中国继续医学教育 第11卷 第21期 47
郭辉1 马贺骥1 田川2
【中图分类号】G642 【文献标识码】A【文章编号】1674-9308(2019)21-0047-03doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-9308.2019.21.021
Reflections On Doctor-patient Communication Among Medical Students in the New Era
GUO Hui1
MA Heji1
TIAN Chuan2
1 Department of Radiology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Jinzhou Medical University, Jinzhou Liaoning 121000, China; 2 Ultrasonography Department
[Abstract] With the development of the times, under the influence of many factors, the contradiction between doctors and patients is increasing, and the doctor-patient relationship is becoming more and more tense. This severe situation has seriously impacted the medical service market and increased work stress and psychological stress of medical personnel. It has also become a prominent problem affecting the construction of the harmonious society. The main reason why doctor-patient relationship becomes sensitive and nervous is that communication between doctors and patients is not smooth. Doctor-patient communication is the process by which medical staff and patients use verbal and non-verbal to convey information in the medical process. Through communication, patients understand the disease, and medical staff can fully understand the patient's disease and make corresponding remediation programs to enable patients to recover. Communication is an important part of the communication between doctors and patients, and it is also a necessary form for doctors and patients to exchange ideas. Medical students should have good communication skills. Good communication between doctors and patients not only helps medical students to establish a good sense of service, but also helps patients and medical staff to understand each other. It can also alleviate patients suffering from diseases and improve the treatment effect.[Keywords] doctor-patient relationship; doctor-patient communication; medical students; medical staff; service awareness; communication skills
长期以来,我国医学教育比较重视医学生职业技能培养,对人文素质和交往能力培养重视不够,致使临床医务人员在交往中作者单位:1 锦州医科大学附属第一医院放射线科,辽宁 锦州 121000;2 超声科
缺乏人文关怀。“先天不足”使他们在临床实践中沟通技能匮乏。伤医闹医事件不但给医务人员带来压力,也加剧了医患关系紧张。患者对医疗服务满意度要求越来越高,医疗过程中因经济问题总会质疑医务人员提供的治疗方案,不配合治疗导致病情加重,最后将一切责任推卸给医务人员,由此埋下医患纠纷隐患。这些问题来源于医患间缺乏沟通。据统计,医患纠纷少数是因技术问题,多数是因缺乏沟通。有时医务人员用不同语气说话矛盾就可能产生。不可否认,良好的沟通才能增强医患间的信任,改善医患关系,营造和谐的医患关系[1]。1 医患沟通在医学中的重要性1.1 有利于医生了解和诊断病情
在医疗过程中,医患沟通可以让医生了解患者的病情并从中对症下药。在诊疗中医患沟通可以让医学生详细全面地了解到患者疾病的有关信息,如疾病的来源、发展过程及身体状况。在此过程中与患者沟通越多,获得的信息就越详细越全面,诊断疾病的可靠程度就越高,还可以避免许多辅助的检查为,患者节省不必要的开支。这一过程十分重要,不可省略。如若缺少沟通,对患者的疾病一无所知就下诊断结果将会加重患者的病情发展同时也加重了患者的经济负担,还容易引起医患间的纠纷。良好的医患沟通既能让医生准确地了解患者的病情,从而确定最佳地治疗方案,又能让患者积极配合医务人员接受治疗,感受到更满意的服务并且提高治疗效果尽早恢复。1.2 有利于患者增强抗病信心
法国语言大师雨果说过:“语言就是力量”。医疗过程中医务人员的一句鼓励或是一句安慰,就能帮助患者增加勇气面对疾病,打消对疾病的恐惧。患者在疾病的状态下,会感到痛苦和情感脆弱,从而导致对疾病治疗失去信心,有效的医患沟通能够协调患者的心理状态并帮助患者重拾信心。在治疗过程中尽量消除不利于身心康复的因素,树立起患者康复的信念,加速疾病痊愈。1.3 有利于减少纠纷