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Ⅰ 阅读理解

In the United States there are more than half a million criminals serving time in prisons. Most prisoners are male high school dropouts(退学者) between the age of 18 and 29. Even more shocking is the fact that the number and rate of

imprisonment has more than doubled over the past twenty years, and the recidivism(累犯) is more than 60 percent.

Although the aim of the criminal justice system is to get them back into society, the system itself doesn’t support such a goal. Although most prisons are located within the community, prisons are usually isolated(隔离的) and terribly overcrowded. Even in the better-equipped prisons, only one-third of the prisoners have job training opportunities or work release(监外就业) choices.

If prisons are to achieve the goal of getting prisoners back into society, then the prisons themselves will have to change. First, they will have to be smaller, housing no more than five hundred prisoners. It has been shown that crowding does not help improve(改进) behaviors. Second, they will have to be built in or near population centers with what prisoners need. This must include social services. Finally, prison programs must be reorganized to provide work release and job training for all prisoners, giving them skills that carry over into their lives after release. In addition to work release, successful models for such teamwork between the criminal justice system and the community already exist in several hundred half-way houses throughout the country where prisoners complete their sentences while beginning to rebuild their lives as productive members of society. Studies suggest that imprisonment as it is currently operated must be viewed as punishment rather than reform. Until we approach the problem in terms of changing behaviors, prisoners who are set free will probably return to a life of crime.

【解题导语】 本文是一篇议论文。文章讨论了美国监狱存在的问题并提出改革建议。 1.What can be learned about the prisoners in the U.S.? A.Most of them are high school graduates. B.About 60% of them are in their twenties. C.The number of them is decreasing these years. D.Under 40% of them are in prison for the first time.


D 解析:细节理解题。由第一段中的the recidivism(累犯) is more than 60 percent可知,初犯者不到40%。

2.What should be the goal of the criminal justice system? A.To raise public awareness of crime. B.To improve prisoners’ performance. C.To bring prisoners back to a normal life. D.To offer criminals job training opportunities.

C 解析:推理判断题。由第二段中的the aim of the criminal justice system is to get them back into society可知,监狱系统的最终目标是要让犯人回归社会,重新开启正常生活。

3.Why should prisons be built near towns or cities? A.They give prisoners hope for a better after-release life. B.Prison programs require a social support system. C.They benefit the prison reorganization. D.Prisons are better-equipped inside.

B 解析:推理判断题。由第三段中的Second, they will have to be built in or near population centers with what prisoners need. This must include social services.可知,监狱建在人口集中区域是为了利用社会支撑体系所提供的一系列基本社会服务。

4.Which of the following is necessary for prison improvement? A.Bigger prisons. B.Formal education. C.More isolated areas. D.Community support.

D 解析:细节理解题。由第三段中的successful models for such teamwork between the criminal justice system and the community already exist可知,社区支持对监狱改革很必要。

Ⅱ 完形填空

The hammer(锤子) may be the oldest tool we have record of.Not only is the hammer the oldest tool,but it’s also the 1 invention. What makes the hammer so great is its simplicity, 2 ,and usefulness.

The structure of the hammer is relatively 3 —a fact largely responsible for its early invention and 4 distribution across cultures and geographic areas.The hammer is made of two main 5 :a handle and a head.The handle is used to 6 the hammer.The head is used to 7 other objects.


8 the hammer is a very simple tool,it’s still able to produce great power.This power 9 two parts:the 10 of the head,and the speed at which the hammer is swung.Every hammer has a large amount of weight at the 11 .When a hammer is swung,this weight turns around the hand,which acts as a fulcrum(支点).The handle 12 the weight at a distance,acting as a lever arm(力臂).The weight of the head together with the speed given by the lever arm is what gives the 13 so much power.The heavier the head and the 14 it is swung,the more power a hammer 15 .

In addition to the hammer’s great power,it also has a wide range of 16 .A hammer can be made to pound nails.It can break apart 17 objects such as brick.It can bend and 18 metal.It can be used in the hot,harsh(艰苦的) business of blacksmithing.In times of danger,it can even be used to 19 yourself.

The hammer truly is a great tool.It’s simple,powerful,and useful.A symbol of labor,the hammer has come to 20 hard work and the spirit of human industry.

【解题导语】 本文是说明文。文章主要说明了锤子的特点、工作原理和用途。 1.A.cleverest C.greatest

B.smallest D.strongest

C 解析:由下文中的What makes the hammer so great可知,锤子不仅是最古老的工具,也是“最伟大的(greatest)”发明。

2.A.safety C.practicality

B.power D.convenience

B 解析:由第三段中的produce great power及最后一段第二句可知,锤子之所以是最伟大的发明源于其简易、“力量(power)”和用处。

3.A.simple C.special

B.strange D.stable

A 解析:由上文中的its simplicity以及该段的描述可知,锤子的结构相对“简单(simple)”。

4.A.equal C.local

B.general D.widespread

D 解析:由该空后的across cultures and geographic areas可知,锤子不仅是早期的发明,它的分布也非常“广(widespread)”。

5.A.metals C.stones

B.parts D.designs

B 解析:由该空后的a handle and a head可知,锤子主要由两“部分(parts)”组成:



6.A.turn C.point

B.swing D.push

B 解析:由第三段中的the speed at which the hammer is swung可知,手柄用来“挥动(swing)”锤子。

7.A.catch C.hit

B.affect D.control

C 解析:根据常识可知,锤头用来“击打(hit)”别的物体。 8.A.While C.Unless

B.Since D.If

A 解析:上下句之间是转折关系,故用“虽然(While)”。 9.A.belongs to C.combines with D

10.A.weight C.height

B.size D.length B.leads to D.results from

A 解析:由该句中的two parts:the...of the head,and the speed at which the hammer is swung和Every hammer has a large amount of weight可知,锤子的这种力量“来自(results from)”两部分:锤头的“重量(weight)”和锤柄挥动的速度。

11.A.handle C.back

B.body D.head

D 解析:由上下文的描述可知,锤“头(head)”有很大的重量。 12.A.passes C.carries

B.examines D.gets

C 解析:由上文的描述可知,锤柄“带着(carries)”锤头的重量,这之间有一定的距离,形成一个力臂。

13.A.person C.material

B.tool D.hand

B 解析:由文中的描述可知,锤头的重量和锤柄挥动的速度给锤子这一“工具(tool)”以极大的力量。

14.A.sooner C.closer D



B.farther D.faster


C.produces D.removes

C 解析:由文中的描述可知,锤头越重,锤柄挥动的速度“越快(faster)”,锤子“产生(produces)”的力量就越大。

16.A.uses C.tasks

B.results D.goals

A 解析:由第一段中的usefulness以及该段的描述可知,锤子还有很多“用途(uses)”。

17.A.common C.heavy

B.short D.hard

D 解析:由该空前的break apart和该空后的objects such as brick可知,锤子可以敲开像砖一样的“硬(hard)”物。

18.A.shake C.shape

B.roll D.fold

C 解析:由该空前的bend可知,锤子可以把金属打弯,给金属“定型(shape)”。 19.A.hide C.enjoy

B.protect D.change

B 解析:由该空前的In times of danger可知,在危险时刻,锤子还可以用来“保护(protect)”自己。

20.A.deepen C.develop

B.replace D.represent

D 解析:由上文中的A symbol of labor以及该空后的hard work and the spirit of human industry可知,作为劳动的象征,锤子已经用来“代表(represent)”辛勤的劳动和人类工业的精神。




