英语数字教案:Six to ten
1,感知单词six to ten 与数字6-10的对应。 2,能够标准发出单词six, seven, eight, nine, ten. 3,乐于参与活动游戏,体验获得新知识的快乐。 活动准备:
卡纸做的小鱼五条一组一份,圆形卡纸五个一组四份 活动过程:
T:“Good mining, my babies. How are you” C: “Fine, thank you.”
T: “First, let’s review the numbers we learned last lesson. Now let’s play a game-抢读单词.”
2, 学习新单词。
T: One fish, two fish, three fish, four fish, five fish, look, now how many fish.” C: 6条鱼。
T: Yes, six fish, read after me, six, six, six. C: Six, six, six.
T:“Now we are playing a game, to connect these fish from six to ten. (现在我们来玩个小游戏,小鱼接龙,按顺序从six 连到 ten,并且每连一条鱼,请念出相应的单词,教师可以适当指导)
幼儿自由操作,最后请每组选一个代表展示成果,并念出单词。谁最快完成又全部念对的有奖品。 4. 单词写找数字
5. 念谣数字歌
One two one two go to the zoo , Three four three four open the door , Five six five six give me a kiss, Sever eight sever eight put on my hat , Nine ten nine ten clap my hands 。
That’s all for today. Class is over. Bye-bye. Boys and girls.