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it was commonplace for the father to read aloud. Dickens read to his children: one of his surviving and often-reprinted photographs features him posing on a chair, reading to his two daughters.

Reading aloud in the nineteenth century was as much a class phenomenon as a family affair, which points to a widespread belief that Victorian readership primarily meant a middle-class readership. Those who fell outside this group tended to be overlooked by Victorian publisher. Despite this, Dickens, with his publishers Chapman and Hall, managed to distribute literary reading materials to people from different social classes by reducing the price of novels. This was also made possible with the technological and mechanical advances in printing and the spread of railway networks at the time.

Since the literacy level of this section of the population was still low before school attendance was made compulsory in 1870 by Education Act, a considerable of people from lower classes would listen to recitals of texts. Dickens's readers, who

from such social backgrounds, might have heard Dickens in this manner. Several

biographers of Dickens also draw to the fact that it was typical for his texts to be read aloud in Victorian England, and thus illiteracy was not an obstacle for reading Dickens. Reading was no longer a chiefly closeted form of entertainment practiced by the middle class at home.

A working-class home was In many ways not convenient reading: there were too many distractions,the lighting bad, the home was also often half a workhouse: As a result, the Victorians from the non-middle classes tended to find relaxation outside the home such as in parks and squares, which were ideal places for the public to go white: away their limited leisure time. Reading aloud, in particular public reading, to some extent blurred between classes. The Victorian middle class defined its identity through differences with other classes. Dickens's popularity among readers from the non-middle classes contributed to the creation of a new class of readers who read through listening.

Dickens's popularity among readers from the non-middle classes contributed to the creation of a new class of readers who read through listening.

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Different readers of Dickens were not reading solitarily and “jealously^,to use Walter Benjamin’s term. Instead, they often enjoyed a more communal experience, an experience that is generally lacking in today’s world. Modem audiobooks can be considered a contemporary version of the practice. However, while the twentieth- and twentieth-first-century trend for individuals to listen to audiobooks keeps some characteristics of traditional reading aloud—such as “listeners attentive to a reading voice” and the ear being fee focus—it is a far more solitary activity, 65. What does the author want to convey in Paragraph 1? A. The history of reading aloud. B. The significance of reading aloud. C. The development of reading practice. D. The roles of readers in reading practice.

66. How did the practice of readily aloud influence Dickens’s works? A. He started to write for a broader public crowd. B. He included more readable contents in his novels. C. Scenes of reading aloud became common in his works. D. His works were intended to be both heard and read.

67. How many benefits did reading aloud bring to a Victorian family? A.2.


C. 4. D. 5,

68. Where could a London steel worker possibly have gone to for reading? A. Working place. B. His/her own house. C. Nearby bookstores. Trafalgar Square.

69. What change did reading aloud bring to Victorian society?

A. Different classes started to appreciate and read literary works together. B. People from lower social classes became accepted as middle-class. C. The differences between classes grew less significant than before. D.A non-class society in which everyone could read started to form. 70. What is likely to be discussed after the last paragraph? A. New reading trends for individuals, B. The harm of modem audiobooks.

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C. The material for modem reading.

D. Reading aloud in contemporary societies.


第四部分 任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


The health dangers of smoking have been well reported. For years, doctors have warned that smoking can cause lung cancer. Studies also have linked smoking to several other kinds of cancer, heart attacks and other diseases, lung diseases, and a number of other medical problems. The repeated health warnings have had an effect. Thousands of people have stopped smoking. But as many people have learned, stopping smoking can be very difficult.

A major problem apparently is the nicotine, a poisonous substance found in tobacco. Small amounts of nicotine are released as tobacco is burned. And over many years of smoking, a person’s body becomes dependent on the substance. An attempt to stop smoking brings the problems of nicotine withdrawal(脱瘾过程).

American medical researchers have found that nicotine withdrawal causes people to become angry very easily, aggressive, worried and unable to think sharply. Many people who have tried to stop smoking would confirm those findings.

To help people give up smoking, some tobacco companies have proposed chewing tobacco, or using snuff as safe substitutes(替代物). Snuff is a tobacco powder that usually is breathed in. But many people put it between their gum and cheek.

A group of British scientists said recently that many lives could be saved by a major program to get cigarette smokers to change to snuff. An American scientist, Allan Blum, disagreed. Dr. Blum argued that snuff, put in the mouth, can cause gum disease, teeth problems and throat problems that lead to cancer. Dr. Blum also warned against chewing tobacco as a substitute for smoking. He said chewing tobacco can lead to cancer of the mouth, throat or digestive system.

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Medical researchers say another possible substitute for smoking is a special nicotine chewing gum. The gum is already sold in Europe and Canada. A report says research shows that the chewing gum will increase the amount of nicotine in a person’s blood. This helps satisfy some people’s desire for a cigarette. However, the report says, the chewing gum also leads to some unpleasant side effects. And it may be dangerous for people with heart problems.

Two other American scientists say they have found that the most effective way to stop smoking is to do it completely, suddenly, all at once. The report by Saul Shirtman and Dr. Murray Jogbett says that by stopping all at once, the worst problems of nicotine withdrawal are over in just a few days. But, they say, by continuing to smoke, even a little less each day, the problems of withdrawal never end completely.

Bad effects Many kinds of disease and a number of other medical (71) ▲ are of smoking connected with smoking. The (72) ▲ for this is that smokers are (73) ▲ on Difficulty nicotine, a poisonous substance in tobacco, and people (74) ▲

in stopping to stop smoking have emotional problems and are unable to think smoking sharply. Causing gum disease, teeth problems and Snuff throat problems (76) ▲ to cancer. Chewing tobacco (75) ▲ Looking for ◆ Helping satisfy some people’s to stop smoking substitutes desire for a cigarette by (77) ▲ for smoking Nicotine the amount of nicotine in one’s chewing gum blood. ◆ Having some side effects and being dangerous for people who (78) ▲ Causing cancer of the mouth, throat or digestive system - 14 -

from heart problems. Giving smoking up In a few days, the worst problems of nicotine (79) ▲ , withdrawal no longer (80) ▲ . suddenly, all at once 第五部分 书面表达(满分25分) 假如你是某中学学生李华。最近,你班同学正在参加21世纪英文报“大家谈”栏目的一个讨论。本次话题为“父母有没有必要陪读”。


70%的学生认为: 1.父母不应该陪读。 2.父母陪读让我们养成依赖的习惯,不利于我们将来自控能力的培养,不利于我们培养良好的学习习惯。 3.父母陪读影响了他们的工作、学习和休息。 30%的学生认为: 1.父母应该陪读。 2.父母陪读能使我们腾出更多的时间去专心学习,使我们的身体更健康。 3.父母陪读能帮助我们确立学习目标,督促我们完成学习任务,鼓励我们独立解决困难,培养我们养成良好的学习习惯。 注意:1.信的形式已为你写好;2.词数:150左右; 3.参考词汇:陪读accompany sb. studying at school;督促urge Dear Editor,



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