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介 与形容 、名 、 的 搭搭配

1. We offered him our congratulations___________ his passing the college entrance exams. (NMET1993)

A. at A. from A.of

B. on B. in B. on 2.C


C. for C. of C. about

D. of

D. at D. from

2. The home improvement have taken what little there is __________ my spare time. (NMET2001)

3. Mary Curie took little notice___________the honors that were given to her in her later years.(2002

上海 )



介 常和形容 、名 、 等构成固定搭配,常 的有以下几 :

▲形容 +介 1) 与 at 搭配:

be angry at(about)因某事而生气; be astonished at 某事感到惊 : be best at非常擅 ; be clever at 在某方面 明(擅 ) ; be disappointed at 听(看)到??而失望; be good at 在某方面(学得、做得)好,善于; be pleased at 听(看)到??而高 ; be present at 出席、到 ; be shocked at 因??而感到震惊; be surprised at 因??而吃惊

2) 与 in 搭配:

be active in 在某方面活 、 极; be busy in(doing something) 忙于做某事; be deep in?埋 于、深陷于; be

disappointed in 某人(事)感到失望; be dressed in 穿着??; be fortunate in 在某方面很幸运; be interested in ??感 趣; be poor in 在某方面薄弱; be quick in 在某方面反 快; be rich in 在??方面富有(丰富); be right in 在某方面正确; be skilled in(at) 熟 、有技巧; be strict in 在某方面 真; be weak in 在某方面差(弱) 3) 与 of 搭配:

be afraid of 害怕、恐怕;be ashamed of感到 愧;be careful of 当心,小心(含警告之意) ;be certain of(about) 确信;有把握; be fond of 好、喜 ; be frightened of 非常害怕??; be full of 充 ; be froud of ??自豪、 傲; be short of 缺乏、不足; be sure of(about)确信,有把握; be tired of 做某事; be free of(from) 免受;无??的

4) 与 for 搭配:

be afraid for ??担心; be anxious for 渴望(得到)??; be bad for ??有害、不利; be eager for (about, after) 急切地想得到??; be famous for 因??而出名; be fit for 适合、 任;渴望??; be prepared for 到、晚;be prepared for(思想、物 上) 做好了准 ; be ready for ??做好准 ; be similar to 与??相似; be sorry for(about) ??后悔、惋惜; be suitable for 适合于??; be thirsty for 渴望; be unfit for 不称 ,不 任

5) 与 with 搭配:

be angry with(at) 生某人气; be busy with 忙于某事; be careful with 注意、 心;be connected with 与??有 系; be lined with 排列; be marked with 做上 志; be patient with 某人有耐心; be pleased with ??感到 意; be popular with 受 迎; be satisfied with ??感到 意; be strict with 某人 格要求; be wrong with 不 心,出毛病

6) 与 about 搭配:

be anxious about (for) ??担心; be clear about(理解得)清楚、明白; be curious about ??好奇; be mad about(on) 狂 地迷恋某事(人) ;be mistaken about 弄 ( 会); be nervous about 因某事而心中忐忑不安; be serious about ??很 真; be silent about 某事默不作声; be worried about ??担心 7) 与 to 搭配:

be blind to 而不 ,盲目的; be cruel to 某人残酷无情; be devoted to 忠 于??; be equal to 相等于; be friendly to 某人友好; be helpful to ??有帮助; be kind to 某人仁慈友 ; be known to 人所知; be married to 与某人 婚; be opposite to 相 立的; be polite to 人有礼貌; be thankful to 感激某人;

be unknown to 不 人所知; be used to 于


be distant towards 某人冷淡;

be famous as 作

8) 与其他介 用:

be based on 基于??; be different from


be hard on 某人苛刻

▲名 与介 的固定搭配: 1) 介 +名 :

at every step 每走一步; at a price of 以??的价格; at the speed of 以??的速度; at work 在工作; at war 于 争状 ; at sea出海;at ease 松;at allcosts 无 如何,不惜一切代价; at a loss 不知所措;at any moment

随 ; at dawn 拂 ; at first sight 一 就??; at full speed 全速;随便地、逍遥法外; at one time 曾 ; at peace 和好; at table 在吃 ; at sea在航海中; at sixes and sevens乱七八糟的; at the age of 在??年 ; at the back of 在??的后面; at the cost of 以?? 代价; at the same time 同 ;at the top of 在 部; at times ; in action 在行 ; in advance 事先;心情好; in a hurry 匆忙 ; in all directions 因面八方; in anger 怒地;in answer to 响 ??; in astonishment 吃惊地;in a whisper 小声地;in a word 之;in charge 以防??,万一; in case of 假使,万一; in charge ; in common 共有,共同; in danger 在危 中; in debt ; in detail 地; in excitement 地,激 地; in favor of 支持; if fear 害怕地; in general 大体上; in high spirits 情 很高; in hand 手 有??; in honor of 念; in hopes of 希望??; in itself 本身, 上; in love with 上了??; in memory of 念??; in need of 需要??; in no time 立即; in no way 决不; in one’s heart 在心里; in one’s opinion 在某人看来; in operation 生效,运 着; in order 整 ,按 序; in other words 句 ; in pain 疼痛; in peace 和平地; in place 在适当的位置; in place of 代替; in possession of 占有; in prison 坐牢; in progress 在 行中; in public 在公众 合; in rags 穿得很破旧; in reality 上; in return 作 答; in rows 成排; in safety 安全地; in search of 找; in secret 秘密地; in shape 于良好状 ; in short 言之; in sight 被看 ; in silence 安静地; in spite of 尽管; in sight 藏着; in this case 在 种情况下; in the air 在空中; in the beginning 开始 ; in the course of 在??期 ; in the distance 在 ; in the end 最后; in the habit of 有??的 ; in the open 公开地, in the past 在 去; in the sun 在阳光下; in the way 碍事; in this manner 照 ; in though 思考; in time 有一天; in trouble 在困境中; in turn 依次; in wonder 奇怪; lie in 在于??; on one’s arrival 一到达; on foot 步行; on fire 失火; on one’s arrival 在出售,削价; on show 展出; on account of 因 ??; on a large scale 大 模地,广泛地; on any account 无 如何; on behalf of 代表??, 了??; on board 在船上( 机,火 ) ;on business 有事,因公; on

duty 在 班,上班; on earth 在世界上,在人 ,究竟,到底; on guard 警戒站 ; on hand 手 有(事做) ,在 , 即将 生; on occasion 或; 独立地, on one’s own 凭自己地力量, 自愿地; on purpose 故意, 了;

on the air 在广播; on the contrary 相反;on the edge of 在?? 上; on the point of 正要??的 候; on the spot 当 ,立即,在 ; on the whole 的看来; with all one ’s heart 真心 意地; with all speed 快速地; with care 小心;害怕地 /高 地; with regard to 关于??; with relation to 有关??; with the help of 在??帮助下

2) 名 +介 :

because of? 因 ??; dependence on? 依靠??; discussion about/on 关于??的 ; hundreds of 数以百 的; thousands of? 数以千 的; effect on ??的影响; explanation to ? ??的解 ; half of ? 的一半; the idea of ??的主意; lack of ? 缺乏??; proof of ? 的 据; reason for? ??的原因; success in 在??方面成功

▲ +介 :

agree with/ to/on 同意, 同; arrive at 到达(小地方) ;arrive in 到达(大地方) ; attendon 侍候??,看 ??, 照料; base on 以?? 基 ; call on (某人);come from 来自??; call at 拜 某地; count on 依靠??,期待??; depend on 依靠; fall behind 落后于; feed on 以?? 食,用??喂养; get to 到

达;hear from 收到??的来信; hear of 听 ; laugh at 嘲笑; listen to 听??; live on 靠?? 生; look after 照 ; look at 看??; look for 找; look like 看起来像??; meet with 偶然碰到??; move to 搬到??; pay for 付款; pay for 和??玩耍; point to 指向; result in 致??朝??大喊; talk about ; think about 思考; think of 想出; wait for 等待; worry about 担 ; wait on


2) |++介 :

prefer ? to 喜 ??而不喜 ??;

stop? from 阻止某人做某事; question sb. on sth 某人某事; give

advice on? 就??提意 ; take an interest in ??感 趣; take part in 参加; take care of 关心??; congratulate sb. on sth

祝 某人; fix one ’s eyes on/ upon 住??,凝 ??; keep an eye on 照看??,密 切注 ??, take pity on 可怜??,同情??; bury oneself in 埋 于??; catch hold of 抓住; get rid of 消 ,去掉; lose control of 失去 ??的控制;

lose sight of 看不 ??; make a fool of 使自己出丑; make

fun of 开??的玩笑; make the best of/ make full use of 充分利用;take a photograph of ??照相; take charge

of ; take no notice of 不理睬; take possession of 控制,占有; warn sb. of 警告某人; have a word with: 和?? 一两句 ; lose touch with 和??失去 系; make an appointment with 和?? 会 3) +副 +介

catch up with 赶上、超 ; de well in 在某方面做得好; get on with

与人相 ; go on with

; look down

upon 看不起??; keep up with 不落后于??


B. in; for

1. Tom was absent___________ school____________ the illness.

A. from; because of C. at; because A. from; at C. of; on A. by A. in;in

D. out of; because of B. of; in D. for; during C. to

C. in; from

2. The old man died ___________ cold_________ a cold night.

3. The number of the employees has grown from 1,000 to 2,000. That means it has risen_________ 50%.

B. at B. to; to

D. with

D. from; from

4. The two phrases are similar__________ structure but different____________ meanings.

5. The parents were overjoyed and burst____________ tears ___________ the news of their son Olympic Games.

’s victory in the

A. into; at

B. out; for




C. forth; on


D. to; after




