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2014 在职联考& GCT 词汇 analysis

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A. expected B. wished C. hoped D. desired

desire sb. to do sth.. 渴望

固定 A be supposed/expected to do B 我们应该每天早上朗读英语

We are supposed/expected to read English [aloud]

6. Modem technology || has brought ______ communication [between people (far apart)].

A. competent compete v. 竞争 competition n.

competitive adj. 有竞争力的 competitor n. 者 competent adj. 胜任的 B. con.ve.nient 方便的

D. complete adj. 完善的 完整的 v. ? completion

7. [Under no ______] are children allowed to tell lies to their parents.

A. cir.cum.stances B. situations = in no way 2011 联考

11. This crime fiction || was _________very popular but nobody || reads it today.

A. once

B. ever

C. never

D. always adv.

C. occasions

D. moments

C. conscious adj 有知觉的 意识到的

Once adj. adv. n. 一次 Adv. 曾经 [Once S V…. ], S V 一旦 e.g.: you can not stop at all, once = if you try it.

12. American women || were _________the right (to vote) [until 1920].


A. ignored B. refused C. deprived D. denied

sb. refuse sth. ? sth be refused by sb. deprive sb. of sth.

? sb. be deprived of sth… sb. deny sth. 否认 sb deny doing… 拒绝做…. S || deny sb sth… S 不给某人某物 ? sb. be denied sth..

13. Experts || have ________with effective- measures [to prevent the disease from spreading].

A. caught up with B. put up

C. come up

D. kept up

14. We || cannot trust Steve any more because he || often____________ his duty.

A. cancels

B. abandons

C. deserts

D. neglects

15. [In the early 1980s], [though Coke || was the leading soft drink], it || was losing market_______ to Pepsi.

A. part rate ..%

16. There is no cure [for the disease] [yet], but these rugs || can ________ its development.

A. break down = bankrupt 破产 B. take down 拆卸 / 记录下 C. slow down 减速 使..慢下来 D. track down 追查出 追捕到

17. [In the desert], even a small cup of water || may be a_________ of life or death.

A. business 1. 商业 事情

B. share

C. place

D. ratio 5:3

e.g.: it is none of your business.

B. matter 重要的事情 e.g.: a matter of life or death. v. S || matter S很重要


health || matters

C. fact {that S V…} 同位语 D. thing 事件 物品

18. She || had not yet become accustomed_________ the fact that she was a rich woman.

A. for

B. with

C. about

D. to

Be accustomed to n./doing.. = be used to n./doing… 习惯于 固定 Be= become = get =seem… 系动词

19. The organization || has published a_________ digest (of environmental sta.tis.tics [for five years].

A. regular 常规的 规律的 B. frequent 频繁的 C. random 随意的 随机的 D. fixed 固定的 修好的

digest v 消化 ? ~ion n. 文摘 摘要 摘录

20. I want to see the old part of the town (where the essence of Beijing || is best_______). essential adj. 必要的

A. observed 观察;

遵守 = follow comply with abide by

B. reserved

C. preserved

D. conserved

preserve 主要指为防止损害、变质等而保存,使不受破坏,能长久保存下去。 1) The ancient Egyptians knew of means to preserve dead bodies from decay. 古埃及人懂得如何保存尸体以防腐烂。 2)The local government decided to preserve the historical building as a museum. 地方政府决定将这栋有历史意义的大楼作为博物馆保存下来。 3) Red light is less irritating to the eye and helps to preserve our night vision. 红色光线较不会刺激眼睛,有助于保持我们夜视能力。 18

4) We must endeavor to preserve the best of our moral values for our children and grandchildren. 为了我们的孩子和孙子后代,我们必须努力去保护最好的道德价值观念。 5)To preserve a friend, three things are required: to honor him when present, praise him when absent, and assist him in his necessities. 维持友谊需要做到三点:当面尊尊重他;背后赞扬他;需要时帮助他。 conserve 强调对有价值的东西珍惜,合理使用,常用于保护资源和野生动,或指节约使用资源 conservation n. 自然保护区 conservation.ist n. 环保主义者 1) Effective measures must urgently be taken to conserve these endangered species of wild animals. 必须采取有效措施保护这些濒临灭绝的野生动物物种。 2)Efforts to conserve the environment sometimes clash with the advancement of technology. 致力保护环境有时和发展技术相矛盾。 3) There is an urgent need to educate people to conserve every drop of water, since our water resource is very limited. 目前迫切需要教育民众节约每一滴水,因为我们的水资源十分有限。 4)Conserve energy by using the efficient light bulbs, which consume about one-third of the energy of normal bulbs and last 10 times as long. 使用这些节能灯泡能节约能源,它们的耗电量仅是普通灯泡的三分之一,使用寿命是普通灯泡的10倍。 reserve 指事先预留下来以备后用。也可用于“预订”房间、票、座位等。 1)Don’t take the seats in the first three rows, which are reserved for guests. 前三排座位不要坐人,是留给客人坐的。 ) Every month a fixed amount of money should be reserved so that we can fall back on it in case 19

of emergence. 每月要留出一定金额的钱,万一出现紧急情况,我们能依靠这笔钱。 3)I have reserved a plight on October 16 to New York for you. 我已为你订好了10月16到纽约的航班。 4) Sorry, sir, that table is reserved. You wouldn’t mind if we arrange another for you, would you? 对不起,先生,那张桌子已经被预定了。我们为另一张桌子,你不会介意吧? GCT

the car (you || have rented) || is clearly unsatisfactory S (S || V )|| V S S V V S S V V e.g.: the term we use O to describe a scientific phenomenon is inadequate here. All I can say is sorry. 1. If the car you || have rented || is clearly unsatisfactory], you || can always ________ it for another. A. A shift B

B. exchange A for B 保留的是A C. switch = turn on/off

D replace A for/wit B 保留的是B

2. Every manager || needs a secretary (that he || can ________ O) [to take care of something (that S || may occur [in his absence]). A. bring on 引起 带来 提出 C. count on

B. hold on 坚持 等待 vi.

依靠 依赖 = depend on rely on

D. focus on 专注于

3. The shirt || is a real bargain [because it || is good in quality and ________ in price.. A. valuable

B. remarkable

C. available

D. reasonable

6. A news report || is usually very short, ______ when it is about something very important.

A. besides

B. except

C. apart from


D. except for

2014 在职联考& GCT 词汇 analysis


