Difficult sentences Unit 2
1.Short airport connections can be a blessing, but only if you actually make your flight. 能够在短时间内顺利转机当然是非常幸运的事,但前提是你能赶上你的航班。 2.If you know you’re facing a tight connection and you’ve booked your flight in advance, reserve a aisle seat toward the front of the plane.
如果你已经提前订好了航班,并且知道转机行程紧张,那就定个机舱前部靠走道的座位。 3.If checking in at the ticket counter doesn’t get you a seat toward the front, plead your case on the plane. Flight attendants tend to be more sympathetic about missed connections and will often make a concerted effort to help you avoid one.
如果到柜台办理登机没能订到靠前的座位,可在登机后提出请求。乘务员往往会比较同情误机的情况,他们常常会帮你协调以避免误机。 4.Look for the airport’s baggage carousels if you’ve checked a bag. And if this connecting airport is your first entry point on an international trip, map out customs and immigration areas as well. 如果你托运了行李就要确定机场行李传送带的位置。如果这个转乘机场是你此次国际旅程的第一站,那么还要在地图上找出海关和入境的位置。
5.Options for safely sleeping at the airport are only as limited as your imagination.
6.As a rule of thumb, on domestic routes, you need a minimum of 45 minutes between flights. That’s because you don’t have to go through security, customs, and immigration.
7.Before booking, verify that you’ll have a layover at least 2 hours in order to go through the obligatory airport transactions. Give yourself even more time if you’ve checked a bag that needs to be rechecked post customs.
8.Missing a connecting flight is easier than you think. Gate doors typically close 10 to 30 minutes prior to a flight’s scheduled departure. Once closed, the airplane door won’t open to board a late passenger.
9.If the flight has already taken off without you or you know you won’t make it to the gate on time, get on the phone with the airline immediately. They should reschedule you on the next flight at no cost if the connection time was unreasonably brief.
如果你还未登机飞机就起飞了或者你知道你已经无法按时赶到登机口了,立刻给航空公司打电话。如果转机完全来不及了,他们就应该免费为你安排下一班飞机。 10.If checking in at the ticket counter doesn’t get you a seat toward the front, plead your case on the plane. Flight attendants tend to be more sympathetic about missed connections and will often make a concerted effort to help you avoid one. 如果到售票台办理登机手续都没能订到靠前的座位,可在登机后提出请求。乘务员往往会比较同情错失转机的情况,他们常常会同心协力帮助你避免。
Unit 3
1. They then use those deposits and borrowed funds (liabilities of the bank) to make loans or to purchase securities (assets of the bank). Banks make these loans to businesses, other financial institutions, individuals, and governments (that need the funds for investments or other purposes). Interest rates provide the price signals for borrowers, lenders, and banks.
2. Generally, the value of security or collateral is equal to the amount of loan. This is done mainly with a view to recover the loan money by selling the security in the event of non-refund of the loan.
3. Also, banks advance loans to its customers up to a certain amount through overdrafts, if there are no deposits in the current account. For this, banks demand a security from the customers and charge very high rate of interest.
4. A banknote (often known as a bill paper money or simply a note) is a type of negotiable instrument known as a promissory note, made by a bank, payable to the bearer on demand. 译文:银票(通常称为纸币或钞票)是一种可流通票据,是银行发行的一种期票,见票即付。
Unit 4
1. If you don’t have an overseas rental experience, like many firsts in life, your first rental lease can be a super demanding task.
2.The best way to get a feel for an area is to visit and have a wander around on foot. If you’re not sure where to start, your first goal should be to nail down your destination and the approximate timing of your trip.
3. Whether you are dealing with an agent or a landlord, it’s important to remember you hold the upper hand.
4. It's unlikely most people will end up with a celebrity housemate, good or bad, but little things can make the difference between harmony and torment.
译文:大多数人不太可能总是碰到明星室友(受欢迎的好室友),因为一件小事有可能使室友关系变和谐也有可能使室友关系变紧张(产生和谐和痛苦的区别),无论是好事还是坏事。 5. Being a tenant who doesn’t pay on time is the best way to ensure your landlord or agent won’t go out of their way to help you.
译文:成为一个不按时付房租的人, 是让你的房东或中介不给你提供帮助的最好方法。/按时交房租是保证你的房东不遗余力帮助你的最好办法。
6. Keep in mind that the costs involved in air conditioning or heating can be sizable, so be sure
to factor those into your budget if the owner has not already included them in the rent. 译文:记住,空调和取暖的费用是相当高的,如果房主没有把它算在房租里面,你要记得把这些列入到你的预算里面。
7. To ensure that any existing damage is documented and that you aren’t blamed for something you haven’t done, photograph and/or video tape the property on the day you arrive.
Unit 8
1. It is especially important to check special terms and conditions of a particular procurement against your jurisdiction’s standard terms and conditions to ensure there are no conflicting provisions.
2. Although technical language emphasizes precision and efficiency of communication, a side effect of this is obvious, that is, a higher threshold for comprehensibility will give obstacles to those who are not quite familiar with this kind of language.
3. Issue your IFB when the potential for competition and lower prices is the greatest, and give vendors sufficient time to prepare bids.
4.Provide sufficiently detailed specifications to ensure that you will get what you want at a fair price, while omitting unnecessary details that unduly limit competition.
Unit 9
1. Good bid preparation requires a lot of time and effort and involves everything from reading and fully understanding the plans and specifications to accurately estimating costs for labor, materials and equipment.
做好投标准备工作需要大量的时间和精力,包括阅读和全面了解工程的计划和具体规划, 准确估算劳动力、材料和设备的成本。
2. Once you start crunching the numbers and you realize that your company won’t make a reasonable profit if you were to win the contract, the best thing to do is dump it and move on to the next project.
3. Having a good understanding of the existing site conditions can eliminate problems down the line if you were awarded a project. Unique site conditions like limited accessibility or a location that would require additional costs on items like transportation, equipment, material storage and labor could exist.
5. If you are using bid software or a calculator, errors can typically be attributed to not inputting your numbers correctly. If you are using a spreadsheet like Excel to calculate costs, check that your formulas are correct. Always double-check your math to make sure that all you numbers and calculations are correct.
6.It is important to understand what, if any, wage rates apply to the project you are bidding in order to incorporate those rates into calculating your labor costs. 重要的是,如果有的话,要清楚什么工资标准适用于你正在投标的项目以便于把它并入劳动力成本估算。
7.Even if your company owns all the equipment needed you need to make sure that it isn’t already allocated for use at another jobsite and that no major maintenance or repairs are scheduled that would take the equipment offline for an extended amount of time.
8.A good way to ensure that you have all the required paperwork for your bid is to use a checklist as you prepare your bid and then go back and double-check to make sure that everything is included.
9.At a minimum, you should get bids from at least three different companies for each trade you will need to subcontract out work for to ensure you are getting competitive prices.
Unit 10
1.Beyond all doubt, any overseas engineering project, generally linked to the construction and maintenance of local infrastructure, surely will draw particular attention of different organizations from the local government ,the local enterprises, the diplomats, the native residents and the native press to the domestic government and the top mangement of the company. 译文:毋庸置疑,任何一个与当地基础设施紧密相关的建筑及维护工程项目肯定会引起当地政府、当地企业、外交官、本地居民和媒体、国内政府以及公司上层管理部门等各级组织的特别关注。
2.Tip one: Remain calm
Your first reaction might be panic, but don’t, no matter who you are going to cope with! It is ok to be nervous, but remember that you can always be tested and honored by any inspections with fully-prepared management or consultants. It’s a good idea to conduct internal inspection on a routine basis and to have various members of the sites’ team participate so that they understand what may be expected of them during a real inspection. Another knack to keep calm is to dress properly, speak appropriately and answer questions directly.
3.Tip two: Identify the lead person
Communicate to the inspector that a certain person will be the overall contact during the inspection. The key individual will be generally responsible for dealing with the inspector, providing follow-up information, and filling the necessary internal reports/documentation associated with the inspection. The office administrator or secretary and others in the front office should be informed of a set procedure to follow and whom to contact when an inspector arrives. Also, have a back-up person in place because you never know when you might need them. 二:确定一个负责人
4.Tip three: Have an expeditious review
Most regulations and guidance will stipulate that expeditious review of records and documents should be available. This means that you cannot leave the inspector in the front lobby. If you need to call in an external resource, it’s always a good idea to do that before you head to the lobby to meet the inspector. Further, explain to the inspector that someone else will be assisting, if that’s the case. Kick the inspection off with a ‘kick-off’ meeting to establish the Who, Why, What, and Where that the inspector is expecting to accomplish.
大部分的检查规则和指南规定必须准备好可供快速查阅的记录和文件,这就意味着你不会将检查人员晾在会客厅。如果你需要其他的人来支援,在你去大厅会见检查人员之前就联系好。另外,要向检查员说明会有其他人来协助他们。开一个“启动会议”明确检查者期望检查的人、检查的原因、检查的对象以及检查地点。 5.Tip four: Plan the inspection tour
Once the inspector is identified and the aim of the inspection is figured out, make a clear plan of where to go and what to show specifically if the inspector would like to take your advice. If it not the case, just respect the inspector’s suggestion. For example, the inspector may ask to see equipment in operation. If you are the lead person, just work as a tour guide to take the most desirable direct path to the specific equipment, giving introductions or illustrations when necessary.
Many large corporations have internal policies to provide only data that is requested; nothing more. So as the lead person, be aware of the privacy and security obligations in the inspection, and not to arrange reception of visits around the confidential room. 四:安排检查路线