【期刊名称】《海外英语(上)》 【年(卷),期】2013(000)004
【摘要】As the most advanced and scientific teaching methods, communicative language teaching (CLT) has already been accept?ed and introduced into a number of language teaching programs. Since the 1990s, this teaching approach also has been involved in the syllabus of college English programs in China by the Chinese government and the ministry of Education. It suggested that the fi?nal aim of language teaching is to enhance students' communicative competence of the target language. And CLT, a brand new teaching approach for Chinese English teachers, becomes to be a significantly important part of language teaching. However, in most cases, the complement of CLT in language teaching programs in China did not completely succeed. Based on the analysis of the certain EFL context of English teaching, this paper will discuss some problems faced on the communicative language teaching in vocational English teaching in China. Some solutions of these issues will also be given at the end of the paper.% 作为当今国际英语教学中最为先进并且科学的教学方法,英语交际教学法在国际范围内被广泛接纳和采用。自上世纪九十年代开始,中国政府及教育部也正式将其引入英语教学大纲,提出英语教学的最终目标在于提高学生目标语言的