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牛津译林版八年级英语下册8B Unit2 Travelling 单元测试卷(含答案解析)

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8B Unit2 Travelling测试卷

第I卷(客观题 共55分)


1.(2019南通)——Is everyone here, Jonathan? ——NO, Sir. Millie is absent. She for two days. A.has fallen ill

B.has been ill

C.fell ill

D.was ill

2.He with his family, but now he on his own. A. used to live; is used to living C. used to live; used to living

B. is used to living; used to live D. is used to live; is used to living

3.I remember she went to Hainan last month. A. at the end

B. at the end of

C. in the end

D. in the end of

4.My father has worked in this factory we moved to this city. A.before




5.What a pity! The film 10 minutes ago. A.started

B.has started

C.has been started

D.has been on

6.I spent my summer holiday in Hong Kong. It was really a experience. A.colourful




7.(2019鄂州)——Mary, I remember you several years ago. ——Yes, I for 3 years. A.married; have married

B.married; married

D.have married; have been married

C.married; have been married

8.The children couldn’t stop when they heard the funny story. A.laughing

B.to laugh



9.People when they saw the famous film star. A.became exciting

B.became excited

C.got exciting

D.get excited

10.We all had at the beach in Kowloon. A.great funny

B.lots of funs

C.much fun

D.lots fun

11. Chinese gardens in summer is a wonderful idea. A.Visiting




12.We will buy some cards presents our parents. A.for; for

B.as; for

C.as; as

D.for; as

13.The man in 1978. He for thirty years. A.died; was dead

B.died; has been dead D.was dead; has been died

C.was dead; has died

14.She has never been to Paris, ? A. has she B. hasn’t she

C. does she

D. doesn’t she

15.(2019锦州)——Excuse me, when did you leave Jinzhou? ——In August 2017. I for about two years. A. have left


C.have been away

D.was away


I’ve been planning this trip for weeks. This blog is to tell my friends (16) I’m doing while I’m in Italy... for 4 whole weeks.

Week 1

I’ve been in (17) since Tuesday lunchtime. I’m in Venice now. This afternoon, I’ve been rowing. Most people go on the canal in the gondolas(小划船)(18) I wanted to be different.

Tonight I met someone in the hotel. He’s from England too. We’re going out to listen to some jazz music.

(19) is going well so far. Weather is great. Not too hot. Not too cold.

Week 2

I’ve been in Milan for the past three (20) . Everybody here loves to shop and eat. There are lots of restaurants—my favourite is a little pizza restaurant. I’ve been here twice (21) !

I’ve also (22) visit the Duomo. That’s the 4th largest church in the world. Week 3

I’m in Rome now, but I’ve visited lots of little towns (23) .

I went to the Colosseum(罗马竞技场). Wow! There were a large (24) waiting to get in. The place is amazing. It’s been there since 80 A.D. 73,000 people could have seats there for big events.

Week 4

Naples(那不勒斯). I went out of the city to visit the bay. It (25) . I’ve gone back to the hotel now to get dry and pack for the journey home. 16. A.where 17. A.America 18. A.but


C.when C.Italy C.so

D.what D.Japan D.or D.Anything D.months D.just D.gone in D.to the way D.birdwatchers D.rained

B.England B.and

19. A.Nothing 20. A.hours 21. A.yet

B.Everything B.days B.ever B.gone to

C.Something C.weeks C.already C.been in

22. A.been to

23. A.in the way 24. A.guides 25. A.blew

B.by the way B.players B.shone

C.on the way C.tourists C.waved



How much do you know about Chicago, Illinois, in the United States? You might think it’s a big city. And it is! Chicago is actually the third most populous(人口总多的) city in the US, right after New York City and Los Angeles, according to the US 2010 Census.

“The Windy City” is Chicago’s most famous nickname (绰号). It is for good reason. The city lies right next to Lake Michigan and heavy gusts (一阵风) of wind blow through the city.

Chicago is very well known for its art and culture, In fact, TripAdvisor says that the Art Institute of Chicago is the No. 1 place to visit in the city. It is not only a school, but also a world-class art museum.

If you’re not feeling like a museum, your best choice is to visit Millennium Park. This is one of my personal favorites. This park holds the famous Cloud Gate, and it looks kind of like a big reflective bean(反光的豆子). Many people enjoy taking photos in its reflection.

Chicago has lot of fun things to do. If you enjoy heights, go to visit the famous Willis Tower! You can go up to the top of it and step out onto a glass box. You’ll be standing over the city, but don’t worry – it’s completely safe. Doesn’t Chicago sound like a fun city? 26. Which of the following cities has the largest population in the US?

A.Chicago. C.Los Angeles.

B.New York City. D.Washington D. C.

27.What is the main idea of the second paragraph? A.It introduces where Chicago is. B.It shows the usual weather of Chicago. C.It introduces what Lake Michigan is like.

D.It explains why Chicago is called “The Windy City”.

28.TripAdvisor used the word “school” to describe Chicago to show that . A.people can learn a lot in Chicago B.Chicago is famous for its art museum C.Chicago is actually as small as a school D.people can visit Chicago’s schools easily

29.What does the underlined word “choice” mean in Chinese? A.决定




30.Which of the following is TRUE according to the last two paragraphs? A.Millennium Park is a museum. B.Cloud Gate is in Millennium Park.

C.There is a big reflective bean in Willis Tower. D.Willis Tower is far away from the city center.


Australia is the greatest island in the world. It is to the south of the equator(赤道). So when it is summer in our country, it is cold winter in Australia.

Australia is big, but the population(人口) there is thin. The population is the same as that of Shanghai, a city of China. Australia is young, diverse nation and Australian people come from many different countries.

Australia has many, many sheep. After a short drive from town, you will see sheep around you. You can also find a kangaroo which has a “bag” below its chest. The mother kangaroo keeps its baby in the “bag”.

Australia is considered to be a relaxed, informal society(社会). When greeting others, students and young people say “Hello” or “Hi”. Sometimes they say “How’s it going?” or “G’

day”. In more formal(正式的)situations they usually shake hands the first time they meet. “Good morning”, “Good afternoon”or “Pleased to meet you”are formal greetings. English is Australia’s national language.

31. Australia is the greatest island in the world. The word “island” may mean . A. 国家

B. 城市

C. 山脉

D. 岛屿

32.Australia has the same population as . A.Shanghai




33. When it is summer in Australia, it is in China. A. spring



D. summer

34. When Australian people meet for the first time, they will . A. kiss each other C. nod head to others

B.hug(拥抱)each other D. shake hands

35. Which statement is RIGHT, according to the passage? A. Australia has a large population. B. Kangaroo is a kind of sheep in Australia.

C. Young people sometimes say “How’s it going?” or “G day” to greet others. D.When you drive in Australia, you can see many horses.


People enjoy taking trips. But what are the reasons they leave home? One reason is for education. People travel because they want to learn more about other people and other places. They are curious about other cultures. When people are tourists, they get a quick look at different ways of living. Even a short look at another kind of lifestyle is an important lesson. On a trip, a person can learn directly by visiting museums and historic spots. What does a tourist learn who sees the art museums, visits the historical palaces and other scenic spots in Paris and shops along the River Seine? He gets a vivid picture, a real life of one of the French people. He learns about their attitudes(态度), how they feel about business, beauty and history.

What about the tourist who goes to Hong Kong? Does he get the same information that he could get from a book? He might read that Hong Kong is crowded, and that there is less than 200 square meters of space for each person. But seeing and feeling the lack of space will impress him much more. He might read that there are nearly 200 vehicles for every kilometer of roadway. But

牛津译林版八年级英语下册8B Unit2 Travelling 单元测试卷(含答案解析)


