8. For some, a twinge of unease or guilt that they aren't doing something more productive may also accompany and depreciate the enjoyment of prolonged viewing. (para.11)
9. By watching how brain waves were affected by formal features, the researchers concluded that these stylistic tricks can indeed trigger involuntary responses and \their attention value through the evolutionary significance of detecting movement. (para.13)
10. Increasing the frequency of cuts —changes to a new visual scene —had a similar effect but only up to a point . (para.15)
11. Music videos and commercials that use rapid intercutting of unrelated scenes are designed to hold attention more than they are to convey information. (para.16)
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12. We and most other researchers argue that the former is generally the case, but it is not a simple case of either/or. (para.22)
13. To some researchers, the most convincing parallel between TV and addictive drugs is that people experience withdrawal symptoms when they cut back on viewing. (para.23)
14. If a family has been spending the lion's share of its free time watching television, reconfiguring itself around a new set of activities is no easy task. (para.25)
15. Even though TV does seem to meet the criteria for substance dependence, not all researchers would go so far as to call TV addictive. (para.26)
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16. Although much less research has been done on video games and computer use, the same principles often apply. (para.27)
虽然关於打电动和使用电脑的研究更少,同样的原则仍然适用。 17. They offer the psychic pleasure that accompanies increased mastery of most any human endeavor. (para.28)
18. Sundar has shown people multiple versions of the same Web page, identical except for the number of links. (para.30)
19. Users reported that more links conferred a greater sense of control and engagement. (para.30)
20. As with video games, the ability of Web sites to hold the user's attention seems to depend less on formal features than on interactivity. (para.30)
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21. Yet when the habit interferes with the ability to grow, to learn new things, to lead an active life, it does constitute a kind of dependence and should be taken seriously. (para.31)
然而,当看电视的习惯会阻碍我们成长、干扰我们学习新事物、令我们生活消沉时,看电视就变成一种依赖性的行为,千万不可等闲视之。 Unit 3
1. The subject is not love, but sleep. Shakespeare's Macbeth said it “knits up the raveled sleeve of care” and was the \minds, great nature's second course, chief nourisher in life's feast. (para.1)
2. Cervantes's Sancho Panza sang its praises as \hunger, the water that quenches all thirst, the fire that warms the cold, the cold that cools the heart... the balancing weight that levels the shepherd with the king, and the simple with the wise. \ 科文特斯.伯查却赞歌”食足肚饿,水慰口渴,火暧冬寒,寒静热血......这均衡的赐予抚平了牧人与国王的差别,抚平了愚者与智者的差
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3. That response, however, dodges the issue and is the equivalent of saying that you eat to keep from being hungry or breathe to ward off feelings of suffocation.(para.2)
4. All terrestrial mammals have been examined exhibit REM sleep, which alternates with non-REM sleep, also called quiet sleep, in a regular cycle. (para.4)
5. More recently, the field has made its greatest progress in characterizing the nature of sleep at the level of nerve cells (neurons) in the brain. (para.5)
6. And most brain cells in both the forebrain and brain stem regions are quite active, signaling other nerve cells at rates as high as --- or higher than --- rates seen in the waking state. (para.8)
同时,脑前区和脑干区大部分细胞仍然十分活跃, 发出信号给其
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