Hello everyone, we are group 8,my topic today is the art thing.We are talking about What is art?The origin of the art. The history of art. And The function of art.Firstly,what’s the Concept of Art?
By means of a special physical materials and tools, people use certain aesthetic abilities and skills in physical materials, interaction with the spirit and soul of aesthetic objects, be full of passion and vitality to do the creative work. You can say it is an act of spiritual and cultural creation, and it's also an organic combination of human ideology and production patterns. (人类通过借助特殊的物质材料与工具,运用一定的审美能力和技巧,在精神与物质材料、心灵与审美对象的相互作用下,进行的充满激情与活力的创造性劳动。可以说它是一种精神文化的创造行为,是人的意识形态和生产形态的有机结合体。)And the feature of art is as follow:Unified image and rationality.Unified logical Cognitive and emotional experience.Unified aesthetic activity and ideology .(形象把握与理性把握的统一,情感体验与逻辑认知的统一, 审美活动与意识形态的统一)Art is divided into the following categories:Visual Arts.Performing Arts Integrated Arts And Language Arts.(造型,表演,综合,语言)Today, we are mainly related to the Visual Arts.
How about the origin of art?Here there are five main theory to explain that.
Imitation theory:Imitation is inherent in human nature and instinct, art originated in human imitation of nature.模仿是人类固有的天性和本能,艺术起源于人类对自然的模仿。
Game theory:Art originated in the game, it is only a mental game in order to completely get rid of the shackles of practical and utilitarian, to gain real freedom, and emphasized the human aesthetic activities and games, is a surplus of energy use.艺术起源于游戏,人们只有在一种精神游戏中才能彻底摆脱实用和功利的束缚,从而获得真正的自由,并且强调人的审美活动和游戏一样,这是一种过剩精力的使用。
Performance theory:Art originated in the need of human emotional expression and communication, emotional expression is the most important function of art, the main motivation is also artistic happening.艺术起源于人类表现和交流情感的需要,情感表现是艺术最主要的功能,也是艺术发生的主要动因。
Witchcraft theory:In the primitive mind, the original utilitarian art has great practical value, according to the witchcraft of view, this is because the presence of a sympathetic tribal witchcraft, primitive think of anything with the actual image of the things that are there is a real link, if exert influence on the image of things, in fact it is to exert influence on this thing. 在原始人心目中,最初的艺术有着极大的实用功利价值,按照巫术说的观点,这是因为原始部落有一种交感巫术的存在,原始人认为任何事物的形象与实际的该事物都有一种实在的联系,如果对事物的形象施加影响,实际上也就是对这个事物施加影响。在动物身上画上伤痕也就意味着他们在实际的涉猎当中可以顺利地打到猎物。Witch is the most influential and powerful theory on the origin of the Western theories of art.Many late Palaeolithic cave paintings and sculpture, often in the darkest caves and inaccessible places, they are clearly not in order to give appreciation , but prehistoric man attempting to dabble by witchcraft means to ensure success.
Labor Theory:Engels pointed out, \two most important driving force, under their influence, the animal brain gradually becomes a person's brain.\恩格斯指出,“首先是劳动,然后是语言和劳动一起,成为两个最主要的推动力,在它们的影响下,动物的脑髓就逐渐地变成
The History of art is brilliant.We will divide it into six periods:Prehistoric,Ancient,Medieval, 14-18 century,19th Century and 20th century.
Prehistoric arts mainly contains cave paintings, small sculptures, stone building.洞穴壁画、小型雕塑、巨石建筑
Ancient arts includes Ancient Egyptian art, ancient Indian art, ancient Greek civilization and Roman art, the art of ancient Mesopotamia.古埃及艺术、古印度艺术、古希腊文明、古罗马艺术、古两河流域艺术。
Medieval involves Early Christian art, Byzantine art, Romanesque art, and Gothic art.早期基督教艺术、拜占庭艺术、罗马式艺术以及哥特式艺术。 14-18 century arts is Renaissance Art.
And as for 19th Century arts,we mainly talk about European painting genre like romanticism, realism, impressionism, post-impressionism.浪漫主义、现实主义、印象主义 、后印象主义
When it comes to 20th century,Factions become more numerous ,for example,Fauvism, Expressionism, Futurism, Dadaism ......野兽派、表现主义、未来主义、达达主义......
Next,let's come to appreciate the brilliant works during the Arts development process.[共六张PPT]
Finally,what’s the role of art?There are three main functions of art:Aesthetic cognitive function,审美认识功能:People understand nature through art activities, recognizing the social, historical knowledge, and understanding life. It differs from the function of scientific knowledge....
Aesthetic Education Function,审美教育功能:people through art activities feel nurtured and infection of truth, goodness and beauty, which caused profound changes imperceptibly on thoughts and feelings, life attitudes, values, etc.. It is different from moral education.
Aesthetic entertainment.审美娱乐功能:people through artistic activities and to meet the aesthetic needs, get the spirit of enjoyment and aesthetic pleasure. It differs from the physical pleasure.
In a word,Art plays an important role in our lives even in the development of human history[放一张PPT].Art of the road will never end, there will never have the final answer.Life is full of art. As long as everyone is careful to explore and create, you can become an artist.