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Ⅰ. 对话理解。


听第1段对话,回答第1小题。 1. What is Jane reading?

A. A newspaper B. A magazine C. A book. 听第2段对话,回答第2、3两个小题。 2. How much is the sweater?

A. Five dollars. B. Fifteen dollars. C. Forty dollars. 3. What did the woman buy at last?

A. The T-shirt. B. The socks. C. The trousers. 听第3段对话,回答第4、5两个小题。 4. What role did Sam get?

A. A king. B. A prince. C. A queen. 5. What is the name of the play?

A. The King and the Prince. B. Little Red Riding Hood. C. The King’s New Clothes. 听第4段对话,回答第6至8三个小题。 6. Who will the girl go to Chengdu with?

A. The boy. B. Her father. C. Her mother. 7. How many times has the boy’s father been to Chengdu? A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times. 8. How long does it probably take to fly to Chengdu?

A. About 1. 5 hours. B. About 3 hours. C. About 3. 5 hours. 听第5段对话,回答第9至11三个小题。 9. Where does the conversation take place?

A. At school. B. At the zoo. C. In the park. 10. What is Larry doing there?

A. Walking his dog. B. Riding his bike. C. Watching a dog show. 11. What will Larry do next?

A. Feed the dog. B. Leave the park. C. Look for the sign. 听第6段对话,回答第12至15四个小题。 12. When will they have a picnic?

A. Tomorrow. B. This weekend. C. Next Saturday. 13. What do they need to make sandwiches?

A. Apples. B. Chocolates. C. Vegetables. 14. Which of the following is on the shopping list? A. Coke. B. Chips. C. Ice cream. 15. Why do they buy plastic bags?

A. To pack the sandwiches. B. To collect the rubbish. C. To give them to cleaners.

Ⅱ. 短文理解。

听下面一段短文,从每小题的三个选项中选出一个正确选项。短文听两遍。 16. What does Kathy’s father do?

A. A driver. B. A doctor. C. A teacher. 17. What did Kathy’s father do the night before he left?

A. Cried out in fear. B. Waited for a call. C. Gave Kathy a call. 18. When did Kathy’s father leave?

A. On Lantern Festival. B. On New Year’s Day. C. On Spring Festival Eve. 19. Why is Kathy proud of her father?

A. He beat the new coronavirus(新冠病毒). B. He took many photos for the team. C. He became a member of the medical team. 20. Which of the following is mentioned in the passage? A. Kathy asked her father to work hard. B. Kathy asked her father to come back . C. Kathy asked her father to get enough rest.


Ⅲ. 单项选择。

1. — Is this your sweater, Frank?

—No. You can ask Tom, maybe it’s __________.

A. him B. his C. her D. hers

2. — What did the teacher say?

—He told us to go over __________lessons. A. three first

B. first three

C. the three first

D. the first three

3. — Some of my friends eat with their eyes. They prefer to order what _________ nice. — Aha, me too!. A. tastes

B. feels

C. looks

D. smells

4. — I think Steve and his dog were __________ in the talent show. — Yeah! They really made us laugh a lot. A. the easiest

B. the funniest

C. the loudest

D. the worst

5. — Building makeshift hospital(临时医院)was a key _________ made in the moment when Wuhan was facing the task of epidemic(流行性传染病)control.

— Right. It has played an important role in treating the patients. A. decision

B. situation

C. problem

D. condition

6. — How are you getting on with your work? — I can’t do it _______ any longer. I’ll have to get help. A. hard

B. quietly

C. simply

D. alone

7. — What’s the result of my driving test?

— You didn’t reach the required standard. __________, you failed. A. In the end

B. After all

C. In other words

D. At the same time

8. — What is it that smells so terrible, Ted?

— I’m sorry I will _________ my socks and put them in the washer. A. take off

B. give out

C. put up

D. keep away

9. — Are you going camping this weekend?

— I’m not sure ________ the road to the mountains will be closed because of the heavy rain A. that

B. why

C. whether

D. which

10. — I think desktop computers work better than notebook computers .




