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1.Our country has many famous ______ heroes like Zheng Chenggong, as everyone knows. A.modern B. ancient C. old D. elder

2.It was a bad year for film, ______ both quantity and quality. A.according to B. in terms of C. rather than D. more than

3.______ its special location, the house facing the sea is very attractive. A.Because B. Because of C. Because that D. Cause

4.---How do you like Hope ______ ?

---It is a ______ of hope for it aims to help mainly school

dropouts as a result of poverty. A.project; sigh B. project; sight

B. C. project; sign D. project; symbol 5.Li Bai is known ______ a romantic poet. A.to B. for C. as D. of

6.If you want to enjoy yourself, it is a good choice to the café ______ this park. A.to opposite B. opposite C. oppositing D. opposite to

7.---What do you think of my son?

---He will be more excellent if he concentrates his attentions on his English ______ . A.by and by B. sooner or later C. little by little D. from time to time

8. When you go shopping, you will find so much _____ cheap but useful. A. produce B. product C. production D. produces

9. Although the two sides have ______ an agreement on stopping

firing, they are still at war from time to time. A. symbol B. signed C. marked D. signaled

10. ---Where is our monitor?

---He must be in the office, ______ ? A.mustn't he B. isn't he C. hasn't he D. haven't he

11. There are many beautiful mountains ______ in the south of China.

A. are located B. located C. lies D. lied

12. --- _____ is Cuba?

---It is off the coast of the United States. A.Wherever B. Whereabouts C. How

D. In which 13. Many a student ______ admitted to universities so far. A.has been B. had been C. was D. were

14. The two sides didn't reach an ______ how much money would

be donated to the flooded area. A. symbol on B. agreement on

C. representative of D. argument on

15. The soldier wanted to devote himself to his country, but

_______ he missed his family so much.

A. on the other hand B. on another hand C. in other ways D. as a result

16. The telephone is in a bad ______ . I cannot reach it. A. position B. occasion C. space D. vocation

17. --- I'm going to do some shopping.

--- _____ you're there, would you like to get some peaches? A. As B. While C. Then D. Where

18. This _______ increases to 72 percent during summer



