C.波涛起伏→汹涌澎湃→水平如镜→微波荡漾 D.汹涌澎湃→波涛起伏→微波荡漾→水平如镜
7. 动物与人有许多相似之处,因此,人们常常用一些关于动物的词语表示各种各样的人,你能对号入座吗?(4分)
老黄牛 旱鸭子 落汤鸡 替罪羊 千里马 小馋猫 瓮中鳖 铁公鸡 糊涂虫 地头蛇
A、浑身湿透的人。 ( ) B、代人受过的人。 ( )
C、任劳任怨的人,埋头苦干的人。 ( ) D、才能突出的人。 ( )
8. 名著知识连线,请将下列有关的内容用直线连一连:(6分) 罗贯中 《水浒》 林黛玉 三打白骨精
吴承恩 《红楼梦》 松 空城退敌
施耐庵 《三国演义》 空 葬花
曹雪芹 《西游记》 诸葛亮 景阳冈打虎
得分 评卷人 二、阅读理解。(共20分)
列 车 上
(1)夜色渐渐浓了。 车厢里安静下了, 只有那不知疲倦的车轮(lún lén)“ 咯嚓咯嚓” 有节奏地响着…… (2)在周围渐起的鼾声中,坐在对面的年轻战士引起了我和小利的注意。他黑脸膛,浓眉毛,虎虎棱棱的;那粗短的手指,使我想起开石头的钢钎。他正捧着一本《微机应用技术》,专心致志地看着,好象根本就没有看到我们这两个女大学生胸前的校徽。
(3)“瞧,笨头笨脑的。”小利用英语对我说,嘴一撇,眼一眨。 (4)“还学微机呐,瞧他那手指头!”我用英语说着,而且忍不住嘻嘻地笑起。
(5)他哪能听懂英语?这不,他又咕咕哝哝地念起他的“微机经”了。 (6)小利摆弄起小桌子上的录音机,可是怎么也弄不响。她心痛的埋(mán mái) 怨起:“准是刚才掉到地上给震坏了!音乐也听不成了!”车厢里安静下了,只有那不知疲倦的车轮“咯嚓咯嚓”有节奏地响着。
(8)“哐当”一声,我们被震醒了。列车到了一个小站。我揉了揉眼一看,对面的战士不见了。忽然我看到录音机底下压着一张用英语写的便(biàn pián)条,意思是: 。
(9)“啊!”我和小莉不禁(jīn jìn)失声叫起。她一按录音机,立刻响起了美妙乐曲。但我们都好像没有听见,一起把头伸向窗外:
9. 划去短文中带点字的不正确读音。(2分)
车轮(lún lén) 埋(mán mái) 怨 便(biàn pián)条 不禁(jīn jìn)
10. 年轻战士在列车上学习,可见他 ;不计较两个女大学生的失礼,可见他 ;主动帮助陌生人修录音机,可见他 。(3分) 11. 短文中有一处景物描写,请将它抄写在下面,并写出它的作用(2分)
景物描写: 它突出了年轻战士的 12. 在下边横线上填写三个各由两个字构成的词或短语,准确概括两个女大学生在接触年轻战士过程中的思想感情变化。(3分) 、 、 。
13. 联系上下文,将第8自然段中空缺的内容写出(不得超过20个字)。(2分)
14. 读了短文,你会想到些什么,有什么体会?(3分)
15. 解释下列加点词的意思:(2分)
(1)伯牙善鼓( ) (2)洋.琴:.洋.兮若江河:( )
16. 翻译:乃破琴绝弦,终身不复鼓。(2分)
17. 由于这个传说,人们把真正了解自己的人叫做“知音”,用 比喻知音难觅或乐曲高妙。(1分) 得分 评卷人 三、作文(30分)
得分 得分 评卷人 评卷人 一、Phonetic 语音 (3分)
please[ ] park [ ] those[ ] sheep[ ] usually[ ] bread[ ] 二、Fill in the blanks 首字母填空 (5分)
1.--What is your f____________ color? -- I like blue best.
2. W____________ is the fourth day of the week.
3.I always have dinner with my p__________ every weekend. We are a happy family.
4.Beijing is the c__________ of China.
5.Both of my two brothers want to w________ the new movie this
Friday. 得分 评卷人 三、Fill in the blanks with the words given 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1.Would you like ___________ (go) to a movie in the evening?
2.The ___________ (child) are doing their homework.
3.My mother often ____________ (play) the piano in her free time. 4.My ruler is at home. May I use ____________ (you)? 5.Jay Chou is one of the best ____________ (sing).
6.The supermarket is too____________ (noise). I don't like it. 7.I like __________ (watch) TV in the evenings. 8.Ben is a little ________ (tall) than me. 9.___________ (thief) are afraid of the policemen. 10.Thanks for __________(help) me.
评卷人 四、词语运用(每小题0.5分,共5分)
阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词填空,使短文意思通顺完整。每空一词,每词限用一次。 bring because family spend getting talking think health studieMany people 1__________ if you turn off your TV, your life will be colorful. They also say that TV can 2__________ children big problems. First, it’s bad for your 3__________. You 4__________ too much time on TV. You can’t do 5__________ in school. Second, it’s bad for your 6__________. You will be overweight 7__________ you watch too much TV. And your eyesight is 8__________ worse. Third, it’s no good for your 9__________ life. When your family are watching TV, you don’t talk much. But family members need to spend time
10__________ with each other. 得分 评卷人 五、阅读理解。(每小题1分,共7分)
One day Bob took two of his friends into the mountains. They put up their tents (帐篷) and then went to a forest to see how the trees were growing. In the afternoon when they were about ten kilometers from their camp(营地), it started to snow. Soon Bob could hardly see his hands before his face. He could not find the road. Bob knew there were two roads. One road went to the camp, and the other went to his house. But all was white snow. How could he take his friends back to the camp? Bob had an idea. The horses! Let the horses take them back! But what would happen if the horses took the road to his house? That would be a trip of thirty-five kilometers in such cold weather! It was getting late. They rode on and on. At last the horses stopped. Where were they? John looked around. What was that under the tree? It was one of their tents!
1. Bob and two of his friends went to a _________ to see how the trees were growing.
2. It’s hard for Bob to see his _________ before his face in the afternoon.
3. Bob could not find the two roads, because all was __________ snow. 4. There were ________ roads ,so they didn’t know which one to go. 5. It is was ____________ kilometers from the forest to Bob’s house.
6. At last, they stopped in front of _________. 7. The __________ took them back to the camp.
六、Translation 汉译英 (10 分) 1.我有两个姐姐,一个是医生,另一个是教师。
2.直到读完那本书,Jim 才上床睡觉。
4.John 对我们非常友好,我们都喜欢他。