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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)





1. What does John find difficult in learning German?

A. Pronunciation.

B. Vocabulary.

C. Grammar.

2. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Colleagues. student.

3. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a bank.

B. At a ticket office.

C. On a train.

B. Brother and sister.




4. What are the speakers talking about?

A. A restaurant.

B. A street.

C. A dish.

5. What does the woman think of her interview?

A. It was tough.

B. It was interesting.

C. It was successful.


听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. When will Judy go to a party?

A. On Monday.

B. On Tuesday.

C. On Wednesday.

7. What will Max do next?

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A. Fly a kite. B. Read a magazine. C. Do his homework.


8. What does the man suggest doing at first?

A. Going to a concert. B. Watching a movie.

C. Playing a computer


9. What do the speakers decide to do?

A. Visit Mike.

B. Go boating.

C. Take a walk.


10. Which color do cats see better than humans?

A. Red.

B. Green.

C. Blue.

11. Why do cats bring dead birds home?

A. To eat them in a safe place. B. To show off their hunting skills. C. To make their owners happy.

12. How does the man sound at the end of the conversation?

A. Grateful.

B. Humorous.

C. Curious.

听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. Who is Macy?

A. Ed’s mother.

B. Ed’s teacher.

C. Ed’s friend.

14. How does Ed usually go to kindergarten?

A. By car.

B. On foot.

C. By bus.

15. What does Ed enjoy doing at the kindergarten?

A. Telling stories.

B. Singing songs.




16. What do the teachers say about Ed?

A. He’s clever.

B. He’s quiet.

C. He’s brave.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。

17. At what age did Emily start learning ballet?

A. Five.

B. Six.

C. Nine.

18. Why did Emily move to Toronto?


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A. To work for a dance school. B. To perform at a dance theater. C. To learn contemporary dance. 19. Why did Emily quit dancing?

A. She was too old to dance. B. She failed to get a scholarship. C. She lost interest in it.

20. How does Emily feel about stopping training?

A. She’s pleased.

第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分35分)

第一节单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

21. Currently, some overseas universities are simply selling diplomas to Chinese students ________ their academic performance, so China should check in a regular basis.

A.on account of C.in relation to

B.in addition to D.regardless of

B. She’s regretful.

C. She’s upset.

22. He is easy to get along with. that , he is a determined boy. Which of the following is wrong? A. In addition from

23. —Can you help me with the maths homework, mom?

—You can’t always other’s help for your homework. Do it by yourself this time.

A. wait on B. rely on C. insist on D. turn on 24. — Can I ask you a few straightforward questions about yourself? — Sure. I like ________ when people are open and direct. A.that

B.this C.it D.them

B. Besides

C. In addition to

D. Apart

25. I don’t think it is teachers who _________ for giving students too much pressure. A. are to blame B. are going to blame C. are to be blamed D. should blame 26. —What do you suppose made her worried? —________a gold ring.

A.Lose B.Lost C.Losing D.Because of losing

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27. The two drivers ______ about who was to blame for the crash for over two hours when the police arrived on the spot.

A. were arguing B. having been arguing C argued D. had been arguing 28. It is a good plan in theory, but it remains whether it works in practice. A. to see

B. to be seen

C. seeing

D. seen

29. While building a tunnel through the mountain, _______.

A. an underground lake was discovered B. there was an discovered underground C. a lake was discovered underground D. the workers discovered an underground lake

30. As these new products are not selling well, the members of the board have decided to ________ production. A. cut down

B. cut down to

C. cut back on

D. cut off

31. We’d better have some water in store before we ________ .

A. have run it out of B. have run out it C. have run it out D. have run out of it

32. If he had spent more time practicing speaking English before, he _______ able to speak it much better now.

A. will be B. has been C. would be D. would have been 33. You are most _________ to _______ taking over this company if you play your cards right..

A. possible; end with B. probable; end in C. likely; end up D. perhaps; end up with

34. He wrote many children’s books, nearly half of ________ published in the 1990s. A. whom B. which C. them D. that 35. —Time is up but I haven’t finished my job yet. —________. You must make it before the deadline.

A. Constant dropping wears away a stone B. Every minute counts C. Industry is the parent of success D. Cry for the moon 第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题l分,满分20分)


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Just as we take care of our friends and families, our homes and Mother Earth take care of us. Our homes give us a place of shelter (庇护物) that 36 between us and the rest of the world. The earth is a(n) 37 giver of life and the keeper of our physical and spiritual needs. Her rich 38 bring us up, give us air, and offer us cooling shade. Her waters 39 our thirst. Yet it is easy to take both of these wonderful 40 of our gifts for granted. 41 the thanks you feel toward your home and Mother Earth for the gifts each 42 you. It can help you stay 43 of where many of the gifts in your life come from. Each time you give thanks, you’ll be 44 of the importance of caring for your home and for Mother Earth. There is a simple and beautiful 45 you can find to show your thanks. Begin by finding a 46 place where you can be alone. Sit comfortably and breathe deeply 47 you feel relaxed and then read the following out loud:

“Thank you, home, for allowing me to live 48 your walls. Thank you for allowing me to stay strong and 49 me. Thank you, Mother Earth, for the land I 50 on and farm. Thank you, plants, minerals, and animals on the land for allowing me to 51 your beauty and your amazement of life, and for the 52 of living with all of you on this earth. Thank you for the wisdom and 53 you bring to us.”

You can do so as often as you like and anytime you feel particularly thankful for the many gifts that you have 54 . Each time you do, you’ll strengthen your connection with all that 55 and supports you. 36. A. bend

B. stand

C. react

D. disappear D. amazing D. waters

D. satisfy

37. A. cheerful 38. A. animals 39. A. promote 40. A. sources devotion 41. A. Accept 42. A. employs

B. skilful C. unselfish B. plants B. show

C. minerals

C. influence

C. power

B. memories D.

B. Express

C. Earn D. Deserve


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B. attracts C. appreciates



