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摘 要


关键词:品牌战略; 发展战略; 旺旺集团



Brand development strategy in-depth development of the market economy, has a vital role for the enhancement of the competitive position of business development and market, but on the current status of our corporate brand building, there are still some of the general problemsto a large extent, these problems hinder the correct conduct of brand building in the market competition, corporate brand is hindered importance of play in their development strategies. Want Want Group's brand strategy implementation to determine the brand concept of personalized advertising to expand the brand influence, and gradually expand the type of product to improve the brand connotation. But Want according to the brand strategy and external there are some flaws, over-reliance on advertising propaganda, the brand connotation personalized, less product innovation, the service is not comprehensive, and the respect of the social and market the brand is not high, for Want the Group's brand strategy has a greater adverse impact. To promote the effect of Want Want Group brand strategy, we need to introduce modern publicity methods, the introduction of the brand connotation of the times, enhance product innovation and improve the relevant services, and constantly improve the legal and market environment, enhance social protection of the brand and respect.

Keywords:brand strategy; development strategy; Want Want Group


目 录

第一章 引言 ......................................... 1 第二章 品牌及品牌发展战略 ........................... 1

2.1 品牌及品牌战略的内涵 ................................................................. 1 2.1.1 品牌的概念 .................................................................................. 1 2.1.2 品牌的特征 .................................................................................. 1 2.1.3 品牌发展战略的概念 .................................................................. 2 2.2 品牌战略在我国的发展情况 ......................................................... 2 2.3 我国企业注重品牌战略的重要性 ................................................. 2

第三章 旺旺集团品牌战略现状 ......................... 3

3.1 旺旺集团介绍 ................................................................................. 3 3.2 旺旺集团品牌战略的主要内容 ..................................................... 3 3.3 旺旺集团品牌战略的实施情况 ..................................................... 4 3.3.1 品牌战略规划 .............................................................................. 4 3.3.2 品牌战略实施的措施 .................................................................. 4 3.3.3 旺旺集团品牌战略实施的有效措施 .......................................... 5

第四章 旺旺集团品牌战略存在的问题 ................... 5

4.1 集团内部存在的问题 ..................................................................... 5 4.1.1 宣传方式上过度依赖广告 .......................................................... 6 4.1.2 品牌内涵的个性化特征不明显 .................................................. 6 4.1.3 产品创新较少,品牌时代性内容不高 ......................................... 6



