关键词:词汇短语;词块教学法;高三学生;英语写作 一、词块积累对写作的影响
语言专家们对词块做出了不同的分类,按照其结构可以分为四类:(1)多词组合:指具有习语性质的固定词组。如“by the way”, “to be frank ”等等;(2)惯用表达式:指形式固定或半固定的具有语用功能的单词组合。如“It’s up to you”,“Need a hand”等等;(3)限制性短语:这类词块是由某些固定结构形成的框架式短语,语言使用者可以根据需要进行替换。如“as far as…concerned”,“to one’s surprise/astonishment”等等;(4)句子框架结构和引语:这类词块指为整个句子提供框架的词汇短语及引语。如:“Help yourself to some… ”,“Give my regards to your …”等等。从词汇层到句子层,词汇组块形式从完全固定的表达到半固定的表达,其间断性越来越大,灵活性依次增强,这就为语言学习者掌握词块,从而创造性地使用词块提供了可能。
词块是语言使用者在语言输入和输出过程中频繁使用的,具有特定语义和结构并以固定或者半固定形式存在的,有利于提高语言生成能力的短语,固定搭配,习惯用语和句式。例如:A friend of mine /put forward some suggestions on traveling/in his letter.这个句子可以看成是三个词块组成的。词块有如下特点:(1)预制性。每一种语言都存在着大量公式化的,预制性的词块。掌握大量词块是以后熟练和创造性使用语言的基础。(2)词块集语义,语境和语法为一体。也就是说,词块的使用是为了表达特定的意义,词块的构成有着一定的结构和规则。(3)约定性。许多词块是人们在语言行为过程中约定俗成的,它们按照特定的社会惯例而形成并有固定或半固定的搭配。如be superior to; by the way; the +比较级, the +比较级等等。
笔者主张有效利用词块来解决学生语言产出水平低的问题(包括语病百出,表达不符合英语语言习惯,母语干扰现象严重等)。这需要大量的有意识的积累。 三、优秀范文赏析
以下是一位学生就“如何帮一位新同学融入新集体”所写的文章: Dear Li Ming,
Welcome to our class! Judging from your puzzled expression, I can say that it’ difficult for you to adjust yourself to the new class, isn’t it? Now, cheer up and listen to me. As far as I know, you left you hometown to study here, so you sometimes feel homesick. Besides, you might feel lonely since you are not familiar with the surroundings and people here. What’s more, the customs here might be different from those of your former school, am I right?
In my opinion, there is no point worrying about these. What you should do is concentrating on your class and study. Then, try to be optimistic and outgoing. Don’t hesitate to turn to your teachers and classmates. I’m sure that they are always pleased to help you out.
As far as I’m concerned, would you like me to show you around our school, and then play basketball for a while? In addition, I’d like to introduce some of my friends to you. In a nutshell, please feel at home when you study here! Best regards, Zhang Hua
点评: 文章应用了大量连接手段,如: as far as I know, besides, what’s more, in my opinion,as far as I’m concerned ,in addition,过渡自然,行文流畅。在Judging from
your puzzled expression, I can say that it’ difficult for you to adjust yourself to the new class, isn’t it?一句中应用了分词及作形式宾语。文章还运用了许多优秀词汇和固定搭配,如adjust yourself to, be familiar with, there is no point doing sth., concentrate on, in a nutshell等。 以下是一位学生就“如何看待家庭作业很多的问题”所写的文章: Many students feel it difficult to finish so much homework. Not only do they have classes in school but also do their homework at home. I have heard that some of students stay up until midnight. How hard they are!
In my opinion, there are some reasons causing it. On one hand, the teachers consider that the more exercise the students do, the better they will learn . so the teachers ask the poor students to do a great deal of work. On the other hand, the parents also demand their children that they should do much homework in order to get their lessons improved.
I’m not in favour of taking too much work. The teachers and parents should change their way to bring up their children. 点评: 文章结构严谨,语言丰富,句式多变。灵活使用了倒装句Not only do they have…,感叹句How hard they are!,分词causing ,get … improved,,不定式it difficult to finish, to bring up虚拟语气...demand their children that they
should do...等,体现了作者很强的语言驾驭能力。本文还准确使用了常用的过渡词及短语使文章增色。
1. 提高教师的词块意识,有意培养学生的词块敏感性。教师应充分意识到词块是理想的词汇教学单位,在教学中要有意识地培养学生对词块的敏感性。在讲解词汇前可以让学生先在课文中找出该词形成的词块,并且鼓励学生在课外进行搜集整理词块,培养学生自学能力。讲解词汇时尽量将特定的词汇讲解与相应的语境相联系,积极创造交际情景,对其进行语境存在分析,然后让学生对其进行相关语言生成能力练习。甚至可以鼓励学生根据他所搜集的词块来讲解具体单词。教师要指导学生养成以词块为基本单位学习、记忆和使用词汇的意识和习惯,同时改变长时间机械背诵单词的方法,增加随机学习的比重,将机械记忆和灵活记忆有机结合,充分利用零散时间学习,做到最大限度克服母语干扰。 2.培养学生基于词块的语言输出能力。现阶段中学生英语输入能力普遍强于输出能力,特别是口头表达能力差。英语学习的最终目地是进行人际交流和写作。学生由于种种原因不敢开口,最终导致开不了口,学到了“哑巴英语”。教