论文分类导航 急求英美文学中论文选题 问题表述:an
analysis of english humor from the perspective of pragmatics 从语用学角度分析英语幽默 dark and melancholy in the scarlet letter-the interation between nathaniel hawthorne 问题回复: an analysis of english humor from the perspective of pragmatics 从语用学角度分析英语幽默
dark and melancholy in the scarlet letter-the interation between nathaniel hawthorne and the scartlet letter沉郁《红字》--论纳塞尼尔?霍桑和《红字》之间相互影响
symbolism enbodied in the heroes of lord of the flies 人物象征《蝇王》体现
on the comparison of the marriage between the tujia and englang 小议土家族与英格兰婚俗之差异
on the means of second language acquisition浅谈第二语言习得方法
on the emotional variation of the ghost in the phantom of the opera《歌剧魅影》鬼魅情感变化
problems existing in bilingual education in university双语教学大学存问题
on the character of blifil in the history of tom jones, a founding 浅析《汤姆?琼斯》布力菲尔人物性格
on the differences in educational reform between china and america浅析美改革差异
on translation of english prepositions试译介词翻译 the study of culture on dining-table in english-
a comparative study of body language in english-speaking countries and china 国与英语国家肢体语言对比研究
on the ideals of modern women from the scarlet letter 从《红字》看现代女性意识
on strategies of english vocabulary learning for college students 浅谈大学生英语词汇学习策略
the study of the realistic significance of robinson crusoe《鲁滨逊漂流记》现实意义研究
021021016 杜 娟 translation of culture and facsimile of culture文化翻译与文化传真
the revelation of second language learning theory to foreign language teaching 二语学得理论对外语教学启示
the change of sino-american relations after september 11th 9.11 之美关系变化
culture difference in pragmatics从语用看西语言文化差异
analysis on football and the competitive spirits embodied in the games 解析足球及比赛体现竞技精神
on the influence of language situation on english teaching试论语言环境对英语教学影响
the translation of automobile trademarks and advertising slogans汽车商标及其广告主题句翻译
on the characteristics of english animal idioms浅谈英语动物习语特征
the building of poe’s horror爱.伦坡恐怖营造手法
radical henry in the picture of dorain gray《道林?格雷肖像画》极端亨利
exploration of the theme in sons and lovers《儿子与情人》主题探讨
the translation of expressions with chinese characteristics 有国特色词汇英译
on the theme of king lear论《李尔王》主题思想
on the changes of marner’s characters论织工马南性格变化
the comparison of several negative forms in english 英语若干否定形式比较
culture difference and dfferent business etiquette between china and western countries西方文化差异及商务礼仪同
on the characteristic of american legal culture论美国法律文化特点
isolationism tradition in american diplomatic history美国外交史上孤立主义传统
the study of culture of flowers in western countries 浅谈西方国家花文化
on the language characteristics of ucp500浅议《ucp500》语言特点
differences of american dream in benjamin franklin’s
autobiography and in reality 论美国梦本杰明.富兰克林《自传》和现实差异性
on feminists in uncle tom’s cabin《汤姆叔叔小屋》女性人物研究 on women characters in sons and lovers 论《儿子与情人》女性形象
on language features and translation of bussiness contract 论商务合同语言特点和翻译
the arts of body languege in intercultural communication跨文化交际身势语艺术
the english classroom interaction under the new curreculum新课标背景下英语课堂互动
on the writing and translation of foreign trade contracts论涉外经济合同写作与翻译
on eternal life of helen burns in jane eyre论《简?爱》海伦?彭斯生命永恒性
the effect of chinese action film to the film indurstry of hollywood 国动作片对好莱坞电影业影响
on the comparison of classroom question raising of chinese and american teachers美教师课堂提问方法比较
the connection between rock music and american culture摇滚乐与美国文化联系
on the application of quality education in english teaching浅谈素质教育英语教学运用
on the application of multimedia in english teaching浅谈多媒体及其英语教学运用
on the symbolic and realistic significance of le petit prince 浅析《小王子》象征意义与现实意义
on the translation of comparative sentence patterns浅谈比较句式翻译几问题
on the culture differences from the realistic films of china and the western从西现实主义电影看文化差异
the common features of american favorite chinese movies美国人喜爱国电影共性
skopostheory and chinese-english translation of tourist materials翻译目论与旅游资料汉英翻译