Now, please understand that we have no written service rules _8_ lost photos in the park. _9_, the clerk at the front desk _10_ Disney's idea of caring for our _11_. She asked the woman to leave her a couple rolls of _12_ film, promising she would take care of the rest of our show at Polynesian Luau.
Two weeks later the guest received a _13_ at her home. In it were photos of all the actors of our show, _14_ signed by each performer. There were also _15_ of the public procession (游行队伍) and fireworks in the park, taken by the front-desk clerk in her own _16_ after work. I happened to know this _17_ because this guest wrote us a letter. She said that _18_ in her life had she received such good service from any business. Excellent _19_ does not come from policy (政策性的) handbooks. It comes from people who _20_ and from a culture that encourages and models that attitude. 61. A. working
B. checking
C. trying D. staying C. paid
D. enjoyed
62. A. expected B. realized
63. A. disappointing B. wonderful C. uncomfortable D. important 64. A. taking B. dropping
C. losing D. breaking
65. A. developed B. taken C. washed D. loaded 66. A. silly B. nervous C. calm 67. A. when
D. sad
B. where C. as D. which
68. A. covering B. finding C. making D. keeping 69. A. Excitedly B. Fortunately 70. A. understood B. reminded 71. A. workers 72. A. printed 73. A. film
C. Therefore D. Quietly
C. trusted D. discovered
D. clerks
B. guests C. managers B. shot
C. unused D. recorded
B. card C. camera D. packet
74. A. frequently B. personally C. alone D. actually 75. A. rules B. pictures 76. A. case
B. work
C. handbooks D. performances
D. position
C. time
77. A. story B. place C. photo D. show 78. A. only
B. almost C. never D. nearly
79. A. advice B. experience C. quality D. service
80. A. care B. serve C. like D. know
Ever since the No. 23 motorway was built between Dorgate and Bloxham, Ralph Dixon has had trouble with picnickers(野餐者). The motorway made it _1_ for Londoners to reach the South Coast in little more than an hour. Ralph Dixon's fields _2_ the motorway at point from which fine _3_ may be had of some of the most beautiful countryside in the south of England. At summer weekends, one motorist after another _4_ the motorway at White Horse Hill, follows the narrow road through the village of Foxwood, and _5_ on the edge of one of Farmer Dixon's fields for their morning coffee or their midday meal. They leave gates open, they sit in the corn, they leave pieces of paper, empty tins and glass bottles _6_ , and they let their dogs _7_ wild. Earlier this summer Ralph Dixon saw a whole bus-load of school children _8_ in one of his fields near the motorways. On that occasion he decided to let his prize bull, Gideon, _9_ the next field to enjoy the company of the cows for a while. When Gideon began showing a noisy _10_ in the girlfriends from whom he was usually _11_ , the two lady school teachers thought it was time to take their pupils back to the bus. But three weeks ago, when the same field was occupied (占领) by a number of young men who had left their cars in the _12_ of his tractor. Farmer Dixon took stronger _13_ . He did not _14_ letting Gideon into the next field, he let Gideon drive the men out of the field, down a public path, and back to their cars. One of the young men complained to the _15_ , and Ralph Dixon found himself _16_ for allowing a _17_ animal on to public land and putting people's lives at risk. The Judge told Mr. Dixon: \far this time. There must be some _18_ over the use made of farmland by the general public, I quite agree. But to put lives in danger is not the _19_ .\cost of the cases, but he said as he left the courtroom: It was worth every penny to see those picnickers running to their cars. I didn't stop _20_ for a week! 81. A. hard 82. A. line
B. easy
C. quickly D. impossible
B. run C. cover D. circle
83. A. scenes B. signs C. views D. sight
84. A. turns onto B. goes along C. turns off D. comes up 85. A. parks B. remains C. stays D. sits
86. A. lain around B. lying about C. falling round D. throwing everywhere
87. A. going B. come 88. A. playing
C. walking D. run
B. working C. singing D. dancing
D. out of
89. A. in B. to C. into
90. A. pleasure B. happiness C. benefit D. interest 91. A. divided
B. separated C. gathered
C. path
D. field
D. collected
92. A. way B. road
93. A. fight B. strike C. action D. movement 94. A. aim B. keep
C. continue
D. stop
95. A. farmer B. police C. public D. people 96. A. in court B. on the motorway
C. out of his fields D. on the farm
97. A. lovely B. dangerous C. strange D. lively 98. A. way B. means C. control D. measures 99. A. joke
B. play
C. answer D. game
D. crying
100. A. laughing B. smiling C. shouting (答案: A) (6)
While I was standing at the kitchen window, five-year-old Spencer, my oldest son, ran into the house _1_ ,\need a doctor out here! We need a doctor! Hurry, Mom!\wrong\I asked. Spencer anxiously told me he had found a dead bird that needed a doctor. Dutifully(顺从地), I seized a small plastic bag from the cupboard and took Spencer's hand- _2_ , that's the sort of thing mothers do! While my son led me out of the door and _3_ the bird, I explained that if the creature was indeed dead, a doctor could not _4_ . When we arrived at the _5_ scene, it was obvious that the baby bird was dead. Spencer and I could see the nest high up in the tree. My son and I _6_ the probable age of the baby bird, its inability to fly well, and exactly how the _7_ had caused its death. \his mommy and daddy really _8_ him,\ease his _10_ by saying I was sure they did, _11_ they would be okay because the little bird had gone to Heaven to be with God and PoPo(my grandfather who had died). I assured Spencer that the bird's mommy and daddy knew that their little one would be _12_ and loved.
I told Spencer that PoPo loved little birds, and I _13_ he was in Heaven holding and playing with the baby bird _14_ . I picked up the little creature's body, slipped it into my plastic bag and _15_ placed the bird in the rubbish bin. _16_ was said about the matter for the rest of the day. Spencer went right back to play _17_ he had never been interrupted, and I returned to my work in the kitchen.
At breakfast the next morning, Spencer sadly explained to his father that he had found a baby bird the day before that had fallen from its nest. \
Trying to _18_ Spencer's spirits and remind him that the little bird was really _19_ , I asked our son to tell Daddy _20_ the baby bird was. Spencer, looking solemn faced at his dad, stated,\ 101. A. saying (答案: B)
102. A. in fact B. at least C. of course D. after all 103. A. ahead B. toward C. found D. looked 104. A. come B. save C. help
D. support
D. angry
B. screaming C. declaring D. telling
105. A. accident B. kitchen C. familiar
106. A. wondered B. discussed C. studied D. looked 107. A. fall
B. tree C. mother bird
D. love
C. got to D. reached for C. sadness D. disappointment
D. then
D. other bird
108. A. hate B. lose C. miss 109. A. picked up B. turned to 110. A. excitement B. regret
111. A. but that B. and that C. soon 112. A. enjoyed B. played
C. treated D. cared for
D. was afraid
D. now and then
113. A. doubted B. found C. was sure
114. A. right now B. right then C. from now on 115. A. gently
B. loudly
C. strongly
D. firmly
116. A. Nothing else B. Nobody else C. Everything D. Something
D. though
117. A. as usual B. as if C. even though 118. A. break B. rise C. show
D. lift
119. A. wounded B. injured C. okay 120. A. where B. what C. how D. when
D. alive
Several years ago, while attending a communication course, I experienced a most unusual process. The instructor asked us to list _1_ in our past that we felt _2_ of, regretted , or incomplete about and read our lists aloud.
This seemed like a very _3_ process, but there' s always some _4_ soul in the crowd who will volunteer. The instructor then _5_ that we find ways to _6_ people, or take some action to right any wrongdoings. I was seriously wondering how this could ever _7_ my communication.
Then the man next to me raised his hand and volunteered this story:\remembered an incident from high school. I grew up in a small town. There was a Sheriff _9_ of us kids liked. One night, my two buddies and I decided to play a _10_ on him.
After drinking a few beers, we climbed the tall water tank in the middle of the town, and wrote on the tank in bright red paint: Sheriff Brown is a s. o. b. The next day, almost the whole town saw our glorious _11_ .Within two hours, Sheriff Brown had us in his office. My friends told the truth but I lied. No one _12_ found out.\
\if he was still _14_ .Last weekend, I dialed the information in my hometown and found there was a Roger Brown still listed. I tried his number. After a few _15_ ,I heard,\said,\
\want you to know that I did it\yelled back. We had a good laugh and a _16_ discussion. His closing words were:\I always felt bad for you _17_ your buddies got it off their chest, but you were carrying it _18_ all these years. I want to thank you for calling me…for your sake.\
Jimmy inspired me to _19_ all 101 items on my list within two years, and I always remember what I learned from the course: It' s never too late to _20_ the past wrongdoings. 121. A. something B. anything
C. somebody
D. anybody
122. A. ashamed B. afraid C. sure D. proud
D. funny
123. A. private B. secret C. interesting