1394 b中继设备对总线的影响分析和研究
【期刊名称】《计算机技术与发展》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)004
【摘要】1394b总线由于具有传输速率高、支持物理闭合环拓扑等特点,广泛应用于实时性和可靠性要求较高的领域。在采用电缆作为传输介质时,1394b总线的传输距离受到限制,需要采用中继设备来进行延长,但中继设备会引入自身的数据传输,影响总线初始化。文中描述了1394b总线的初始化过程,分析和研究了中继设备在初始化过程中对1394b总线形成的作用和影响,在此基础上,提出了一种对总线无影响的1394中继设备的实现方法,为非侵入式1394总线监控或数据采集设备的实现提供了参考。94b has the features of high speed,supporting physical loop-connection detection,and it is widely used in fields which have high request of real-time and reliability. When repeater is used to extend the transmission distance,it impacts on the bus by participating the initialization process. It researches on the initialization process of 1394b,and analyzes the impact on initialization which is imposed by 1394b repeaters. Then brings forward the method of implementing non-intrusive repeaters based on the analysis. The method can further brings forward non-intrusive 1394b monitor device implementing.
【总页数】4页(178-180,185) 【关键词】1394b;中继器;非侵入式
1394 b中继设备对总线的影响分析和研究