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第一篇:口腔医学技术应届生求职信模板尊敬的院领导: 您好!


我是黔东南民族职业技术学院20xx届口腔医学技术专业好范文,即将面临就业的选择,我感到非常的困惑,得知贵院的各方面条件和职业都比较适合自己,我希望能到贵院工作及学习,。同时,也希望与贵院单位的同事们共同努力,共创事业辉煌。 时光飞逝即将毕业。经过三年的专业学习技能培训和大学生活的磨练,曾记刚进校的天真自傲、幼稚的我现已经变得沉着冷静,为了立足社会,为了自己的事业成功,三年中我不断努力学习,不论是基础课还是专业课,都取得了一定的成绩,虽然成果不是很好,但我仍在努力学习中,希望能在接下来的时间里取的更好的成绩。大学期间我也曾获得过“优秀团干”,通过了“牙齿模具工”技能鉴定资格证,并通过了全国普通话测试二级乙等考试,同时在课余时间里我还注意不断扩大知识面,专业技能的培训。 虽说十年寒窗,但我深知自己不足的地方还很多,事业上的成功需要知识毅力,汗水,机会完美结合,同样的一个单位荣誉需要承载他的载体_人的无私奉献,我恳请贵院能给我一个机会,让我幸成为你们中的一员,我将以百倍的热情和勤奋踏实的工作来回报您的知遇之恩。


此致 敬礼

第二篇:医学专业大学生求职信模板尊敬的领导: 好您!

俺是××学大医学与生命科学学院临床医学系的一名应届本科生业毕,俺学的业专是临床医学, 将于2014年7月毕业,很荣幸能有机会向您呈上俺的个人资料。带着一份渴望与热忱欲在贵单位谋求一份适合俺的作工.

作为一名医毕业生,俺热爱俺的业专,并为其投入了巨大的精力和热情,圆满完成了所有课程的学习,并取得了良好的成绩, 同时俺也努力学习英文等课程,英文水平熟练,具备一定的听说读写能力,俺深知现代社会更需要“业专突出,素质全面”的人才,俺积极参加社会活动,把握住每一个可以锻炼己自的机会。在学大几年里,俺参加过很多活动, 如校运会、社会实践、校园文化艺术节大合唱及书法比赛等,为班级和年级取得了好的成绩,并做了大量的作工,曾担任过宣传委员、生活委员等职务,并主动组织过一些有意义的活动,如各种体育比赛、团日活动,联欢晚会、社会实践等,在寒暑假及业余时间,多次打过工、做过家教参加勤工俭学,在此期间,曾多次获“优秀团员”,班级的团日活动多次获“最佳团日”称号,社会实践报告多次获二、三等奖,在大三俺光荣加入了中国******,这些经历无形中锻炼了俺的组织能力,磨砺了俺的意志品质,也丰富了俺的学习生活.也同时让俺俺深深体会到团队精神的重要性。



如能蒙您不弃,有幸成为您的职员,俺将不负厚望,踏踏实实做好属于己自的这份作工,为贵单位的腾飞与发展贡献己自的一份力量。 殷切期望您的佳音。

祝贵单位事业兴旺发达、祝您作工顺利!! 致此 礼敬!

第三篇:医学专业大学生英文求职信dear sir:

thank you for your busy schedule in taking the time to read the material i have put themselves forward in this, give me a fighting chance of success.

i was in jingzhou, hubei vocational technical college students will soon graduate, post-harvest in sight, i hope to have this opportunity to work and study in your house.

when the choice of medical institutions, has chosen the medical profession, determined to be life-saving faith-ming in my heart. i pay close attention to school every day since for the accumulation of professional knowledge and basic skills training. theoretical study in school, i know the importance of theoretical knowledge, each course seriously, and achieved excellent results. now, i had the privilege of maternal and child health hospital in hubei province for practice and training. during the internship period, i always keep in mind the teaching of theory with practice, made significant gains to master the basic clinical operations (including bed making, injection techniques, and aseptic operation, etc.), more in-depth understanding of the theoretical knowledge to use in practice. at the same time, i deeply appreciate the relationship between health care, the importance of nurse-patient relationship, learning the communication skills to improve patient satisfaction and efficiency. my internship study patients also received recognition and praise of many teachers. all these are the results of my tireless efforts, i have a positive spirit, i believe these experiences will be my study and work will continue a valuable asset.

while studying at the school activities i can be useful to the plot-level

participation, i believe that a wide range of interests and expertise will be in my future study and work play an important role in

although i have only a college degree, it seems less competitive. but i firmly believe that no matter how big the difference between education in the work we are starting from scratch, deep expertise, a wealth of clinical experience, open-minded optimism of the character, a strong sense of collaboration is the group for a qualified nursing personnel necessary conditions, but also my pursuit of the ultimate goal. i am willing to candidates of the clinical departments of nursing, i could look forward to in the future teachers and colleagues, tirelessly to pay for your house, i do everything in its power to make a contribution!

at this moment, before it is before you a few thin paper, to me, is a student studying for more than a decade and the pain and gain, but also a students look forward to a better future and hope.

finally, i thank you for your review materials. hospitals the cause of success, i wish that the leadership of good health and smooth work! sincerely, salute!


【摘要】目的 调查南充市医学与非医学专业大学生口腔保健意识、知识及行为,比较二者之间的差异,探索适合大学生口腔保健的健康



