Matrix Product State, Quantum Entanglement, and Criticality in the One-Dimensional Dimeriz
Matrix Product State, Quantum Entanglement, and
Criticality in the One-Dimensional Dimerized
Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Model
【期刊名称】《理论物理通讯(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2012(058)008
【摘要】The matrix product state (MPS) is utilized to investigate the ground state properties and quantum phase transitions (OPTs) of the dimerized antiferromagnetic Heisenberg (DAH) model. The ground state MPS wavefunctions determined by the infinite time-evolving block decimation (iTEBD) algorithm are shown to be very efficient descriptions of DAH model. In the thermodynamic limit, the quantum entanglement, the bond energy~ and the nearest-neighbor correlations are calculated. It is revealed that the singular behavior of the bipartite entanglement can detect the QPTs directly. The critical point J2c= 1.0 is determined evidently, and the quantum phase transition is argued to belong to the second-order category. At the critical point, logarithmic divergent character of the block entanglement is observed, and the system can be described by a free bosonic field theory. 【总页数】7页(285-291)
Matrix Product State, Quantum Entanglement, and Criticality in the One-Dimensional Dimeriz