【期刊名称】《传感技术学报》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)008
【摘要】氧化铝陶瓷因其稳定的机械性能和高温鲁棒性得到了广泛的应用。文章以LC谐振电路为技术背景,提出了一种基于氧化铝陶瓷的电容式高温压力传感器,并通过厚膜集成工艺技术将一个定值电感与一个可变电容集成在氧化铝陶瓷基板上实现了传感器的制备。对传感器进行高温环境下的压力测试,实验结果表明:传感器能够完成600℃高温环境下1到5 bar范围内压力的原位测试,且在600℃高温环境下传感器的重复性误差,迟滞性误差和零点漂移分别为8.3%,5.05%和3.7%。%Alumina ceramic has wide applications with its stable mechanical toughness and high temperature robust-ness. In the technical background of LC resonance circuit,this paper presents a capacitance high temperature pres-sure sensor based on alumina ceramics.A fixed inductance and a varied capacitance were integrated on the ceramic substrate through the thick film integrated technology.The sensor was tested in high temperature and pressure envi-ronments,and the experimental results shown that:the sensor can complete the pressure situ test at 600 ℃in range of 1 to 5 bar,and the repeatability error,hysteresis error and zero drift of the sensor were approximately 8. 3%,5?05% and 3.7%,respectively. 【总页数】5页(1038-1042)