在职联考 & GCT词汇讲义
I. 词汇题(Vocabulary)
1)语词辨析 ①词型相近
e.g.: (在职 2013) 30. Following the same rules all these years, the club is ______ to any form of change.
A. resolved
B. resistant
C. restricted
D. reserved
A. resolve vt. 使下决心决意 决议; 使分[溶]解 使解体 解析 resolved adj. 断然的 B. resist vt. 抵挡 抵抗 resistant adj. 有抵抗力的 抵抗的 C. restrict vt. 限制 约束 restricted adj. 受限制的 D. reserve vt. 保留(储备)某物; 预订 reserved adj. 预订的; 不苟言笑的 Key: B ②词义相近
e.g.: (GCT 08) 1 E-commerce has witnessed a ____ growth these years. A. fixed Tips: fixed adj 固定的; 确定的; 不变的; 固执的 【化】凝固的; 不易挥发的; 不可调的, 不可卸的 e.g. a fixed price [income] 固定价格[收入] e.g.: (在职 2013) 11. Smith has repaired the roof to _________ the house is wind-resistant.
B. stable C. steady D regular
A. improve B. prove C. insure
D. ensure
Tips: A. improve vt./vi. + O 1. 改善 增进 make or become better e.g.: improved road and rail links. 改进过的道路和铁路联络线。 2. 发展 提高 develop or increase in mental capacity by education or experience. e.g.: I subscribed to two magazines to improve my mind. 我订了两份杂志以提高智力 B. prove vt. (用证据 论据)证实 证明 + O e.g.: The scheme has proved a great success. 该计划证明很成功。 C. insure vt. 给….投保, 给….保险 + O arrange for compensation in the event of damage to or loss of (property), or injury to or the death of (someone), in exchange for regular payments to a company or to the state e.g.: The company had insured itself against a fall of the dollar. 公司给自己投保免受美元下跌影响。 D. ensure vt. 保证,担保 ensure sb. sth.. / ensure that S V….. make certain that (something) will occur or be the case e.g.: The client must ensure that accurate records are kept. 客户必须确保有准确的记录。 Key: D ③ 短语辨析
e.g.: (在职2010) 20. Because of the popular.ity of the region, visitors || are advised A. in order to do B. in person C. in turn D. in advance 2)固定搭配 e.g.: (在职2008) 13. Can you an insect having eight eyes and still having poor eyesight?. A.imagine B.suppose C.think imagine 逻辑S doing…. 2 D.expect suppose/expect sb. to do sth…. think of doing…. think that S V…. think about 2. 复习策略 1) 参考资料 环球卓越核心词汇约2000 1800 历年真题中的词汇 2) 记忆方法 govern.ment environment resist.ant insist.ent ① 构词法 英语词的构成有一定的规律,这种规律称为构词法。掌握构词法知识对我们更好地理解词义、认识新词和扩大词汇量有重要意义。 构词法主要有三种:派生法、合成法和转换法。 一、派生法 在一个词的词根(root)的前面或后面加上某个词缀来产生新词,这种构词法称为派生法(derivation)。加在前面的词缀叫前缀(prefix),加在后面的词缀叫后缀(suffix)。 (一)后缀:许多名词、形容词、副词和动词是由词根加后缀构成的。 词形 1.构成名词的常用后缀有: (1)-er, -or, -ist, -ee, -ese, -ant等用于构成表示人或物的名称。例如: think.er(思想家),guess.er(猜想者),;physic.ist(物理学家),dent.ist(牙科医生); terror.ist employer employee(雇员),trainee(受训人员);physician(内科医生),Italian(意大利人);Japan.ese(日本人);assist.ant(助手)等。 participant (2)-ance, -ence, -(a)tion, -sion, -ics, -ing, -ity, -ment, -ness, -th, -ty, -ure, -ship等用于构成表 示行为、性质、状态等抽象名词。例如: ant ent ? adj. ance/ancy ence/ency ? important importance 3 independent independency frequent frequency accept.ance(接受),assist.ance(帮助);depend.ence(依靠),confid.ence(信心);repetition(重复) ? repeat explain ? explanation,prepare ? preparation(准备);discuss.ion(讨论),-de ? -sion divide ? division(分开) explode ? explosion ;physics(物理学),fabrics(纺织品);build.ing(建筑物),wedding(婚礼);real.ity(现实),able ? ability(能力) -able –ible ? -ablilty – ibility possible ? possibility flexible ? flexibility ;settle.ment(解决),argument(争论);adj.-ness great.ness(伟大),hard.ness(硬度);warm.th(温暖),shortness, long? length(长度) weakness strong ? strength ;safety(安全),penalty(惩罚);fail.ure(失败),press.ure(压力) pleasure;friend.ship(友谊),leadership(领导)等。 sponsorship arrive ? arrival protray ? protrayal propose ? proposal purpose n.v. 2.构成形容词的常用后缀有:-able, -ible, -al, -ful, -less, -ish, -ive, -ous, -an, -ic, -ly, -ant, -ent, -ary, -en等。例如: avail.able(可获得的);responsible(负责的) S || be available ? 有…/现存… there be S e.g.: a method is available to solve the problem ; natural(天然的),national(国家的); -ful = full of sth.. power.ful(强大的); -less fear.less(无畏的) careless useless meaningless ; -ish selfish(自私的),childish(幼稚的) childlike 天真的; -like cat-like human-like -tive –sive collect.ive(集体的),decide decision decisive(决定性的); -ous 多 continu.ous(连续不断的) vary ? various nerv.ous ;American(美国的);historic(有历史意义的),scientific(科学的); -ly adj. lovely friendly lively(活泼的);thirsty(口渴的) likely 可能的 S || is likely to 4 do;significanc(重大的);consistent(一贯的);secondary(次要的);gold.en(金色的),wooden(木制的)等。 3.构成副词的常用后缀有:-ly, -ward, -wise等。 例如:-able –ible ? ably –ibly terribly(可怕的),regularly(定期的);homeward(向家去地),eastward(向东方地);otherwise(否则),likewise(同样地)等。 4.构成动词的常用后缀的有:-ise/ize, -en, -ify等。 例如:real.ize(实现; 意识到),modernization(使现代化)civilization industrialization ;wide ? wid.en(加宽),shorten lengthen weaken strengthen(加强) en- enable sb. to do; encourage .. entitle sb. to do sth.. ? sb. be entitled to do sth.. 某人能够做某事 -ify 使… very adv 非常得 adj. + n 真正的 真实的 it is a very scenery. verify(证实), modify(修饰)等。 simple simply simplify simplification class classify classification quality qualify qualification 资格 identity ID card identify 识别 辨别 确认 identification (二)前缀:词根加前缀多数不改变词性,只引起词义的变化。 1.表示相反意义的前缀有:un-, dis-, in-, im-, ir-, il-, de-等。 cover discover uncover 敞口的 enable disable ? disabled adj. encourage dis.courage decide 例如:un.happy(不高兴),un.comfortable(不舒服);dis.like(不喜欢),dis.agree(不同意);in.formal(非正式的),in.accurate(不准确的);ir.regular(不规则的),ir.responsible(不负责任的);il.legal(不合法的),il.logical(不合理的);de.code(解码),de.value(降低价值) 5
2014 在职联考& GCT 词汇 analysis