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1000头清真优质肉牛养殖项目可行性研究报告 (NXPowerLite)

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heart and lungs or that it was more difficult for smoking couples to become pregnant. I certainly didnt know their babies may have a smaller birth weight or even be abnormal in some way. Neither did I know that my cigarette smoke could affect the health of known-smokers. However, what I did know was that my girlfriend thought I smelt terrible. She said my breath and clothes smelt, and that the ends of my fingers were turning yellow. She told me that she would go out with me again unless I stopped! I also noticed that I became breathless quickly, and that I was enjoying sport as much. When I was taken off the school football team because I was unfit, I knew it was time to quit smoking. I am sending you some advice I found on the Internet. It might help you to stop and strengthen your resolve. I do hope so because I want you to live as long and healthy a life as I have. Love from Grandad How can you stop smoking? It is noteasy to stop smoking, but millions have managed to quit and so can you. Here are a few suggestions. Prepare yourself. Decide on a day to quit. Dont choose a day that you know is going to be stressful, such as the day of an exam. Make a list of all the benefits you will get from stopping smoking. Then throw away your last packet of cigarettes. Be determined. Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette, remind yourself that you are a non-smoker. Reread the list of benefits you wrote earlier. Break the habit. Instead of smoking a cigarette, do something else. Go for a walk, clean your teeth, drink some water, clean the house; in fact, do anything to keep your mind and especially your hands busy. Relax. If you start to feel nervous or stressed, do not reach for a cigarette. Try some deep breathing instead. Do some relaxation exercises every time you feel stressed. Get help if you need it. Arrange to stop smoking with a friend so you can talk about your problemsor join a stop-smoking group. If you feel desperate, you might lie to talk to a doctor or chemist about something to help you, like nicotine chewing gum. Keep trying. Do not be disappointed if you have to try several times before you finally stop smoking. If you weaken and have a cigarette, do not feel ashamed. Just try again. You will succeed eventually. HIV/AIDS; AREYOUAT RISK? HIV is a virus. A virus is a very small living thing that causes disease. There are many different viruses, for example, the flu virus or the SARS virus. HIV weakens a persons immune system; that is, the part of the body that fights disease. You can have HIV in your blood for a long time, but eventually HIV will damage your immune system so much that your body can no longer fight disease. This stage of the illness is called AIDS. If you develop AIDS, your chances of survival are very small. HIV is spread through blood or the fluid that the body makes durngsex. For a person to become infected, blood or sexual fluid that carries the virus, has to get inside the body through broken skin or by injection. One day scientists will find a cure for HIV/AIDS. Until that happens, you need to protect yourself. Here are some things you can do to make sure you stay safe. If you injectdrugs: do not share your needle with anyone else. Blood from another person can stay on or in the needle. If a person has HIV and you use the same needle, you could inject the virus into your own blood. do not share anything else that a person has used while injecting drugs. Blood could have spilt on it. If you have ex witha male ora female: use a condom. This will prevent sexual fluid passing from one person to another. The following statementsare NOTtrue. A person cannot get HIV the first time they have sex. WRONG. If one sexual partner has HIV, the other partner could become infected. You can tell by looking at someone whether or not they have HIV. WRONG. Many people carrying HIV look perfectly healthy. It is only when the disease has progressed to AIDS that a person begins to look sick. Only homosexuals get AIDS. WRONG. Anyone who has sex with a person infected with HIV/AIDS risks getting the virus. Women are slightly more likely to become infected than men. If you hug, touch or kiss someone with AIDS or visit them in their home, you will get HIV/AIDS. WRONG. You can only get the disease from blood or sexual fluid. Unfortunately, people with HIV sometimes lose their friends because of prejudice. Many people are afraid that they will get HIV/AIDS from those infected with HIV/AIDS. For the same reason, some AIDS patients cannot find anyone to look after them when they are sick. You can get HIV/AIDS from mosquitoes. WRONG. There is no evidence of this. Unit 4 THE EARTH IS BECOMING WARMER- BUT DOES IT MATTER? During the 20th century the temperature of the earth rose about one degree Fahrenheit. That probably does not seem much to you or me, but it is a rapid increase when compared to other natural changes. So how has this come about and does it matter? Earth Cares Sophie Armstrong explores these questions. There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer (see Graph 1) and that is it human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon. All scientists subscribe to the view that the increase in the earth temperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil to produce energy. Some byproducts of this process are called greenhous gases, the most important one of which is carbon dioxide. Dr Janice Foster explainsThere is a natural phenomenon that scientists call the greenhouse effect. This is when small amounts of gases in the atmosphere, like carbon dioxide, methane and water vapor, trap heat from the sun and therefore warm the earth. Without the greenhouse effect, the earth would be about thirty-three degrees Celsius cooler than it is. So, we need those gases. The problem begins when we add huge quantities of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. It means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere causing the global temperature to go up. We know that the levels of carbon dioxide have increased greatly over the last 100 to 150 years. It was a scientist called Charles Keeling, who made accurate measurements of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1997. He found that between these years the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere went up from around 315 parts to around 370 parts per million (see Graph 2). All scientists accept this data. They also agree that it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that has resulted in this increase in carbon dioxide.So how high will the temperature increase go? Dr Janice Foster says that over the next 100 years the amount of warming could be as low as 1 to 1.5 degrees Celsius, but it could be as high as 5 degrees. However, the attitudes of scientists towards this rise are completely different. On the one hand, Dr Foster thinks that the trend which increases the temperature by 5 degrees would be a catastrophe. She says, We can predict the climate well enough to know what to expect, but it could be very serious. Others who agree with her think there may be a rise of several metres in the sea level, or predict severe storms, floods, droughts, famines, the spread of diseases and the disappearance of species. On the other hand, there are those, like George Hambley, who are opposed to this view and believe that we should not worry about high levels of carbon dioxide in the air. They predict that any warming will be mild with few bad environmental consequences. In fact, Hambley states More carbon dioxide is actually a positive thing. It will make plants grow quicker; crops will produce more; it will encourage a greater range of animals all of which will make life for human beings better. Greenhouse gases continue to build up in the atmosphere. Even if we start reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, the climate is going to keep on warming for decades or centuries. No one knows the effects of global warming. Does that mean we should do nothing? Or, are the risks too great? WHATCAN WE DO ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING? Dear Earth Care, I am doing a project on behalf of my school about global warming. Sometimes I feel that individuals can have little effect on such huge environmental problems. However, I still think people should advocate improvements in the way we use energy today. As Im not sure where to start with my project, I would appreciate any suggestions you may have. Thank you Ouyang Guang Dear Ouyang Guang, There are many people



第一章 总论




3、项目申报单位:银川万明畜牧养殖有限公司 4、项目实施单位:银川万明畜牧养殖有限公司 5、项目设施负责人:锁万明



8、项目建设地点:银川市西夏区兴泾镇兴盛村 9、项目建设地点及投资规模简介 9.1项目建设地点:



heart and lungs or that it was more difficult for smoking couples to become pregnant. I certainly didnt know their babies may have a smaller birth weight or even be abnormal in some way. Neither did I know that my cigarette smoke could affect the health of known-smokers. However, what I did know was that my girlfriend thought I smelt terrible. She said my breath and clothes smelt, and that the ends of my fingers were turning yellow. She told me that she wouldt go out with me again unless I stopped! I also noticed that I became breathless quickly, and that I was enjoying sport as much. When I was taken off the school football team because I was unfit, I knew it was time to quit smoking. I am sending you some advice I found on the Internet. It might help you to stop and strengthen your resolve. I do hope so because I want you to live as long and healthy a life as I have. Love from Grandad How can you stop moking? It is not easy to stop smoking, but millions have managed to quit and so can you. Here are a few suggestions. Prepare yourself. Decide on a day to quit. Dont choose a day that you know is going to be stressful, such as the day of an exam. Make a list of all the benefits you will get from stopping smoking. Then throw away your last packet of cigarettes. Be determined. Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette, remind yourself that you are a non-smoker. Reread the list of benefits you wrote earlier. Break the habit. Instead of smoking a cigarette, do something else. Go for a walk, clean your teeth, drink some water, clean the house; in fact, do anything to keep your mind and especially your hands busy. Relax. If you start to feel nervous or stressed, do not reach for a cigarette. Try some deep breathing instead. Do some relaxation exercises every time you feel stressed. Get help if you need it.Arrange to stop smoking with a friend so you can talk about your problems, or join a stop-smoking group. If you feel desperate, you might lie to talk to a doctor or chemist about something to help you, like nicotine chewing gum. Keep trying. Do not be disappointed if you have to try several times before you finally stop smoking. If you weaken and have a cigarette, do not feel ashamed. Just try again. You will succeed eventually. HIV/AIDS; ARE YOUAT RISK? HIV is a virus. A virus is a very small living thing that causes disease. There are many different viruses, for example, the flu virus or the SARS virus. HIV weakens a person immune system; that is, the part of the body that fights disease. You can have HIV in your blood for a long time, but eventually HIV will damage your immune system so much that your body can no longer fight disease. This stage of the illness is called AIDS. If you develop AIDSyour chances of survival are very small. HIV is spread through blood or the fluid that the body makes during sex. For a person to become infected, blood or sexual fluid that carries the virus, has to get inside the body through broken skin or by injection. One day scientists will find a cure for HIV/AIDS. Until that happens, you need to protect yourself. Here are some things you can do to make sure you stay safe. If you injectdrugs: o not share your needle with anyone else. Blood from another person can stay on or in the needle. If a person has HIV and you use the same needle, you could inject the virus into your own blood. do not share anything else that a person has used while injecting drugs. Blood could have spilt on it. If you have exwith a male ora female: use a condom. This will prevent sexual fluid passing from one person to another. The following statements are NOT true. A peron cannotget HIV the first time they have sex. WRONG. If one sexual partner has HIV, the other partner could become infected. You can tell by looking at someone whether or not they have HIV. WRONG. Many people carrying HIV look perfectly healthy. It is only when the disease has progressed to AIDS that a person begins to look sick. Only homosexuals get AIDS. WRONG. Anyone who has sex with a person infected with HIV/AIDS risks getting the virus. Women are slightly more likely to become infected than men.If you hug, touch or kiss someone with AIDS or visit them in their home, you will get HIV/AIDS. WRONG. You can only get the disease from blood or sexual fluid. Unfortunately, people with HIV sometimes lose their friends because of prejudice. Many people are afraid that they will get HIV/AIDS from those infected with HIV/AIDS. For the same reason, some AIDS patients cannot find anyone to look after them when they are sick. You can get HIV/AIDS from mosquitoes. WRONG. There is no evidence of this. Unit 4 THE EARTH IS BECOMING WARMER- BUT DOES IT MATTER? During the 20th century the temperature of the earth rose about one degree Fahrenheit. That probably does not seem much to you or me, but it is a rapid increase when compared to other natural changes. So how has this come about and does it matter? Earth Cares Sophie Armstrong explores these questions. There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer (see Graph 1) and that is it human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon. All scientists subscribe to the view that the increase in the earth temperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil to produce energy. Some byproducts of this process are calledgreenhous gases,the most important one of which is carbon dioxide. Dr Janice Foster explains: There is a natural phenomenon that scientists call the greenhouse effect. This is when small amounts of gases in the atmosphere, like carbon dioxide, methane and water vapor, trap heat from the sun and therefore warm the earth. Without the greenhouse effect, the earth would be about thirty-three degrees Celsius cooler than it is. So, we need those gases. The problem begins when we add huge quantities of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. It means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere causing the global temperature to go up. We know that the levels of carbon dioxide have increased greatly over the last 100 to 150 years. It was a scientist called Charles Keeling, who made accurate measurements of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1997. He found that between these yearthe carbon dioxide in the atmosphere went up from around 315 parts to around 370 parts per million (see Graph 2). All scientists accept this data. They also agree that it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that has resulted in this increase in carbon dioxide. So how high will the temperature increase go? Dr Janice Foster says that over the next 100 years the amount of warming could be as low as 1 to 1.5 degrees Celsius, but it could be as high as 5 degrees. However, the attitudes of scientists towards this rise are completely different. On the one hand, Dr Foster thinks that the trend which increases the temperature by 5 degrees would be a catastrophe. She says, We cant predict the climate well enough to know what to expect, but it could be very serious. Others who agree with her think there may be a rise of several metres in the sea level, or predict severe storms, floods, droughts, famines, the spreadof diseases and the disappearance of species. On the other hand, there are those, like George Hambley, who are opposed to this view and believe that we should not worry about high levels of carbon dioxide in the air. They predict that any warming will be mild with few bad environmental consequences. In fact, Hambley states More carbon dioxide is actually a positive thing. It will make plants grow quicker; crops will produce more; it will encourage a greater range of animals all of which will make life for human beings better. Greenhouse gases continue to build up in the atmosphere. Even if we start reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, the climate is going to keep on warming for decades or centuries. No one knows the effects of global warming. Does that mean we should do nothing? Or, are the risks too great? WHAT CAN WEDO ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING? Dear Earth Care, I am doing a project on behalf of my school about global warming. Sometimes I feel that individuals can have little effect on such huge environmental problems. However, I still think people should advocate improvements in the way we use energy today. As Im not sure where to start with my project, I would appreciate any suggestions you may have. Thank you Ouyang Guang Dear Ouyang Guang, There are many people 1

heart and lungs or that it was more difficult for smoking couples to become pregnant. I certainly didnt know their babies may have a smaller birth weight or even be abnormal in some way. Neither did I know that my cigarette smoke could affect the health of known-smokers. However, what I did know was that my girlfriend thought I smelt terrible. She said my breath and clothes smelt, and that the ends of my fingers were turning yellow. She told me that she would go out with me again unless I stopped! I also noticed that I became breathless quickly, and that I was enjoying sport as much. When I was taken off the school football team because I was unfit, I knew it was time to quit smoking. I am sending you some advice I found on the Internet. It might help you to stop and strengthen your resolve. I do hope so because I want you to live as long and healthy a life as I have. Love from Grandad How can you stop smoking? It is noteasy to stop smoking, but millions have managed to quit and so can you. Here are a few suggestions. Prepare yourself. Decide on a day to quit. Dont choose a day that you know is going to be stressful, such as the day of an exam. Make a list of all the benefits you will get from stopping smoking. Then throw away your last packet of cigarettes. Be determined. Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette, remind yourself that you are a non-smoker. Reread the list of benefits you wrote earlier. Break the habit. Instead of smoking a cigarette, do something else. Go for a walk, clean your teeth, drink some water, clean the house; in fact, do anything to keep your mind and especially your hands busy. Relax. If you start to feel nervous or stressed, do not reach for a cigarette. Try some deep breathing instead. Do some relaxation exercises every time you feel stressed. Get help if you need it. Arrange to stop smoking with a friend so you can talk about your problemsor join a stop-smoking group. If you feel desperate, you might lie to talk to a doctor or chemist about something to help you, like nicotine chewing gum. Keep trying. Do not be disappointed if you have to try several times before you finally stop smoking. If you weaken and have a cigarette, do not feel ashamed. Just try again. You will succeed eventually. HIV/AIDS; AREYOUAT RISK? HIV is a virus. A virus is a very small living thing that causes disease. There are many different viruses, for example, the flu virus or the SARS virus. HIV weakens a persons immune system; that is, the part of the body that fights disease. You can have HIV in your blood for a long time, but eventually HIV will damage your immune system so much that your body can no longer fight disease. This stage of the illness is called AIDS. If you develop AIDS, your chances of survival are very small. HIV is spread through blood or the fluid that the body makes durngsex. For a person to become infected, blood or sexual fluid that carries the virus, has to get inside the body through broken skin or by injection. One day scientists will find a cure for HIV/AIDS. Until that happens, you need to protect yourself. Here are some things you can do to make sure you stay safe. If you injectdrugs: do not share your needle with anyone else. Blood from another person can stay on or in the needle. If a person has HIV and you use the same needle, you could inject the virus into your own blood. do not share anything else that a person has used while injecting drugs. Blood could have spilt on it. If you have ex witha male ora female: use a condom. This will prevent sexual fluid passing from one person to another. The following statementsare NOTtrue. A person cannot get HIV the first time they have sex. WRONG. If one sexual partner has HIV, the other partner could become infected. You can tell by looking at someone whether or not they have HIV. WRONG. Many people carrying HIV look perfectly healthy. It is only when the disease has progressed to AIDS that a person begins to look sick. Only homosexuals get AIDS. WRONG. Anyone who has sex with a person infected with HIV/AIDS risks getting the virus. Women are slightly more likely to become infected than men. If you hug, touch or kiss someone with AIDS or visit them in their home, you will get HIV/AIDS. WRONG. You can only get the disease from blood or sexual fluid. Unfortunately, people with HIV sometimes lose their friends because of prejudice. Many people are afraid that they will get HIV/AIDS from those infected with HIV/AIDS. For the same reason, some AIDS patients cannot find anyone to look after them when they are sick. You can get HIV/AIDS from mosquitoes. WRONG. There is no evidence of this. Unit 4 THE EARTH IS BECOMING WARMER- BUT DOES IT MATTER? During the 20th century the temperature of the earth rose about one degree Fahrenheit. That probably does not seem much to you or me, but it is a rapid increase when compared to other natural changes. So how has this come about and does it matter? Earth Cares Sophie Armstrong explores these questions. There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer (see Graph 1) and that is it human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon. All scientists subscribe to the view that the increase in the earth temperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil to produce energy. Some byproducts of this process are called greenhous gases, the most important one of which is carbon dioxide. Dr Janice Foster explainsThere is a natural phenomenon that scientists call the greenhouse effect. This is when small amounts of gases in the atmosphere, like carbon dioxide, methane and water vapor, trap heat from the sun and therefore warm the earth. Without the greenhouse effect, the earth would be about thirty-three degrees Celsius cooler than it is. So, we need those gases. The problem begins when we add huge quantities of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. It means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere causing the global temperature to go up. We know that the levels of carbon dioxide have increased greatly over the last 100 to 150 years. It was a scientist called Charles Keeling, who made accurate measurements of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1997. He found that between these years the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere went up from around 315 parts to around 370 parts per million (see Graph 2). All scientists accept this data. They also agree that it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that has resulted in this increase in carbon dioxide.So how high will the temperature increase go? Dr Janice Foster says that over the next 100 years the amount of warming could be as low as 1 to 1.5 degrees Celsius, but it could be as high as 5 degrees. However, the attitudes of scientists towards this rise are completely different. On the one hand, Dr Foster thinks that the trend which increases the temperature by 5 degrees would be a catastrophe. She says, We can predict the climate well enough to know what to expect, but it could be very serious. Others who agree with her think there may be a rise of several metres in the sea level, or predict severe storms, floods, droughts, famines, the spread of diseases and the disappearance of species. On the other hand, there are those, like George Hambley, who are opposed to this view and believe that we should not worry about high levels of carbon dioxide in the air. They predict that any warming will be mild with few bad environmental consequences. In fact, Hambley states More carbon dioxide is actually a positive thing. It will make plants grow quicker; crops will produce more; it will encourage a greater range of animals all of which will make life for human beings better. Greenhouse gases continue to build up in the atmosphere. Even if we start reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, the climate is going to keep on warming for decades or centuries. No one knows the effects of global warming. Does that mean we should do nothing? Or, are the risks too great? WHATCAN WE DO ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING? Dear Earth Care, I am doing a project on behalf of my school about global warming. Sometimes I feel that individuals can have little effect on such huge environmental problems. However, I still think people should advocate improvements in the way we use energy today. As Im not sure where to start with my project, I would appreciate any suggestions you may have. Thank you Ouyang Guang Dear Ouyang Guang, There are many people 项目建设占地50亩,新建年产肉牛5000头圈舍31栋,2.8万㎡,青贮池1座300㎡,授精点1处,屠宰场1处,畜牧养殖技术培训中心及管理房1处400㎡,购进犊牛1000头,购进大型铡草机及灭菌仪8台,购买饲料5580吨.总投资934.37万元,基中:企业自筹794.37.37万元,申请农业综合开发产业化经营财政扶持资金140万元(其中:无偿资金35万元,有偿资金105万元)。2007年至2008年自筹建设31栋养殖圈舍,2008年完成授精点等建筑物建设,同年购进犊牛1000头及饲料开始育肥,当年实现销售收入700万元,扣除当年总成本费用550.54万元后赢利149.46万元.计划建设期10年,年平均销售收入700万元,平均总成本费用544.71万元,年均利润155.29万元.投资利润率16%,财务内部收益率15%,财务净现值1013.46 万元,静态投资回收期5年。




1、 中央、国务院关于西部大开发的有关方针政策 2、 2007年中央一号文件精神

3、 中华人民共和国财政部第29号《国家农业综合开发资

heart and lungs or that it was more difficult for smoking couples to become pregnant. I certainly didnt know their babies may have a smaller birth weight or even be abnormal in some way. Neither did I know that my cigarette smoke could affect the health of known-smokers. However, what I did know was that my girlfriend thought I smelt terrible. She said my breath and clothes smelt, and that the ends of my fingers were turning yellow. She told me that she wouldt go out with me again unless I stopped! I also noticed that I became breathless quickly, and that I was enjoying sport as much. When I was taken off the school football team because I was unfit, I knew it was time to quit smoking. I am sending you some advice I found on the Internet. It might help you to stop and strengthen your resolve. I do hope so because I want you to live as long and healthy a life as I have. Love from Grandad How can you stop moking? It is not easy to stop smoking, but millions have managed to quit and so can you. Here are a few suggestions. Prepare yourself. Decide on a day to quit. Dont choose a day that you know is going to be stressful, such as the day of an exam. Make a list of all the benefits you will get from stopping smoking. Then throw away your last packet of cigarettes. Be determined. Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette, remind yourself that you are a non-smoker. Reread the list of benefits you wrote earlier. Break the habit. Instead of smoking a cigarette, do something else. Go for a walk, clean your teeth, drink some water, clean the house; in fact, do anything to keep your mind and especially your hands busy. Relax. If you start to feel nervous or stressed, do not reach for a cigarette. Try some deep breathing instead. Do some relaxation exercises every time you feel stressed. Get help if you need it.Arrange to stop smoking with a friend so you can talk about your problems, or join a stop-smoking group. If you feel desperate, you might lie to talk to a doctor or chemist about something to help you, like nicotine chewing gum. Keep trying. Do not be disappointed if you have to try several times before you finally stop smoking. If you weaken and have a cigarette, do not feel ashamed. Just try again. You will succeed eventually. HIV/AIDS; ARE YOUAT RISK? HIV is a virus. A virus is a very small living thing that causes disease. There are many different viruses, for example, the flu virus or the SARS virus. HIV weakens a person immune system; that is, the part of the body that fights disease. You can have HIV in your blood for a long time, but eventually HIV will damage your immune system so much that your body can no longer fight disease. This stage of the illness is called AIDS. If you develop AIDSyour chances of survival are very small. HIV is spread through blood or the fluid that the body makes during sex. For a person to become infected, blood or sexual fluid that carries the virus, has to get inside the body through broken skin or by injection. One day scientists will find a cure for HIV/AIDS. Until that happens, you need to protect yourself. Here are some things you can do to make sure you stay safe. If you injectdrugs: o not share your needle with anyone else. Blood from another person can stay on or in the needle. If a person has HIV and you use the same needle, you could inject the virus into your own blood. do not share anything else that a person has used while injecting drugs. Blood could have spilt on it. If you have exwith a male ora female: use a condom. This will prevent sexual fluid passing from one person to another. The following statements are NOT true. A peron cannotget HIV the first time they have sex. WRONG. If one sexual partner has HIV, the other partner could become infected. You can tell by looking at someone whether or not they have HIV. WRONG. Many people carrying HIV look perfectly healthy. It is only when the disease has progressed to AIDS that a person begins to look sick. Only homosexuals get AIDS. WRONG. Anyone who has sex with a person infected with HIV/AIDS risks getting the virus. Women are slightly more likely to become infected than men.If you hug, touch or kiss someone with AIDS or visit them in their home, you will get HIV/AIDS. WRONG. You can only get the disease from blood or sexual fluid. Unfortunately, people with HIV sometimes lose their friends because of prejudice. Many people are afraid that they will get HIV/AIDS from those infected with HIV/AIDS. For the same reason, some AIDS patients cannot find anyone to look after them when they are sick. You can get HIV/AIDS from mosquitoes. WRONG. There is no evidence of this. Unit 4 THE EARTH IS BECOMING WARMER- BUT DOES IT MATTER? During the 20th century the temperature of the earth rose about one degree Fahrenheit. That probably does not seem much to you or me, but it is a rapid increase when compared to other natural changes. So how has this come about and does it matter? Earth Cares Sophie Armstrong explores these questions. There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer (see Graph 1) and that is it human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon. All scientists subscribe to the view that the increase in the earth temperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil to produce energy. Some byproducts of this process are calledgreenhous gases,the most important one of which is carbon dioxide. Dr Janice Foster explains: There is a natural phenomenon that scientists call the greenhouse effect. This is when small amounts of gases in the atmosphere, like carbon dioxide, methane and water vapor, trap heat from the sun and therefore warm the earth. Without the greenhouse effect, the earth would be about thirty-three degrees Celsius cooler than it is. So, we need those gases. The problem begins when we add huge quantities of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. It means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere causing the global temperature to go up. We know that the levels of carbon dioxide have increased greatly over the last 100 to 150 years. It was a scientist called Charles Keeling, who made accurate measurements of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1997. He found that between these yearthe carbon dioxide in the atmosphere went up from around 315 parts to around 370 parts per million (see Graph 2). All scientists accept this data. They also agree that it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that has resulted in this increase in carbon dioxide. So how high will the temperature increase go? Dr Janice Foster says that over the next 100 years the amount of warming could be as low as 1 to 1.5 degrees Celsius, but it could be as high as 5 degrees. However, the attitudes of scientists towards this rise are completely different. On the one hand, Dr Foster thinks that the trend which increases the temperature by 5 degrees would be a catastrophe. She says, We cant predict the climate well enough to know what to expect, but it could be very serious. Others who agree with her think there may be a rise of several metres in the sea level, or predict severe storms, floods, droughts, famines, the spreadof diseases and the disappearance of species. On the other hand, there are those, like George Hambley, who are opposed to this view and believe that we should not worry about high levels of carbon dioxide in the air. They predict that any warming will be mild with few bad environmental consequences. In fact, Hambley states More carbon dioxide is actually a positive thing. It will make plants grow quicker; crops will produce more; it will encourage a greater range of animals all of which will make life for human beings better. Greenhouse gases continue to build up in the atmosphere. Even if we start reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, the climate is going to keep on warming for decades or centuries. No one knows the effects of global warming. Does that mean we should do nothing? Or, are the risks too great? WHAT CAN WEDO ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING? Dear Earth Care, I am doing a project on behalf of my school about global warming. Sometimes I feel that individuals can have little effect on such huge environmental problems. However, I still think people should advocate improvements in the way we use energy today. As Im not sure where to start with my project, I would appreciate any suggestions you may have. Thank you Ouyang Guang Dear Ouyang Guang, There are many people 2

heart and lungs or that it was more difficult for smoking couples to become pregnant. I certainly didnt know their babies may have a smaller birth weight or even be abnormal in some way. Neither did I know that my cigarette smoke could affect the health of known-smokers. However, what I did know was that my girlfriend thought I smelt terrible. She said my breath and clothes smelt, and that the ends of my fingers were turning yellow. She told me that she would go out with me again unless I stopped! I also noticed that I became breathless quickly, and that I was enjoying sport as much. When I was taken off the school football team because I was unfit, I knew it was time to quit smoking. I am sending you some advice I found on the Internet. It might help you to stop and strengthen your resolve. I do hope so because I want you to live as long and healthy a life as I have. Love from Grandad How can you stop smoking? It is noteasy to stop smoking, but millions have managed to quit and so can you. Here are a few suggestions. Prepare yourself. Decide on a day to quit. Dont choose a day that you know is going to be stressful, such as the day of an exam. Make a list of all the benefits you will get from stopping smoking. Then throw away your last packet of cigarettes. Be determined. Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette, remind yourself that you are a non-smoker. Reread the list of benefits you wrote earlier. Break the habit. Instead of smoking a cigarette, do something else. Go for a walk, clean your teeth, drink some water, clean the house; in fact, do anything to keep your mind and especially your hands busy. Relax. If you start to feel nervous or stressed, do not reach for a cigarette. Try some deep breathing instead. Do some relaxation exercises every time you feel stressed. Get help if you need it. Arrange to stop smoking with a friend so you can talk about your problemsor join a stop-smoking group. If you feel desperate, you might lie to talk to a doctor or chemist about something to help you, like nicotine chewing gum. Keep trying. Do not be disappointed if you have to try several times before you finally stop smoking. If you weaken and have a cigarette, do not feel ashamed. Just try again. You will succeed eventually. HIV/AIDS; AREYOUAT RISK? HIV is a virus. A virus is a very small living thing that causes disease. There are many different viruses, for example, the flu virus or the SARS virus. HIV weakens a persons immune system; that is, the part of the body that fights disease. You can have HIV in your blood for a long time, but eventually HIV will damage your immune system so much that your body can no longer fight disease. This stage of the illness is called AIDS. If you develop AIDS, your chances of survival are very small. HIV is spread through blood or the fluid that the body makes durngsex. For a person to become infected, blood or sexual fluid that carries the virus, has to get inside the body through broken skin or by injection. One day scientists will find a cure for HIV/AIDS. Until that happens, you need to protect yourself. Here are some things you can do to make sure you stay safe. If you injectdrugs: do not share your needle with anyone else. Blood from another person can stay on or in the needle. If a person has HIV and you use the same needle, you could inject the virus into your own blood. do not share anything else that a person has used while injecting drugs. Blood could have spilt on it. If you have ex witha male ora female: use a condom. This will prevent sexual fluid passing from one person to another. The following statementsare NOTtrue. A person cannot get HIV the first time they have sex. WRONG. If one sexual partner has HIV, the other partner could become infected. You can tell by looking at someone whether or not they have HIV. WRONG. Many people carrying HIV look perfectly healthy. It is only when the disease has progressed to AIDS that a person begins to look sick. Only homosexuals get AIDS. WRONG. Anyone who has sex with a person infected with HIV/AIDS risks getting the virus. Women are slightly more likely to become infected than men. If you hug, touch or kiss someone with AIDS or visit them in their home, you will get HIV/AIDS. WRONG. You can only get the disease from blood or sexual fluid. Unfortunately, people with HIV sometimes lose their friends because of prejudice. Many people are afraid that they will get HIV/AIDS from those infected with HIV/AIDS. For the same reason, some AIDS patients cannot find anyone to look after them when they are sick. You can get HIV/AIDS from mosquitoes. WRONG. There is no evidence of this. Unit 4 THE EARTH IS BECOMING WARMER- BUT DOES IT MATTER? During the 20th century the temperature of the earth rose about one degree Fahrenheit. That probably does not seem much to you or me, but it is a rapid increase when compared to other natural changes. So how has this come about and does it matter? Earth Cares Sophie Armstrong explores these questions. There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer (see Graph 1) and that is it human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon. All scientists subscribe to the view that the increase in the earth temperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil to produce energy. Some byproducts of this process are called greenhous gases, the most important one of which is carbon dioxide. Dr Janice Foster explainsThere is a natural phenomenon that scientists call the greenhouse effect. This is when small amounts of gases in the atmosphere, like carbon dioxide, methane and water vapor, trap heat from the sun and therefore warm the earth. Without the greenhouse effect, the earth would be about thirty-three degrees Celsius cooler than it is. So, we need those gases. The problem begins when we add huge quantities of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. It means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere causing the global temperature to go up. We know that the levels of carbon dioxide have increased greatly over the last 100 to 150 years. It was a scientist called Charles Keeling, who made accurate measurements of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1997. He found that between these years the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere went up from around 315 parts to around 370 parts per million (see Graph 2). All scientists accept this data. They also agree that it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that has resulted in this increase in carbon dioxide.So how high will the temperature increase go? Dr Janice Foster says that over the next 100 years the amount of warming could be as low as 1 to 1.5 degrees Celsius, but it could be as high as 5 degrees. However, the attitudes of scientists towards this rise are completely different. On the one hand, Dr Foster thinks that the trend which increases the temperature by 5 degrees would be a catastrophe. She says, We can predict the climate well enough to know what to expect, but it could be very serious. Others who agree with her think there may be a rise of several metres in the sea level, or predict severe storms, floods, droughts, famines, the spread of diseases and the disappearance of species. On the other hand, there are those, like George Hambley, who are opposed to this view and believe that we should not worry about high levels of carbon dioxide in the air. They predict that any warming will be mild with few bad environmental consequences. In fact, Hambley states More carbon dioxide is actually a positive thing. It will make plants grow quicker; crops will produce more; it will encourage a greater range of animals all of which will make life for human beings better. Greenhouse gases continue to build up in the atmosphere. Even if we start reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, the climate is going to keep on warming for decades or centuries. No one knows the effects of global warming. Does that mean we should do nothing? Or, are the risks too great? WHATCAN WE DO ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING? Dear Earth Care, I am doing a project on behalf of my school about global warming. Sometimes I feel that individuals can have little effect on such huge environmental problems. However, I still think people should advocate improvements in the way we use energy today. As Im not sure where to start with my project, I would appreciate any suggestions you may have. Thank you Ouyang Guang Dear Ouyang Guang, There are many people 金和项目管理办法》(3005年8月22日)

4、 《2006年国家农业综合开发产业化经营项目申报指南》


5、 2002年《国家农业综合开发项目评估暂行办法》(国家


6、 2002年国家农业综合开发办公室关于印发《国家农业综

合开发多种经营项目可行性研究报告编写大纲》的通知 7、 2006年《宁夏农业综合开发财政有偿资金管理暂行规


8、 2006年《宁夏农业综合开发产业化经营项目财政无偿资


9、 自治区2007年推进特色产业促进农业产业化发展的若



11、银川市“菜蓝子”工程建设规划 12、银川市西夏区“十一五”规划目标

第二章 项目建设背景及必要性



heart and lungs or that it was more difficult for smoking couples to become pregnant. I certainly didnt know their babies may have a smaller birth weight or even be abnormal in some way. Neither did I know that my cigarette smoke could affect the health of known-smokers. However, what I did know was that my girlfriend thought I smelt terrible. She said my breath and clothes smelt, and that the ends of my fingers were turning yellow. She told me that she wouldt go out with me again unless I stopped! I also noticed that I became breathless quickly, and that I was enjoying sport as much. When I was taken off the school football team because I was unfit, I knew it was time to quit smoking. I am sending you some advice I found on the Internet. It might help you to stop and strengthen your resolve. I do hope so because I want you to live as long and healthy a life as I have. Love from Grandad How can you stop moking? It is not easy to stop smoking, but millions have managed to quit and so can you. Here are a few suggestions. Prepare yourself. Decide on a day to quit. Dont choose a day that you know is going to be stressful, such as the day of an exam. Make a list of all the benefits you will get from stopping smoking. Then throw away your last packet of cigarettes. Be determined. Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette, remind yourself that you are a non-smoker. Reread the list of benefits you wrote earlier. Break the habit. Instead of smoking a cigarette, do something else. Go for a walk, clean your teeth, drink some water, clean the house; in fact, do anything to keep your mind and especially your hands busy. Relax. If you start to feel nervous or stressed, do not reach for a cigarette. Try some deep breathing instead. Do some relaxation exercises every time you feel stressed. Get help if you need it.Arrange to stop smoking with a friend so you can talk about your problems, or join a stop-smoking group. If you feel desperate, you might lie to talk to a doctor or chemist about something to help you, like nicotine chewing gum. Keep trying. Do not be disappointed if you have to try several times before you finally stop smoking. If you weaken and have a cigarette, do not feel ashamed. Just try again. You will succeed eventually. HIV/AIDS; ARE YOUAT RISK? HIV is a virus. A virus is a very small living thing that causes disease. There are many different viruses, for example, the flu virus or the SARS virus. HIV weakens a person immune system; that is, the part of the body that fights disease. You can have HIV in your blood for a long time, but eventually HIV will damage your immune system so much that your body can no longer fight disease. This stage of the illness is called AIDS. If you develop AIDSyour chances of survival are very small. HIV is spread through blood or the fluid that the body makes during sex. For a person to become infected, blood or sexual fluid that carries the virus, has to get inside the body through broken skin or by injection. One day scientists will find a cure for HIV/AIDS. Until that happens, you need to protect yourself. Here are some things you can do to make sure you stay safe. If you injectdrugs: o not share your needle with anyone else. Blood from another person can stay on or in the needle. If a person has HIV and you use the same needle, you could inject the virus into your own blood. do not share anything else that a person has used while injecting drugs. Blood could have spilt on it. If you have exwith a male ora female: use a condom. This will prevent sexual fluid passing from one person to another. The following statements are NOT true. A peron cannotget HIV the first time they have sex. WRONG. If one sexual partner has HIV, the other partner could become infected. You can tell by looking at someone whether or not they have HIV. WRONG. Many people carrying HIV look perfectly healthy. It is only when the disease has progressed to AIDS that a person begins to look sick. Only homosexuals get AIDS. WRONG. Anyone who has sex with a person infected with HIV/AIDS risks getting the virus. Women are slightly more likely to become infected than men.If you hug, touch or kiss someone with AIDS or visit them in their home, you will get HIV/AIDS. WRONG. You can only get the disease from blood or sexual fluid. Unfortunately, people with HIV sometimes lose their friends because of prejudice. Many people are afraid that they will get HIV/AIDS from those infected with HIV/AIDS. For the same reason, some AIDS patients cannot find anyone to look after them when they are sick. You can get HIV/AIDS from mosquitoes. WRONG. There is no evidence of this. Unit 4 THE EARTH IS BECOMING WARMER- BUT DOES IT MATTER? During the 20th century the temperature of the earth rose about one degree Fahrenheit. That probably does not seem much to you or me, but it is a rapid increase when compared to other natural changes. So how has this come about and does it matter? Earth Cares Sophie Armstrong explores these questions. There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer (see Graph 1) and that is it human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon. All scientists subscribe to the view that the increase in the earth temperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil to produce energy. Some byproducts of this process are calledgreenhous gases,the most important one of which is carbon dioxide. Dr Janice Foster explains: There is a natural phenomenon that scientists call the greenhouse effect. This is when small amounts of gases in the atmosphere, like carbon dioxide, methane and water vapor, trap heat from the sun and therefore warm the earth. Without the greenhouse effect, the earth would be about thirty-three degrees Celsius cooler than it is. So, we need those gases. The problem begins when we add huge quantities of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. It means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere causing the global temperature to go up. We know that the levels of carbon dioxide have increased greatly over the last 100 to 150 years. It was a scientist called Charles Keeling, who made accurate measurements of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1997. He found that between these yearthe carbon dioxide in the atmosphere went up from around 315 parts to around 370 parts per million (see Graph 2). All scientists accept this data. They also agree that it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that has resulted in this increase in carbon dioxide. So how high will the temperature increase go? Dr Janice Foster says that over the next 100 years the amount of warming could be as low as 1 to 1.5 degrees Celsius, but it could be as high as 5 degrees. However, the attitudes of scientists towards this rise are completely different. On the one hand, Dr Foster thinks that the trend which increases the temperature by 5 degrees would be a catastrophe. She says, We cant predict the climate well enough to know what to expect, but it could be very serious. Others who agree with her think there may be a rise of several metres in the sea level, or predict severe storms, floods, droughts, famines, the spreadof diseases and the disappearance of species. On the other hand, there are those, like George Hambley, who are opposed to this view and believe that we should not worry about high levels of carbon dioxide in the air. They predict that any warming will be mild with few bad environmental consequences. In fact, Hambley states More carbon dioxide is actually a positive thing. It will make plants grow quicker; crops will produce more; it will encourage a greater range of animals all of which will make life for human beings better. Greenhouse gases continue to build up in the atmosphere. Even if we start reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, the climate is going to keep on warming for decades or centuries. No one knows the effects of global warming. Does that mean we should do nothing? Or, are the risks too great? WHAT CAN WEDO ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING? Dear Earth Care, I am doing a project on behalf of my school about global warming. Sometimes I feel that individuals can have little effect on such huge environmental problems. However, I still think people should advocate improvements in the way we use energy today. As Im not sure where to start with my project, I would appreciate any suggestions you may have. Thank you Ouyang Guang Dear Ouyang Guang, There are many people 3

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