Lesson 25 Do the English speak English? 英国人讲的是英语吗?
Why does the writer not understand the porter?
I arrived in London at last. The railway station was big, black and dark. I did not know the way to my hotel, so I asked a porter. I not only spoke English very carefully, but very clearly as well. The porter, however, could not understand me. I repeated my question several times and at last he understood. he answered me, but he spoke neither slowly nor clearly. 'I am a foreigner,' I said. Then he spoke slowly, but I could not understand him. My teacher never spoke English like that! The porter and I looked at each other and smiled. Then he said something and I understood it.
'You'll soon learn English!' he said. I wonder. In England, each person speaks a different language. The English understand each other, but I don't understand them! Do they speak English?
【New words and expressions】(5) 1 railway ['reilwei] n.铁路 2 porter ['p?:t?] n.搬运工 3 several ['sev?r?l] 几个 4 foreigner['f?rin?] n.外国人 5 wonder ['w?nd?] v.感到奇怪 一.单词讲解: railway n. 铁路,铁道 [U] (Br.) / railroad (Am.)
a line of railway 一条铁路 railway station 火车站 railway n. 轨道 (pl.) [C]
eg. The railway was opened to traffic last year. 这条铁路是去年通车的。 high level railway 高架铁路 表示“地铁”的词汇: subway ['s?bwei] (Am.) tube [tju:b] (Br.) underground (Br.)
metro ['metr?u] (Paris) 地铁 rail n. 横杆,扶手,围栏,轨道 jump rail 出轨
stair rails 楼梯扶手 ride the rails 逃票乘火车
sit on the rails (Am.) 骑墙,保持中立 railing n. 栏杆 iron-bar railing 铁栏杆
porter n. 搬运工,脚夫(在车站,机场,旅馆等处的)
bellboy / pageboy (Am.) 旅馆,俱乐部等通常穿制服的男服务员 port n. 港,口岸 clear a port 出港 close a port 封港
reach a port / enter a port 入港
eg. Many ships frequent the port. 许多船只常来此港。 eg. Any port in a storm. 慌不择路,穷途之策。 (谚) several
1) more than three but fewer than many 一些,几个 eg. Several more people than usual came to the concert. 来音乐会的人比平常多了几个。
eg. I repeated my questions several times. 我把问题重复了几遍。 2) 各自的,各个的(文)
eg. Several men, several minds. 人各有志;10个人有10个样。(谚) foreigner n. 外国人
a blue-eyed foreigner 一个蓝眼睛的外国人
entertain foreigners 款待外宾 entertain [,ent?'tein] vt. & vi.款待, 招待 foreign ['f?rin] adj. 外国的,无关的,陌生的 foreign language foreign goods 外国货 foreign students 留学生 foreign affairs 外交事务 foreign policy 外交政策 foreign trade 外贸
eg. The question is foreign to the matter in hand. 这问题与处理中的事情无关。 eg. The subject is foreign to us. 我们对这个问题很陌生。 overseas / oversea adj. 在海外的,来自海外的,侨居海外的 overseas trade 海外贸易 adv. 在海外, 来自海外 go overseas 到海外去, adj. + er →n.
strange →stranger foreign →foreigner wonder n./v. 1) n. 奇迹
the seven wonders of the world 世界七大奇迹 eg. What a wonder. 真奇妙!
eg. It is a wonder that he survived the plane crash. 他在空难中幸存下来,真是个奇迹。 and no wonder / and little wonder (用来强调前面的句子)不足为奇,难怪 eg. He declined our offer, and no wonder. 难怪他拒绝了我们的给予。 decline [di'klain] vt. & vi.辞谢; 谢绝(邀请等) a nine-day wonder 一时的轰动
No wonder that… / It is no wonder that… 难怪… eg. No wonder you were late! 难怪你来晚了。 2) v. 感到惊奇、惊讶
wonder at sth 对某事感到惊奇
eg. We wonder at the speed of modern trains. 我们对现代火车的速度感到惊奇。 接宾语从句:
eg. I wonder that you weren’t killed. 真奇怪,你居然没有被杀死。 3. v. 对某事感到好奇,想知道 ask oneself questions eg. I wonder who he is. 我真想知道他是谁。
eg. I wonder whether you can lend me £20. 我想知道你是否能借给我20英镑。 wonderful adj. 令人惊奇的,绝妙的,神奇的(口) eg. She is a wonderful mother. 她是位伟大的母亲。 eg. She is a wonderful wife. 她是位极出色的妻子。 eg. The weather is wonderful. 天气棒极了。 eg. The teacher is wonderful. 这位老师非常好。
eg. The enthusiasm to study English is wonderful. 这种学习英语的热情是极棒的。 enthusiasm [in'θju:zi?z?m] n.热情, 热心;巨大兴趣, 热衷的事物
二、关键句型Key Structures 并列句
and, but, so ,yet, or, both...and, either…or, neither…nor, not only...but also, not only...but...as well
and 前后是顺承关系 but 前后是转折关系