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课 题 ____职业高中___学校 任务驱动法 教案(参考模板) Unit1 Reading&Speaking Asking and telling the way 知 识 目 标 能 力 目 标 掌握本节课出现的重点单词、短语和句型,同时掌握有关问路的句子的英文读法。 在熟练掌握和运用与问路相关的句型的基础上,能够以问路为话题进行简单的情景表演。 学日常用语,促进交流,增进了解。 德 育 目 标 重 点 掌握本节课出现的重点单词、短语和句型,同时掌握有关问路的句子的英文读法。 在熟练掌握和运用与问路相关的句型的基础上,能够以其为话题进行简单的交流 教学目标 教材重、难点 难 点 教学步骤 第一步:任务准备 Greeting and checking the attendance. 第二步:任务引入(情景创设、温故) 1. Revise the words about places and the phrases about asking and telling the way. 1) Look and say (让学生根据图片或中文短语迅速说出相关英文,能配合动作的要配合动作。) 2. Free talks: Talk about the ways from the home to Xingmei Guoji Cinema. (由cinema引到film,复习问路方式的同时,学习新词film。) 1) T: I often go to the cinema. I like seeing films. How about you? S1: ... (L: film) T: I often go to Xingmei Guoji Cinema at weekends. It’s on 教学组织与过Tianmu Road, on the 7th floor of Jinying Shopping Centre. 程 S2: How do you get to Xingmei Guoji Cinema? T: My home is also on Tianmu Road. It’s not far from the cinema. I often go there by bus. First, I get on the bus at No. 2 People’s Hospital and I get off the bus at Jinying Shopping Centre Stop. The cinema is on my left. 2) Ask about the students’ way to the cinema. (复习不同的方位,不同的路线表达。) T: Where’s your home? S2: It’s on ... Street/ Road. T: How do you get to the cinema? S2: ... 第三步:任务提出 教师创设情景 任务一 如何问路 优秀教案 欢迎下载

Know more about the ways to ask and tell the way. 1) Let the students try. The T concludes according to the Ss. (教师根据学生概括板书) Where’s ...? Where do/ does ... live? Can you show me the way to ...? It’s very near. You can go there on foot.(指路时分较近路线和较远路线。) It’s far from here. You can go by taxi. Which bus is for ...? How many stops are there? 任务二 如何指路 (培养学生的问题意识和语用能力,由图片讨论,引发学生自主讨论,提问。教师根据的学生的提问,按一定的顺序将问题书写在黑板上,然后给出答语。) Go straight. 一直走。 Turn left.向左转。 Turn right. 向右转。 Q: What can we do to stop the traffic jam? (倡导绿色出行。) 1) Discuss in groups. 2) Check out. 第四步:任务研究(头脑风暴、各抒己见、明确分工) 将学生分成四个小组,每组选出学生扮演路人和被问路者 T: It takes Bobby a lot of time to get to the cinema. Bobby is not fine. He wants to go to the toilet now. --L: toilet 1. Q: How can bobby ask the way? -- Excuse me, Where’s the toilet?/ How can I get to the toilet? /Can you show me the way to the toilet? ... 2. Tell Bobby the way to the toilet. ( PPT呈现Bobby去厕所的线路图。) 4. Learn the part. 1) Look and say; L: restroom; rest 2) Expand: In the US we call a “toilet” a “restroom”. 3) Expand: The differences among “WC”, “toilet” and “restroom”. 第五步:方案交流(各组取长补短) 小组讨论,互相学习。 第六步:任务实施(做中学,做中教,教师巡视指导协调) 学生编写对话并表演,教师给予指导。 第七步:任务交流(各组展示成果,组间互动) 第八步:任务评价(自评、互评、师评,肯定成绩,指出不足) 组内互评,小组互评,教师评 第九步:课业总结(对任务中遇到的知识点、对完成任务过程中体现出的综合能力的运用进行总结) 优秀教案 欢迎下载

Homework: 1)Discussion: There is often traffic jam. To stop this. How will/ do you come to school tomorrow? 2)Try to draw the way from home to school. Try to tell the way to school in English. (温习坐标知识概念。) 已经学习了有关地点的词汇以及表示方向的短语。 已具备知识 教法 学法 任务驱动法, 多媒体教学法, 情景教学法 锻炼学生的口语表达能力 提倡合作与交流 课件 教学方法 教学媒体及辅件

Ⅰ 教学过程



