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285.That's not a problem.那没问题。 286.That's not true.那是不对的。 287.That's OK.可以。

288.That's ridiculous.那太荒唐了。

289.That's the way I look at it,too.我也是这么想。 290.That's the way it is.就是这么回事。 291.That's worthwhile.那是值得的。 292.The same to you.你也一样。

293.The shortest answer is doing.最简短的回答是干。 294.The sooner,the better.愈快愈好。 295.There is a call for you.有你的电话。 296.There is no doubt about it.那是毫无疑问的。 297.There is nothing I can do.我无能为力。 298.There's a possibility.有这个可能。

299.These things happen all the time.这是常有的事。 300.This soup tastes great.这个汤非常美味。 301.Time is money.时间就是金钱。 302.Tomorrow never comes.莫依赖明天。 303.Two heads are better than one.人多智广。 304.We are in the sme boat.我们的处境相同。 305.We can get by. 我们过得去。

306.We can work it out.我们可以解决这个问题。 307.We have a lot in common.我们有很多相同之处。 308.We'll see.再说吧。

309.What a coincidence!真是太巧了! 310.What a shame!真是遗憾!

311.What are you up to? 你在忙什么呢? 312.What are you talking about?你在说什么?

313.What are your plans for the weekend?你周末计划做什么? 314.What can I do for you?要我帮忙吗?


315.What do you do for relaxation?你做什么消遣? 316.What do you recommend? 你推荐什么?

317.What do you think of my new car?你觉得我的新车怎么样? 318.What do you think of it? 你觉得怎么样? 319.What is it about? 这是关于什么的? 320.What is it like there?那儿怎么样? 321.What makes you say so?你怎么这么说? 322.What's going on?发生什么事了? 323.What's on your mind?你在想什么呢? 324.What's the deadline?截止到什么时候? 325.What's the matter with you?你怎么啦?

326.What's the purpose of your visit?你来访的目的是什么? 327.What's the weather like?天气怎么样

328.What's your favorite food? 你最喜欢的食物是什么? 329.What's your job?你做什么工作?

330.Whatever you think is fine with me.我随你。

331.When is the most convenient time for you?你什么时候最方便? 332.When will it be ready?什么时候能准备好? 333.Where are you going?你去哪儿?

334.Where can I check in?在那儿办理登记手续? 335.Where can I go for help?我该怎么办? 336.Where do you live?你住在哪儿? 337.Where have you been?你去哪儿了?

338.Where is the rest room,please? 请问洗手间在哪儿? 339.Where were we?我们说到哪儿了? 340.Who is in charge here?这里谁负责?

341.Would you care for a drink?你要不要来点儿喝的? 342.Would you do me a favor?你能帮我一个忙吗? 343.You are just saying that.你只是说说而已。 344.You are kidding.你开玩笑吧。


345.You are so considerate.你真有心。 346.You can count on me.你可以指望我。 347.You can say that again.我同意。 348.You can't complain.你该知足了。 349.You deserve it.这是你应得的。 350.You did a good job.你干得很好。 351.You get what you pay for.一分钱一分货。 352.You got a good deal.你买得真便宜。 353.You need a vacation.你需要休息。 354.You never know.世事难料。 355.You said it.你算说对了。

356.You should give it a try.你应该试一试。

357.You should take advantage of it.你应该好好利用这个机会。 358.You will be better off.你的状况会好起来的。 359.You will have to wait and see.你得等一等看。 360.You'll get used to it.你会习惯的。

361.You've dialed the wrong number.你拨错电话号码了。 362.You've got a point there. 你说的有道理。 363.You've got it.你明白了。

364.You've made a good choice.你的眼力不错。 365.Your satisfaction is guaranteed.包你满意 ◇ 购物简明口语

这是多少钱? How much does this cost? 我喜欢这个。I like this.

我要买这个。I would like to take this one. 有没有别的颜色? Do you have any other colors? 我可以试穿这个吗? May I try this on? 你可以算便宜一点吗?Can you cut me a deal?

我可不可以用信用卡付帐? Can I pay by credit card? 在哪里可以换钱? Where can I change money?


你们几点营业/打烊? What time do you open/close?

我要买这个礼物送给我朋友。I'm looking for a gift for my friend. 请帮我把这个包起来。Please wrap this for me.

谢谢,可是我只是看看。Think you but I'm just looking.

◇ Social customs vary greatly from country to country国与国之间的社会习俗有很大差异。 ◇ It took us only a few minutes to get through the Customs.我们的海关检查只花了几分钟时


◇ I dare say you are right.我认为你是对的。

◇ The customs asked me if I had anything to declare.海关人员问我是否有要报税的东西。

You've been working all morning---you deserve a rest.你已经干了一个上午了,该休息一下了。

◇ I am filled with desire to go back home.我心中充满了回家的渴望。 ◇ I am busy cooking dinner.我正忙着做饭。 ◇ I don't know what to do.我不知道怎么做才好。 ◇ I do miss you.我真想念你啊!

◇ You should see a doctor.你应该去看医生。

◇ Can you lend me five dollars?你能借给我五美元吗? ◇ He doesn't smoke or drink.他不抽烟也不喝酒。 ◇ Please give me a drink of water.请给我点水喝。 ◇ It's my duty to help you.帮你忙是我份内该做的事。 ◇ The Chinese eat with chopsticks.中国人用筷子吃饭。

◇ Our company employed about one hundred people.我们公司雇佣了大约一百人。 ◇ Do you speak English?你会说英语吗? ◇ Enough is as good as a feast.知足常乐。

◇ The train arrived at exactly 8 o'clock.火车八点钟准时到达。 ◇ Please excuse my bad handwriting.请原谅我的字写得不好。 ◇ I will do what is expected of me.我会尽本分的。 ◇ You must play fair.你必须公正处事。

◇ There are five people in my family.我家里有五口人。


◇ Please say that again.请再说一次。 ◇ Please come with me.请跟我来。 ◇ 医院

◇ 我要看病。I'd like to see a doctor. ◇ 我觉得身体不舒服I'm not feeling well.

◇ 你能帮我请位医生吗? Could you send me a doctor?

◇ 你怎么啦? What's wrong with you?What's the matter?Is anything wrong? ◇ 是什么症状? What are your symptoms? *symptom“症状”。

◇ 量一下体温吧。Let me check your temperature. *temperature“体温、温度”。 ◇ 吃了什么不对劲的东西没有? Did you eat something unusual? May I ask you a question?


◇ Sure, what is it?当然,什么问题? ◇ 洗手间在哪儿? Where's the rest room?

◇ 在哪儿可以打电话? Where can I make a phone call? *“打电话”可以用make a

phone call或make a call来表示。

◇ Is there a bus to the airport? 有去机场的汽车吗?

◇ 这个多少钱? How much does this cost?What does this cost?What is the price

of this?

◇ This one is eight hundred dollars. 这个800美元。 ◇ 您用现金还是卡? Will that be cash or charge? ◇ I wish you a good journey.祝你一路平安。




