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姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________


一、 Read and choose. 读单词,选择画线部分发音 (共1题;共4分)

1. (4分) 读一读,判断下列各组单词划线部分的发音是(T)否(F)相同。 ⑴________mask desk ⑵________name cake ⑶________she eleven ⑷________this his

二、 Read and choose. 选择合适的一项。 (共10题;共20分)

2. (2分) My grandpa ______a driver ten years ago. A . was B . is C . were

3. (2分) This is _______ computer. A . my B . me C . I

4. (2分) (2019五下·吴忠期中) He is ______ English now. A . learns B . learning C . learnt

5. (2分) My uncle can the street sweeper. A . drives B . drive C . to drive

6. (2分) 选择与划线单词不同类的一项:You should wear a coat. A . shirt B . T-shirt C . shoes

第 1 页 共 7 页

7. (2分) 选出不同类的单词( ) A . red B . tiger C . lion

8. (2分) — Who is this _____? — She is my sister.

A . woman B . girl 9. (2分) 选出不属于同类的单词。 A . morning B . boy C . afternoon D . evening

10. (2分) Look! I ________ a rabbit. A . is B . have C . has

11. (2分) 你喜欢啫喱吗?

A . What do you like? B . Do you like jelly?

三、 Read and choose. 读对话,选出与对话相符的 (共1题;共2分)

12. (2分) (2020六上·婺城期末) ________ (Is/Does) your uncle ________ (go/goes) to work by boat?

四、 Choose and fill in the blanks (共1题;共1分)

13. (1分)

I like monkeys .I ________ lions .

五、 Read and fill in the blanks. (共5题;共7分)

14. (1分) (2017三上·龙岗期末) Look at the cat. It is f________.

15. (3分) 给下列英语选择正确的汉语意思。 ①last weekend________ A. 昨晚

② the day before yesterday________ B. 上周末 ③ last night________ C. 前天

第 2 页 共 7 页

16. (1分) What ________ (do)Guoyong look like?

17. (1分) It can play the ________. 18. (1分) 选出句子中表示动作的单词

In spring, we ride bicycles outside. ________

六、 Fill in the blanks. 用所给词的适当形式 (共8题;共11分)

19. (2分) I talk at the phone. ________→________

20. (3分) 找出不同类的单词。

① ________ A. tomorrow B. today C. sea ② ________ A. park B. plane C. bike ③ ________ A. grandma B. swim C. visit

21. (1分) (2011·广州模拟) You can't see her now because she ________ (have) a class in the classroom. 22. (1分) ________this photo,we are planting trees. 23. (1分) December is the ________ (twelve) month of a year. 24. (1分) Let's ________ the cake.

25. (1分) (2017四上·罗湖期末) Peter is my ________ (brother/ cousin). He is Uncle Wang's son. 26. (1分) Children's Day is on June________(one).

七、 Read, choose and write. 读对话,选 (共1题;共3分)

27. (3分) It's________a.m.

It's time for________ ________.

第 3 页 共 7 页



