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Unit 1 Lifestyles


1.After he g from the university,he found a job in a computer company. 2.Study hard,o you will not pass the final exam.

3.I find stamp-collecting r and it takes my mind off the stress of my work. 4.In fact,life is full of different (挑战)when one is born into this world. 5.It is reported that there were about 100,000 Games-time (志愿者)taking part in the 2008 Olympic Games.

6.Some students (抱怨)that their homework is too much.They almost have no enough time to finish it.

答案:1.graduated 2.otherwise/or 3.relaxing 4.challenges 5.volunteers


Ⅱ.短语识境 talk show;come up with;suffer from;switch off;get bored;be filled with;be free of;work one’s way through sth. 1.She is sitting at her desk and a lot of documents.

2.I shall retire next year and the trouble from all kinds of work. 3.I anger when I saw the middle-aged man kicking the dog.

4.The scientists are beating their brains trying to a solution to the problem. 5.Eventually the lights in the house were ,and everything went black. 6.The glasses are really necessary to the man shortsightedness.

答案:1.volunteers 2.be free of 3.was filled with 4.come up with

5.switched off 6.suffering from


1.我们将帮助你的孩子在他们空闲时学习功课。(in one’s spare time) 2.他喜欢踢球而我喜欢看书。(while)

3.我每天早上锻炼后吃早饭。(do some exercise)

4.汽车通常开得极快,所以突然停车是危险的。(so...that) 5.现在的年轻人有很多事情要做。(to do)

答案:1.We will help your children in learning lessons in their spare time. 2.He likes playing football while I like reading.

3.Every morning after I do some exercise,I have breakfast. 4.Cars often travel so fast that a sudden stop is dangerous. 5.Today’s young people have a lot of things to do. Ⅳ.单项填空

1.China has just launched series of gold and silver coins with the theme of the 60-year anniversary of founding of the People’s Republic of China. A./;the B.a;the C.a;/ D.the;the

解析:考查冠词。a series of意为 “一系列”;第二空处用定冠词the,特指 “中华人民共和国的成立”。所以本题选B项。 答案:B

2.—What do you think of your English teacher?

—He is a strict teacher,but all his students show respect for.

A.that B.the one C.who D.one

解析:考查代词。根据题意可知,空格部分指代a teacher,泛指这样一个既对学生严格又深受学生尊敬的老师。所以选D项。 答案:D

知识拓展:one指代上文提到的可数名词的单数,是泛指;the one指代上文提到的可数名词的单数,是特指;that指代上文提到的可数名词的单数或不可数名词;it指代上文提到的可数名词本身。

3.—Where is your mother working? —In a hospital our town.

A.is located in B.located in C.set in D.is set in

解析:分析句子结构可知,空格部分作后置定语,这里的意思是 “位于我们镇上的一家医院”,故用locate,且动词locate与名词hospital之间存在动宾关系,故选B项。 答案:B

4.—Oh,how depressed!I’m bound to lose to him in tomorrow’s competition. —Cheer up!In fact,he is than you.

A.not more nervous B.no more nervous C.no less nervous D.a little less nervous 解析:根据语意 “事实上,他跟你一样紧张” 可知,C项正确。 答案:C

知识拓展:英语中A is no+形容词比较级+than B表示 “A和B都不……”;A is not+形容词比较级+than B表示 “A不如B”。如:I am no richer than you.(我和你一样穷);I am not richer than you.(我不如你富裕)。

5.He was,after all,the manager,and did not appreciate to feel like an ignorant schoolboy.

A.being made B.to make

C.making D.to be made

解析:考查非谓语动词。语意:毕竟他是一个经理,他不喜欢被人当做一个无知的学生来看。appreciate之后用v.ing形式,此处还有 “被人当做……” 之意,故用v.ing形式的被动式。 答案:A

6.It is necessary that teachers should be in time kept of students’ needs to provide adequate guide and help to them. A.to be informed B.on informing C.informed D.informing

解析:考查非谓语动词。语意:教师应及时了解学生的需求以便为他们提供足够的指导和帮助,这是必要的。keep sb.informed “使某人知道……”,informed是过去分词作宾补。 答案:C

7.—The research on the new bird flu virus vaccine is challenging and

demanding.Who do you think can do the job? — my students have a try?

A.Shall B.Must C.Will D.May

解析:考查情态动词。答语意思是:我的学生们可以来试一试吗?shall在此表示征求对方的意见,通常用于第一和第三人称。 答案:A

8.He found three specific examples,and one more general case, changes in diet

appeared to have had beneficial effects.

A.why B.which C.that D.where


从句中作状语时,常用关系副词where来引导该定语从句。 答案:D

9.The steel works in which David has worked for five years us with raw material in large quantities in the past two years.

A.has been supplying B.was supplying C.have been supplying D.were supplying

解析:考查主谓一致和时态。语意:在过去的两年中,David工作过五年的那家钢厂一直给我们提供大量的原材料。根据时间状语in the past two years可知用完成进行时,此题主语是works,虽是s形式,却表单数意义,意为 “工厂”,因此谓语动词用单数形式。 答案:A

10.—Why were so many people trapped into buying the stock of the company? — enough money within one night. A.Get B.Getting C.To get D.To be getting

解析:考查省略句。根据语意 “为了能一夜暴富” 可知,这里承前省略了句子的主谓部分,不定式 “to get...” 作目的状语。 答案:C Ⅴ.完形填空

Last evening I was watching the evening news on television.The news was about a prize for scientific 1 ;I forgot what it was.The announcer,whose name was Ralph Sorry,said something that caught my 2 .“All great discoveries,”he said,“are made by people between the ages of twenty-five and thirty.” 3 a little over thirty myself,I wanted to disagree with him. 4 wants to think that he is past the age of making any discovery.The next day I happened to be in the public library and spent several hours looking up the 5 of famous people and



