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河南省开封市第三十三中学九年级英语全册 Unit 4 What should you do Section B The first period and The second period学案(无

答案) 人教新目标版

一、教师寄语:Victory won't come unless I go to it. 二、学习目标:

1.知识目标:(1)What are you like? 2.能力目标:灵活运用虚拟语气表达句式。

3.情感目标:培养学生积极向上,从容自信的性格。 三、教学重、难点:虚拟语气的应用 四、学习过程: 1.预习导学:

--- 你是什么样的人?_________________________________________________ --- 我认为我有创造力而且外向.________________________________________ 问一个人的品质个性常用句型: What + _______ + sb. + _________ ? 还可用来问及事物的性质,形状及天气情况: What + _____ + sth. + _____? 而问一个人外表长什么样,则用句型: What + ________ + sb.+ __________? eg. 1)--- What __________________________________? ---- I’m pretty confident and energetic.

2).--- What _____________________________________? --- She is tall with long hair.

3).--- What _______ the table __________? --- It’s round.

4).--- _________ the weather __________? --- It’s cloudy. 2.自主学习:


________________________________________________________________ 1) __________________ “发言,讲话”, 相当于 __________________

2) __________________”全校师生 “ , 类似的还有: 全班学生________________




练习: 1) He used the _______ time to do this work . 2) ______ the students are having class now. 3) I can’t give you _______ my money. 4) Please tell me the ________ story. 3.拓展创新:

译: 你有很多朋友,而且你喜欢他人的陪同______________________________________________________________

很多的;充足的________________, 可修饰复数名词或者不可数名词, 只用于陈述句, 在疑问句中一般用enough , 在否定句中用 many 或much. 请注意: plenty of / a lot of / lots of + 复数 或不可数名词 many / a number of / large numbers of + 复数名词 much / a great deal of / a great amount of + 不可数名词 many a + 单数名词 + 动词单三 (许多……) quantities of + 复数或不可数名词 + 动词原形

e.g. 1).There __________________________________milk in the glass .


2).There _________________________________eggs in the basket.


3).Many a book _______ been published this year.


4).A great deal of money ________ (be) spent on the bridge. 5).Quantities of food ________ (be) on the table .(桌上食物丰盛.)

6). He doesn’t have plenty of friends, he always stays at home alone. (改错)



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( ) ________________ 4.合作探究: 翻译下列句子:


______________________________________________________________ B.你也可能宁愿呆在家里读一本好书,而并不愿去参加聚会。

______________________________________________________________ ⑴________________ “而不是”, 所连接的部分前后一致. 我想呆在家里而不是在学校里.

I want to stay at home ______ _______ ______ ________.

⑵would rather do sth. than do sth. (____________________________________) a) 我宁愿踢足球也不愿去跳舞. _________________________________________ b) 这个腼腆的姑娘宁愿在家干活,也不愿去参加聚会.

The shy girl ____________________________________________________ 拓展:

◆ prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. 或prefer doing sth . rather than doing


(1) 我宁愿看书也不愿无所事事. I prefer _________________________do nothing. (2) I prefer _________(get ) up early rather than going to school without breakfast. ◆ rather than 有时省去than , 但比较的意义仍然存在. I _____ _______ _______ with you . (我宁愿和你一起去.)

◆ prefer + n. / doing to + n ./ doing (和……相比 ,更加喜欢……) --- Which sport do you like better , soccer or basketball ? --- I prefer playing soccer to __________ basketball. 达标巩固( 时间:10分钟 )

一、 词汇.

1. I feel c__________ about my future. I believe I have a safe and bright future. 2. Don’t b__________ me . I’m thinking. 3. I asked his p___________ to use the car.

4. He is an e____________ man. He is hardly ever tired. 5. Tom i____________ himself to us on the first day.



6. She sings English songs f__________ well. 7. You look unhappy . What a__________ you?

8. The girl is a little shy. She has a small c___________ of friends. 9. My friend Jim is a good l__________ when we get together. 10. C_________ people usually like art and music.

11. Social s__________ don’t bother you in the s__________, because you are so confident.

But you might a_________ other people.

12. He would rather _________ (read) at home than _________(play) volleyball. 13. I prefer to _________(am hungry) rather than ________(cook) for myself 二、单项选择.

( )1.What _______ you do if you won plenty of money ? A. will B. shall C. would D. do

( )2.You like running rather than ___________. A. walk B. walking C. to walk D. walks

( )3.I’d invite her _____________ dinner at my house . A. have B. to have C. had D .having ( )4.Gina is very clever .She is __________.

A. confident success B. confident of success C. confident of successful D. confident for success

( )5.The rest of the students __________ in the zoo for an hour. A. has been B. have been C. has gone D .have gone

( )6.In such a hot day, I would rather _______ at home than _____ out in the sun. A. to stay , go B. to stay, to go C. stay , to go D. stay , go

( )7.When you meet any problem ,you’d better ask your teacher for _________. A. some advices B. some advice C. a few advices D. few advice

( )8.If a friend said _________ about you, would you care about what he said? A. nothing bad B .bad something C. something well D. something bad ( )9.Tom is very shy. He is afraid __________ in public. A. to speak B. say C. talked D. telling

( )10.”What is your English teacher like ?” “______________________”

A. He likes fruit and vegetables. B. He is very kind . C. He is fine . D. He is 30 years 课后反思:





