、吨,这时可以定义下面的格式: “[>]#,##0,,_m\吨\千克\克\” 可以看到,使用条件格式,千分符和均匀间隔指示符的组合,不用增加公式的数目就可以改进工作表的可读性和效率。
另外,我们还可以运用自定义格式来达到隐藏输入数据的目的,比如格式";##;0"只显示负数和零,输入的正数则不显示;格式“;;;”则隐藏所有的输入值。 自定义格式只改变数据的显示外观,并不改变数据的值,也就是说不影响数据的计算。灵活运用好自定义格式功能,将会给实际工作带来很大的方便。 ________________________________________
he first responsibility of the forest, 26th spring area has fully deployed to the fire, has now entered the fire, we have to be on duty, and defend. Determined to overcome paralysis, must not \past, the reduced requirements during the period. To apply strictly the party with the responsibility, must shoulder the responsibility of the Party Secretary in particular, really practice pipes, it can never shuaishouzhanggui, be sure to layer the implementation falls fire responsibility, to ensure that no major forest fires. To adhere to balanced, correctly handle the relationship between fire and project construction, industrial development, to \cond, to speed up the development of six major industries. Promote development in our region, the key is to give full play to resource advantage to build eco-oriented \new engine of economic growth. Firm confidence. Practice has proved that the \central and provincial 12
industrial layoutrequirements, and meet the actual da hinggan mountains, through active efforts have been showing a strong momentum of development. So, in the \opment, we must be firm in faith, go all out, perseverance, one caught in the end, convinced that Castle is not relaxed, does not reach the target will never give up. Should focus on industrial projects. Project is to accelerate the industrial development of important support and backing. Industrial project construction, my area there are few in number, small size, low level problems. This year, the project as his party has \ct\hard to project construction. Especially effective during short, catching project shall not, slowdragging not allowed. All localities should conscientiously implement the project leadership system, timetable, roadmap, and coordinate services, tracking the whole process forward, inverted durations, speeding up progress and seek practical results. Poised to break the project build Set challenges, to accelerate the pace of preliminary formalities, the enterprises have difficulties to pull one way and also help in a timely manner to help businesses market, enhance confidence, urging work as soon as possible. To strengthen the project analysis, proper risk analysis and improve project success rates. (Specific to the XX, we still want to make good use of agricultural advantages, relying on the upper reaches of the forest in the fresh air and XXX pure water and other resources, create high-quality, high-grade green food brands, truly reflect the original character. Meanwhile, adhere to the project as the breakthrough to promote economic development around the \cial attention to forming projects, dig potential projects, focus on key projects, actively cultivating the new leading industries and new sources of economic growth). To promote investment. More accurate professional business, and based my industrial base and resources, aimed at national stressed that promoting the comprehensive revitalization should focus on economic construction as the central focus with, pay special attention to grasp the implementation of five development concepts, deepening reform and promoting the all-round opening up, ensuring and improving people's livelihood, strengthen the construction of ecological civilization, \opment mix. To with new development concept measure work, and command action, and training cadres, in implement implementation new development concept in the looking for opportunities, and build highlights, and expand advantage; to full deepening reform, break bound the aspects created vitality of system mechanism obstacles; to active advance full aspects opening, participation \cast Russian Economic Corridor%uarantees and improved livelihood, strongly won poverty battle; to strengthening ecological civilization construction, for sustainable development reserved space, for future generations left sky blue, and to green, and water clear of better homes. We must in-depth implement implementation new development concept, insisted to economic construction for Center, firmly caught development this first priority, absorbed make construction, heart no distractions caught development, speed up development \ndustry\h implementation \big engineering\big environment\quality more high, and benefits better, and structure more excellent of transformation development of road. To strengthen ecological construction. On March 22, the deep restructuring examined and adopted the opinion on perfecting compensation mechanism of ecological protection, proposed to explore the establishment of diversified ecological compensation mechanism, progressive realization of forests, grasslands, wetlands and other areas of focus and key ecological function and other important regional ecological compensation coverage, the ecological advantages of the region will be further highlighted. We need to go green eco-building, as the essential policy, in strict accordance with the State of main function region construction requirements, careful implementation and Xiaoxing ' an mountains forest ecological protection and economic restructuring plan for the construction of sky blue, ... Acts prohibited by picking up the remaining wells in standing timber. To focus on forest resource conservation, increase the acquisition and supervision of cold storage, no buy fruit, encourage support to leading enterprises, workers ' cooperatives as a unit, the contract management of forest resources, the rational protection and utilization of resources. To work actively towards policy aimed from the level of the State Forestry Administration formulated regulations to protect forest resources as soon as possible to achieve law and regulation to protect forest resources. Should focus on forest fire prevention. Fire safety is the first priority5、绘制函数图象
以绘制y=|lg(6+x^3)|的曲线为例,其方法如下: 在某张空白的工作表中,先输入函数的自变量:在A列的A1格输入\,表明这是自变量,再在A列的A2及以后的格内逐次从小到大输入自变量的各个值;实际输入的时候,通常应用等差数列输入法,先输入前二个值,定出自变量中数与数之间的步长,然后选中A2和A3两个单元格,使这二项变成一个带黑色边框的矩形,再用鼠标指向这黑色矩形的右下角的小方块“■”,当光标变成\+\后,按住鼠标拖动光标到适当的位置,就完成自变量的输入。
输入函数式:在B列的B1格输入函数式的一般书面表达形式,y=|lg(6+x^3)|;在B2格输入“=ABS(LOG10(6+A2^3))”,B2格内马上得出了计算的结果。这时,再选中B2格,让光标指向B2矩形右下角的“■”,当光标变成\+\时按住光标沿B列拖动到适当的位置即完成函数值的计算。 图7
绘制曲线:点击工具栏上的“图表向导”按钮,选择“X,Y散点图”(如图7),然后在出现的“X,Y散点图”类型中选择“无数据点平滑线散点图”;此时可察看即将绘制的函数图像,发现并不是我们所要的函数曲线,单击“下一步”按钮,选中“数据产生在列”项,给出数据区域,这时曲线就在我们面前了(如图8)。 图8
从简单的三角函数到复杂的对数、指数函数,都可以用EXCEL画出曲线。如果用得到,你还可以利用EXCEL来完成行列式、矩阵的各种计算,进行简单的积分运算,利用迭代求函数值(如x^2=x^7+4,可用迭代方法求x值),等等,凡是涉及计算方面的事,找EXCEL来帮忙,它一定会给你一个满意的答案。 ________________________________________
he first responsibility of the forest, 26th spring area has fully deployed to the fire, has now entered the fire, we have to be on duty, and defend. Determined to overcome paralysis, must not \past, the reduced requirements during the period. To apply strictly the party with the responsibility, must shoulder the responsibility of the Party Secretary in particular, really practice pipes, it can never shuaishouzhanggui, be sure to layer the implementation falls fire responsibility, to ensure that no major forest fires. To adhere to balanced, correctly handle the relationship between fire and project construction, industrial development, to \cond, to speed up the development of six major industries. Promote development in our region, the key is to give full play to resource advantage to build eco-oriented \new engine of economic growth. Firm confidence. Practice has proved that the \big six\central and provincial 13
industrial layoutrequirements, and meet the actual da hinggan mountains, through active efforts have been showing a strong momentum of development. So, in the \opment, we must be firm in faith, go all out, perseverance, one caught in the end, convinced that Castle is not relaxed, does not reach the target will never give up. Should focus on industrial projects. Project is to accelerate the industrial development of important support and backing. Industrial project construction, my area there are few in number, small size, low level problems. This year, the project as his party has \ct\hard to project construction. Especially effective during short, catching project shall not, slowdragging not allowed. All localities should conscientiously implement the project leadership system, timetable, roadmap, and coordinate services, tracking the whole process forward, inverted durations, speeding up progress and seek practical results. Poised to break the project build Set challenges, to accelerate the pace of preliminary formalities, the enterprises have difficulties to pull one way and also help in a timely manner to help businesses market, enhance confidence, urging work as soon as possible. To strengthen the project analysis, proper risk analysis and improve project success rates. (Specific to the XX, we still want to make good use of agricultural advantages, relying on the upper reaches of the forest in the fresh air and XXX pure water and other resources, create high-quality, high-grade green food brands, truly reflect the original character. Meanwhile, adhere to the project as the breakthrough to promote economic development around the \cial attention to forming projects, dig potential projects, focus on key projects, actively cultivating the new leading industries and new sources of economic growth). To promote investment. More accurate professional business, and based my industrial base and resources, aimed at national stressed that promoting the comprehensive revitalization should focus on economic construction as the central focus with, pay special attention to grasp the implementation of five development concepts, deepening reform and promoting the all-round opening up, ensuring and improving people's livelihood, strengthen the construction of ecological civilization, \s\opment mix. To with new development concept measure work, and command action, and training cadres, in implement implementation new development concept in the looking for opportunities, and build highlights, and expand advantage; to full deepening reform, break bound the aspects created vitality of system mechanism obstacles; to active advance full aspects opening, participation \he cast Russian Economic Corridor\ntees and improved livelihood, strongly won poverty battle; to strengthening ecological civilization construction, for sustainable development reserved space, for future generations left sky blue, and to green, and water clear of better homes. We must in-depth implement implementation new development concept, insisted to economic construction for Center, firmly caught development this first priority, absorbed make construction, heart no distractions caught development, speed up development \big industry\pth implementation \e big engineering\create \environment\out of a article quality more high, and benefits better, and structure more excellent of transformation development of road. o strengthen ecological construction. On March 22, the deep restructuring examined and adopted the opinion on perfecting compensation mechanism of ecological protection, proposed to explore the establishment of diversified ecological compensation mechanism, progressive realization of forests, grasslands, wetlands and other areas of focus and key ecological function and other important regional ecologicalcompensation coverage, the ecological advantages of the region will be further highlighted. We need to go green eco-building, as the essential policy, in strict accordance with the State of main function region construction requirements, careful implementation and Xiaoxing ' an mountains forest ecological protection and economic restructuring plan for the construction of sky blue, ... Acts prohibited by picking up the remaining wells in standing timber. o focus on forest resource conservation, increase the acquisition and supervision of cold storage, no buy fruit, encourage support to leading enterprises, workers ' cooperatives as a unit, the contract management of forest resources, the rational protection and utilization of resources. o work actively towards policy aimed from the level of the State Forestry Administration formulated regulations to protect forest resources as soon as possible to achieve law and regulation to protect forest resources. Should focus on forest fire prevention. Fire safety is the first priority情况。假如某公司采用一个特殊的数学公式计算产品购买者的折扣,如果有一个函数来计算岂不更方便?下面就说一下如何创建这样的自定义函数。
自定义函数,也叫用户定义函数,是Excel最富有创意和吸引力的功能之一,下面我们在Visual Basic模块中创建一个函数。 在下面的例子中,我们要给每个人的金额乘一个系数,如果是上班时的工作餐,就打六折;如果是加班时的工作餐,就打五折;如果是休息日来就餐,就打九折。首先打开“工具”菜单,单击“宏”命令中的“Visual Basic编辑器”,进入Visual Basic编辑环境,在“工程-VBAobject”栏中的当前表上单击鼠标右键,选择“插入”-“模块”,在右边栏创建下面的函数rrr,代码如下: Function rrr(tatol, rr) If rr = \上班\* tatol ElseIf rr = \加班\休息日\tatol End If End Function (如图9)。 图9
这时关闭编辑器,只要我们在相应的列中输入rrr(F2,B2),那么打完折后的金额就算出来了(如图10)。 图10
矩阵函数是Excel进行矩阵计算的专用模块。用“插入”-“函数”命令打开“粘贴函数”对话框(如图11),选中函数分类栏中的“数学与三角函数”,在右边栏常用的矩阵函数有: MDETERM——计算一个矩阵的行列式; MINVERSE——计算一个矩阵的逆矩阵; MMULT——计算两个矩阵的乘积; SUMPRODUCT——计算所有矩阵对应元素乘积之和。 图11
he first responsibility of the forest, 26th spring area has fully deployed to the fire, has now entered the fire, we have to be on duty, and defend. Determined to overcome paralysis, must not \past, the reduced requirements during the period. To apply strictly the party with the responsibility, must shoulder the responsibility of the Party Secretary in particular, really practice pipes, it can never shuaishouzhanggui, be sure to layer the implementation falls fire responsibility, to ensure that no major forest fires. To adhere to balanced, correctly handle the relationship between fire and project construction, industrial development, to \cond, to speed up the development of six major industries. Promote development in our region, the key is to give full play to resource advantage to build eco-oriented \new engine of economic growth. Firm confidence. Practice has proved that the \central and provincial 14
industrial layoutrequirements, and meet the actual da hinggan mountains, through active efforts have been showing a strong momentum of development. So, in the \opment, we must be firm in faith, go all out, perseverance, one caught in the end, convinced that Castle is not relaxed, does not reach the target will never give up. Should focus on industrial projects. Project is to accelerate the industrial development of important support and backing. Industrial project construction, my area there are few in number, small size, low level problems. This year, the project as his party has \ct\hard to project construction. Especially effective during short, catching project shall not, slowdragging not allowed. All localities should conscientiously implement the project leadership system, timetable, roadmap, and coordinate services, tracking the whole process forward, inverted durations, speeding up progress and seek practical results. Poised to break the project build Set challenges, to accelerate the pace of preliminary formalities, the enterprises have difficulties to pull one way and also help in a timely manner to help businesses market, enhance confidence, urging work as soon as possible. To strengthen the project analysis, proper risk analysis and improve project success rates. (Specific to the XX, we still want to make good use of agricultural advantages, relying on the upper reaches of the forest in the fresh air and XXX pure water and other resources, create high-quality, high-grade green food brands, truly reflect the original character. Meanwhile, adhere to the project as the breakthrough to promote economic development around the \cial attention to forming projects, dig potential projects, focus on key projects, actively cultivating the new leading industries and new sources of economic growth). To promote investment. More accurate professional business, and based my industrial base and resources, aimed at national stressed that promoting the comprehensive revitalization should focus on economic construction as the central focus with, pay special attention to grasp the implementation of five development concepts, deepening reform and promoting the all-round opening up, ensuring and improving people's livelihood, strengthen the construction of ecological civilization, \opment mix. To with new development concept measure work, and command action, and training cadres, in implement implementation new development concept in the looking for opportunities, and build highlights, and expand advantage; to full deepening reform, break bound the aspects created vitality of system mechanism obstacles; to active advance full aspects opening, participation \cast Russian Economic Corridor%uarantees and improved livelihood, strongly won poverty battle; to strengthening ecological civilization construction, for sustainable development reserved space, for future generations left sky blue, and to green, and water clear of better homes. We must in-depth implement implementation new development concept, insisted to economic construction for Center, firmly caught development this first priority, absorbed make construction, heart no distractions caught development, speed up development \ndustry\h implementation \big engineering\big environment\quality more high, and benefits better, and structure more excellent of transformation development of road. To strengthen ecological construction. On March 22, the deep restructuring examined and adopted the opinion on perfecting compensation mechanism of ecological protection, proposed to explore the establishment of diversified ecological compensation mechanism, progressive realization of forests, grasslands, wetlands and other areas of focus and key ecological function and other important regional ecological compensation coverage, the ecological advantages of the region will be further highlighted. We need to go green eco-building, as the essential policy, in strict accordance with the State of main function region construction requirements, careful implementation and Xiaoxing ' an mountains forest ecological protection and economic restructuring plan for the construction of sky blue, ... Acts prohibited by picking up the remaining wells in standing timber. To focus on forest resource conservation, increase the acquisition and supervision of cold storage, no buy fruit, encourage support to leading enterprises, workers ' cooperatives as a unit, the contract management of forest resources, the rational protection and utilization of resources. To work actively towards policy aimed from the level of the State Forestry Administration formulated regulations to protect forest resources as soon as possible to achieve law and regulation to protect forest resources. Should focus on forest fire prevention. Fire safety is the first priority
数组计算和矩阵计算有很大的区别,比如下面这个例子中,A和B都是定义好的数组,因为这两个数组都是3×3的,输出结果也是3×3个单元格。计算时先选定矩阵计算结果的输出域,为3×3的单元格区域,然后输入公式。如果输入“=A+B”或“=A-B”,计算结果是数组对应项相加或相减,输入“=A*B”表示数组A和B相乘,输入“=A/B”表示数组A除数组B。如果要进行矩阵计算,就要用到相应的矩阵函数。矩阵相加、相减与数组的加减表达形式是一样的,也是“=A+B”和“=A-B”,表示矩阵相乘可以输入“=MMULT(A,B)”,而矩阵相除是矩阵A乘B的逆矩阵,所以计算公式是“=MMULT(A,MINVERSE(B))”。公式输入后,同时按Shift+Ctrl+Enter键得到计算结果。 对于更复杂的矩阵计算,可以采用分步计算。
在一张工作表中,往往是既有数据,又有文字,这样在输入时就需要来回在中英文之间反复切换输入法,非常麻烦。 如果你要输入的东西很有规律性,比如这一列全是单词,下一列全是汉语解释,你可以用以下方法实现自动切换。方法是:
(1)选中要输入英文的列,单击“数据”菜单,选择“有效性...”命令,在弹出的“数据有效性”对话框中,选中“输入法模式”选项卡,在“模式”框中选择“关闭(英文模式)”命令,单击“确定”按钮(如图12)。 图12
有时我们需要删除Excel工作薄中的空行,一般做法是将空行一一找出,然后删除。如果工作表的行数很多,这样做就非常不方便。我们可以利用“自动筛选”功能,把空行全部找到,然后一次性删除。 做法:先在表中插入新的一个空行,然后按下Ctrl+A键,选择整个工作表,用鼠标单击“数据”菜单,选择“筛选”项中的“自动筛选”命令。这时在每一列的顶部,都出现一个下拉列表框,在典型列的下拉列表框中选择“空白”,直到页面内已看不到数据为止(如图13)。 图13
he first responsibility of the forest, 26th spring area has fully deployed to the fire, has now entered the fire, we have to be on duty, and defend. Determined to overcome paralysis, must not \past, the reduced requirements during the period. To apply strictly the party with the responsibility, must shoulder the responsibility of the Party Secretary in particular, really practice pipes, it can never shuaishouzhanggui, be sure to layer the implementation falls fire responsibility, to ensure that no major forest fires. To adhere to balanced, correctly handle the relationship between fire and project construction, industrial development, to \cond, to speed up the development of six major industries. Promote development in our region, the key is to give full play to resource advantage to build eco-oriented \new engine of economic growth. Firm confidence. Practice has proved that the \big six\central and provincial 15
industrial layoutrequirements, and meet the actual da hinggan mountains, through active efforts have been showing a strong momentum of development. So, in the \opment, we must be firm in faith, go all out, perseverance, one caught in the end, convinced that Castle is not relaxed, does not reach the target will never give up. Should focus on industrial projects. Project is to accelerate the industrial development of important support and backing. Industrial project construction, my area there are few in number, small size, low level problems. This year, the project as his party has \ct\hard to project construction. Especially effective during short, catching project shall not, slowdragging not allowed. All localities should conscientiously implement the project leadership system, timetable, roadmap, and coordinate services, tracking the whole process forward, inverted durations, speeding up progress and seek practical results. Poised to break the project build Set challenges, to accelerate the pace of preliminary formalities, the enterprises have difficulties to pull one way and also help in a timely manner to help businesses market, enhance confidence, urging work as soon as possible. To strengthen the project analysis, proper risk analysis and improve project success rates. (Specific to the XX, we still want to make good use of agricultural advantages, relying on the upper reaches of the forest in the fresh air and XXX pure water and other resources, create high-quality, high-grade green food brands, truly reflect the original character. Meanwhile, adhere to the project as the breakthrough to promote economic development around the \cial attention to forming projects, dig potential projects, focus on key projects, actively cultivating the new leading industries and new sources of economic growth). To promote investment. More accurate professional business, and based my industrial base and resources, aimed at national