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2. I love my girlfriend, but she complains a lot about my clothes. She doesn’t want to go anywhere with me because I always wear old jeans and a T-shirt. I don’t care about looking like a fashion magazine. I just want to be comfortable! What’s your advice? Expert’s opinion: I think you ought to have a serious talk with your girlfriend and explain how you feel. We all have our own style and taste. In my opinion, she thinks too much about appearances. Optional Listening 4

Today I started my new part-time job as a trendspotter. I was nervous and didn’t know what to expect. Well, guess what? It was a lot of fun! I’m telling all my friends, “You should think about becoming a trendspotter, too”

On Saturday morning, we had to report to a recording studio by 10 a.m. The “Trends Coordinator,” Mandy, explained the schedule. Then she gave us a tour. That was really cool!

Next we sat around a big table in a room. They gave each person three cards. One card said “Yes—All the way!” Another said, “It’s OK.” The third one said, “No way!” We listened to about 10 different songs. After each song we had to hold up a card. They played

some hip hop, rock, heavy metal; and dance music. The heavy metal was “No way” for me.

Do you know the rock group called “Gifted”? They’re really popular right now. Well, they have a new CD coming out. We saw six different CD covers. (I guess they are trying to choose one.) This time, we didn’t have cards. Instead, we just talked about the covers we liked. Mandy asked us questions, “Which ones do you like?” “Why do you like them?” “Would you buy a CD with this cover?” We finished at 12:30. We will meet again next week at a boutique downtown. We will look at some new fashions. Each week we go to a different location. Oh yes, we also received a free CD for our tour. This “job” doesn’t pay, but we get a free stuff! That’s all for now! Keys

OL1: A Elena: New York Vicki: Hong Kong

B. Gio: brother/usual Elena: store in neighborhood /retro, old-fashioned Vicki: mother, classic

OL2:A. f c b B. 1. You could look for friends on the internet. 2. You shouldn’t wear pants. You definitely ought to wear a dress.

3. You had better get some help or you will fail the test. You had better not delay taking the test.

OL3 A. b a B. Sorry, but I have to side with, want to show off, in your free time.

have a serious talk, style and taste, too much about appearance. OL4 B. 1. She was nervous and didn’t what to do. 2. She had to report to a recording studio by 10 a.m. 3. They had to decide which song was “OK”, and which one was “No way”. 4. They just talked about the covers they liked. 5. They are going to look at some new fashions.

C. 1. doesn’t pay, Not a good salary 2. week, Not month 3. six CD covers, not one CD cover 4. a “ No way” card, Not an “It’s OK ” card

OL5: 1. jogging; 2.more and more; 3. disagrees; 4. increase; 5. gets tired; 6.stop to rest; 7. had better; 8. get some ice cream; 9. of all athletes; 10.afer a workout. Unit 5, Book 2 Optional Listening 1

Mike: …So, we can look forward to warmer temperature. It’ll be a good weekend for the beach. Over to you, Alexa.

Alexa: Thank you for that weather report, Mike. And finally, this story just in. … We have a report that a local man, Nick Brown, saw some strange lights. He was driving home at about 10 p.m. He said the lights were bright and they moved across the sky. He stopped at a gas station and talked to a police officer about the lights. The police officer had seen the lights, too.

M: Hmmm, … that’s strange story. What happened next?

A: Well, Mr. Brown took some pictures, but there was no film in his camera. Finally, he called his wife on his cell phone. But by that time, the lights were gone.

M: Well, I know that there is a legend around here about mysterious lights … a lot of local people have seen the lights. It’s starting to seem like those lights really exist.. What do you think, Alexa? A: I don’t believe it. I think it’s some kind of hoax! Optional Listening 2

It was raining heavily. I couldn’t see clearly. I drove slowly. Suddenly, I saw a young girl. She was dressed neatly and standing

in the middle of the road. I was surprised! Somehow, I stopped the car quickly. “What are you doing?” I asked. She looked at me strangely but didn’t answer. “Are you OK?” I asked. “I’m fine,” she answered. Then she smiled happily and walked away quietly. Nervously, I drove to my hotel and checked in. I told the clerk about the little girl. “Do you know her?” I asked. “Oh yes,” he said calmly. “That’s Mary Anne. She died five years ago on that road. It was a car accident during a rainstorm.” Optional Listening 3 A. The Tunguska mystery

It was early morning, June 30, 1908, in eastern Russia. Suddenly, a terrible explosion rocked the forest in Tunguska. People fell to the ground, and all the trees for 2000 square kilometers were down. People heard the explosion 800 kilometers away, and the fire burned for many weeks.

B. What caused this terrible explosion? A century later, scientists are still trying to find the answer. Here are some possible explanations.

1. An asteroid: Asteroids are very large pieces of rock that goes around in space and sometimes hit the planet. They can cause lots



