成都西班牙语培训:最难翻译的词 11. Schadenfreude
German – This refers to the feeling of pleasure derived by seeing another’s misfortune.
12. Torschlusspanik
German – Translated literally, this word means “gate-closing panic,” but its contextual meaning refers to “the fear of diminishing opportunities as one ages.”
小编注:廉颇老矣,尚能饭否? 13. Wabi-Sabi
Japanese – Much has been written on this Japanese concept, but in a sentence, one might be able to understand it as “a way of living that focuses on finding beauty within the imperfections of life and accepting peacefully the natural cycle of growth and decay.”
日语:在句子中看到这个词,可以理解为“在生活的不完美中找到美之所在、平静地接受万物作息的循环” 小编注:东方的禅意生活
14. Dépaysement
French – The feeling that comes from not being in one’s home country. 法语:居于异乡而产生的情感。
小编注:中文里的“客心”就是这个意思么?大江流日月,客心悲未央~ 15. Tingo
Pascuense (Easter Island) – “the act of taking objects one desires from the house of a friend by gradually borrowing all of them.”
复活节岛的当地语言:以一天借一点的方式,把你喜欢的东西从朋友家一点点都拿光。 小编注:复活节岛真可怕!! 16. Hyggelig
Danish – Its “literal” translation into English gives connotations of a warm, friendly, cozy demeanor, but it’s unlikely that these words truly capture the essence of a hyggelig; it’s likely something that must be experienced to be known. I think of good friends, cold beer, and a warm fire.
丹麦语:直译的话或许可以表达“热情的、有好的行为举止”这样的含义,但是这种词语不足以表达这个词的精髓,这也许是一种必须亲身经历才能体会的的感受,比如好朋友、冰镇啤酒、烤火之类的。 小编注:……于是这到底是个啥呢0. 0 17. L’appel du vide
French – “The call of the void” is this French expression’s literal translation, but more significantly it’s used to describe the instinctive urge to jump from high places.
18. Ya’aburnee
Arabic – Both morbid and beautiful at once, this incantatory word means “You bury me,” a declaration of one’s hope that they’ll die before another person because of how difficult it would be to live without them.
阿拉伯语:又变态又美丽的一个词,意为“你埋了我”,表达一种想要比另一个人早死的愿望,因为无法忍受TA死后自己独活的痛苦。 小编注:阿拉伯人好浪漫!!!!!!突然有种想学阿拉伯语的赶脚肿么办! 19. Duende
Spanish – While originally used to describe a mythical, spritelike entity that possesses humans and creates the feeling of awe of one’s surroundings in nature, its meaning has transitioned into referring to “the mysterious power that a work of art has to deeply move a person.” 西班牙语:最先表示一种神秘的、令人对周遭环境产生敬畏之心的存在,如今词义发生了变迁,表示“一件艺术作品所含有的打动人心的