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6.2.1 Structure and properties of ceramics 译文

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Structure and properties of ceramics

Hello, everyone, we are going to talk about structure and properties of ceramics. 译文:


The properties of solid and the arranged way of atoms are determined by the nature and direction of the interatomic bonds holding the solid together. 固体性质和原子排列方式是由原子键的性质和方向所决定的。 译文:


Therefore, it is necessary to understand how and why a solid is \together. Ceramics are composed of at least two elements; their structures are more complicated than those of metals. 陶瓷是由至少两种元素组成的,它们的结构比金属要复杂得多。 译文:


Most metals are face-centered cubic, body-centered cubic, or hexagonal close-packed. 大多数金属都是以面心立方,体心立方,或者是密排六方结构。 译文:


But, the structure of most ceramics varies from relatively simple to highly complex. Being compounds, ceramics are made of different types of atoms of varying sizes. 但是大多数陶瓷结构是从相对简单到高度复杂。陶瓷是由不同大小的原子构成的。 译文:

但是大多数陶瓷结构是从相对简单到高度复杂。陶瓷是由不同大小的原子构成的。 For example, clay is a complex mixture of silicates. Approximately 90% of the earth's crust consists of silicates, the starting material for a wide variety of products including tile, bricks, cement, glass, and china.



例如,粘土是一种复杂的硅酸盐混合结构。大约90%的地壳是由硅酸盐组成的,它是一种用于各种产品的原料,包括瓦片、砖块、水泥、玻璃以及瓷器。 The basic unit of the silicate structure is the SiO4 tetrahedron. Silicon is one of seven semimetals in the periodic table, it is a hard, gray, semiconductive solid that melts at 1410oC. In nature it is generally found combined with O in silica and in various silicate minerals. Oxygen and silicon together account for about 75% of the earth’s crust. More than 1000 different silicates occur naturally, depending on the different ways the SiO4 tetrahedra can be linked.

硅酸盐结构的基本单位是硅氧四面体。硅是元素周期表中半金属中的一种,它是一种坚硬的、灰色的、半导体的固体,熔点为1410 oC。在自然界中通常硅与O形成二氧化硅,或硅在各种硅酸盐矿物中。氧和硅形成二氧化硅,占地球75%。自然界中超过1000种以上不同的硅酸盐来源于不同方式SiO4四面体连接方式。 译文:

硅酸盐结构的基本单位是硅氧四面体。硅是元素周期表中半金属中的一种,它是一种坚硬的、灰色的、半导体的固体,熔点为1410 oC。在自然界中通常硅与O形成二氧化硅,或硅在各种硅酸盐矿物中。氧和硅形成二氧化硅占地球75%。自然界中超过1000种以上不同的硅酸盐来源于不同方式SiO4四面体连接方式。 For example, Sand consists of fine particles of quartz. Other common forms the silica are mica and soapstone. 例如,沙子由细小的石英颗粒组成。其他常见的二氧化硅形式是云母和滑石。 译文:

例如,沙子由细小的石英颗粒组成。其他常见的二氧化硅形式是云母和滑石。 Clays and mica have sheets of linked SiO4 tetrahedra that slide over each other, giving their minerals a characteristic soft feel. 粘土和云母片具有层状SiO4四面体结构,让其层间可以相互滑动,使这种矿物具有柔软的感觉。 译文:


This layered structure can be penetrated by water molecules, which act as a lubricant

and produce a material that is soft and slippery. 分层结构可以被水分子渗透, 作为润滑剂和生产柔软和光滑的材料。 译文:

分层结构可以被水分子渗透, 作为润滑剂和生产柔软和光滑的材料。

When clay is heated to over 1100 oC in a kiln, the water is removed and the layered sheets bond or lock into a rigid structure called a ceramic.

当粘土在窑中加热到超过1100 oC时,水被排出,分层的薄片会粘合在一起成为一个刚性陶瓷结构。 译文:

当粘土在窑中加热到超过1100 oC时,水被排出,分层的薄片会粘合在一起成为刚性陶瓷结构。

Silicates include sand, clay, feldspar, quartz, and the semiprecious stone, garnet. 硅酸盐包括沙子、粘土、长石、石英和半宝石,石榴石, 译文:


Pure silica is the most numerous silicate compound, it has three common polymorphs: cristobolite, tridymite at high temperature, and quartz at low temperature. 这里cristobolite是方石英, tridymite是鳞石英,主要存在于高温中。 译文:


The silica structure is the basic structure for glasses and many ceramics. It is internal arrangement of tetrahedral or four-sided units, as shown in this Figure, it has four large oxygen atoms surrounding each smaller silicon atom. The silicon atoms occupy the openings interstitials between the oxygen atoms and share four valence electrons with the oxygen atoms through covalent bonding. 硅原子占据了氧原子之间的空隙,并通过共价键与氧原子共用四个价电子。 译文:



This bond is one of the strongest single bond; it is considerably stronger than the C-C bond. These SiO4 tetrahedra are joined to one another through the oxygen atoms, each of which is bonded to two Si atoms. 译文:


The tetrahedra can be arranged in a linear manner to form fibers, rings, chains, and planar sheets or complex three-dimensional arrays. 硅氧四面体可以通过不同的链接方式形成条状,环状,链状,层状或三维架状结构。 译文:


An example of the simple anion SiO4 is the mineral zircon, which is an inexpensive gemstone. More common are larger anions in which two or more O atoms bridge between Si atoms to produce various structures.

此外,常见的是更大的阴离子具有两个或更多的硅氧原子链,形成各种不同结构硅酸盐材料。 译文:

一个简单的SiO4阴离子的例子是锆石,它是一种廉价的宝石。更常见的是更大的阴离子是其中两个或更多的O原子在Si原子之间架起桥梁以产生各种结构。 Ionic and covalent bonds are the primary bonding mechanisms for ceramics. The crystal structure of bulk ceramic compounds is determined by the amount and type of the bonds. 离子和共价键是陶瓷的主要结合机制。体陶瓷化合物的结构是由化学键的数量和类型决定的 译文:


The percentage of ionic bonds can be estimated by using electronegativity

determinations. Being compounds, ceramics have different types of atoms. Hence, their resistance to shear and high-energy slip is extremely high. 译文:


Because their atoms are bonded so strongly compared to those of metals, there are fewer ways for the atoms to move or slip in relation to each other. Thus, the ductility of ceramic compounds is very low and these materials act in a brittle fashion. 因为它们的原子键与金属相比是很强,所以原子之间的移动或滑动的方式就更少了。因此,陶瓷化合物的延展性很低,这些造成材料的脆性。 译文:


The combination of high shear stresses and reduced ductility produces high compressive strength but low tensile strength. 高抗剪应力和低的延展性组合,产生了高的抗压强度,但抗拉强度较低。 译文:

高抗剪应力和低的延展性组合,产生了高的抗压强度,但抗拉强度较低。 The maximum bending stress for ceramic materials in tension at failure is called the bend strength and is often referred to as the modulus of rupture.在断裂时,陶瓷材料的最大弯曲应力称为弯曲强度,通常被称为断裂模量。 译文:

在断裂时,陶瓷材料的最大弯曲应力称为弯曲强度,通常被称为断裂模量。 Ceramics are noted for their heat resistance. At room temperature, metals and ceramics are often competitive, but at temperatures above 1500oF, metals weaken while ceramics retain much of their strength. 陶瓷因其耐热性而闻名。在室温条件下,金属和陶瓷通常都是具有可比性,但在超过1500华氏度的高温下,金属变弱,而陶瓷则会保持其强度。 译文:


For examples, the maximum service temperature for alumina is 3450oF, and for silicon carbide, it is 3000oF. Heat-resistant nickel alloys are considered unserviceable above 1500oF.

例如,氧化铝的最大使用温度为3450华氏度,而对于碳化硅,则为3000华氏度。耐热镍合金在超过1500华氏度被认为是无法使用的。 译文:


Ok, today we talk about structure, bonding and some properties of ceramics. We know the SiO4 tetrahedral is the basic structure for many silicates, like the bricks for building. Hope you can remember these contents, see you next time. 译文:


6.2.1 Structure and properties of ceramics 译文


