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Part II:知识运用(共三节,50小题,每小题1分;满分50分) 第一节:词汇和语法(共15小题,每小题,分;满分15分) 21. They ____ go skiing in winter. A. right B. familiar C. family D. suit

22. The trees are so green and beautiful; they stand on ____ of street.

. both side B. each sides C. both sides D. every sides A 23. She tried _____ her tears.

A. keeping back B. to keep back C. to keep down D. keeping down 24. His mother ______ a doctor in the hospital.

A. works like B. works as C. is like D. is as 25. You _______ read that article if you don?t want to.

A. haven?t B. can?t C. mustn?t D. needn?t 26. I am going to the meeting, and _____.

A. so does Dave B. so goes Dave C. so is Dave D. Dave is so 27. She was very busy last week. Otherwise she _____ us more help.

A. would give B. would have given C. will have given D. will give

8. I need some blue ink badly, but there is ______ at hand. 2 A. not B. little C. none D. nothing

29. I visited two of the families and Tom met to see _____.

A. other B. others C. the other D. the others 30. Today?s weather isn?t as cold as it was yesterday, ______?

A. is it B. isn?t it C. was it D. wasn?t it 31. Is it necessary _____ the book immediately? A. that he returns B. his returning C. for him to return D. to him return

32. Hardly had the play started ______ there was a power cut. A. than B. when C. as D. until

33. He is said ______ a new color TV set.

A. buying B. to have buy C. having bought D. to have bought 34. Write clearly _____your teacher can understand you correctly.

A. since B. for C. case D. so that 35. Who is the comrade ____ was there?

A. whom B. that C. which D. whose


A. 根据提供的信息,从四个选项中选出一个符合对话情景或含义的答案,回答

所提出的问题。 36. ---Happy birthday. ----______.

A. It?s my pleasure B. Thank you

C. I?m glad you say so D. You are so kind. 37. ---Thank you for you help. ---_______.

A. Thank you, too. B. It doesn?t matter

C. The same to you D. You are welcome 38. ---Let me introduce myself. I?m Alice.


A. What a pleasure B. It?s my pleasure C. Pleased to meet you. D. I?m very pleased 39. ---Have you got any working experience? ---_______.

A. Yes, I want to talk to the manager.

B. Yes, I worked for two years at a large company. C. Yes, I saw your ad in a newspaper.

D. Yes, I can use a computer.

40. --- Do you mind if I sit next to you? ---_____.

A. Sit down, please. B. Not a bit.

C. I?d be glad to D. Yes, you may sit close to me.

41. ---Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me how to get to a bank? ---______.

A. You are welcome. B. Sorry, I?m a stranger here. C. You can?t miss it. D. That?s right 42. ---I?m so glad to meet you. --- ________.

A. Thanks B. So do I C. Me, too D. Great 43. ---How long has the factory been open?


A. Ten years B. Since ten years C. In ten years D. After ten years 44. ---Could you help me open the door? ---- _____.

A. Right B. Of course C. Yes, please D. That?s all right. 45. ----How often do you water the flowers? ---______. -

A. One day B. Once. C. Once a day D. Twice B. 补全对话, 要求符合对话情景或含义.(5分) Dialogue A: ___46___.

B: I was playing football with my classmates. A: Don?t you know I was worried about you? B: __47___.

A: Look, you?ve got a black eye. ____48___. B: The ball hit me in the eye A: Oh, It?s terrible. _____49_____. B: Not at all. A: _____50_____. B: Yes, mom.

A. Why are you so late today?

B. You must be more careful next time. C. Does it hurt?

D. Oh .What shall I do? E. I?m sorry. Mom. F. What?s wrong?

G. It doesn?t matter, mom.

C. 匹配题:阅读下面的英文告示或指令,找出与中文相匹配的英文表达,对应题号填写正确答案的编号(10分)

A. Entrance B. Cancel printing C. Be care of the thief ! D. No admittance

E. Make sure the disk is not write-protected F. Clean if infected G. Check your file format H. Shut

I. Accept the setting in the dialogue box J. This Side Up. K. Change icon L. One Way Street

51( )检查文件格式 52( )单行道 53( )此面向上 54( )谨防小偷

55( )改变图标 56( )在对话框,接受设置 57( )闲人免入 58( )此路不通

59( )确定磁盘没有写保护 60( )如果受感染立即清除 第三节:完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从61―70每题所给的四个选项中,选出 一个最佳答案。



